Annoying mosquitos.

Ark wouldn't really call himself a believer of fate, but seeing these three humans in front of him, he couldn't help but feel that it was a little weird. This was one hell of a coincidence. In front of them, one young lady and two men stood quietly. The young lady was standing in the middle, and her hair was a rare dark green colour. Next to her were two twins, both clothed in dark blue armour, with azure coloured eyes and pitch-black hair.

The three of them seemed to be in pretty bad shape at the moment, especially the two guards. The girl was always being protected by the two, and so her shape was fairly good, but the same could not be said about the twins. This time they had been through a fierce battle, one of them had a long cut along his stomach, and the other one had small wounds all over his body. Even though their injuries were a little different, they were both covered in their own blood.