Old Shop

In a small shop somewhere in Calmond City, the creaking of an old door signalled the arrival of a few more customers. A calm old man sat behind the counter and was in the middle of inspecting a mana crystal. The magnifying glass in his hand was put down as he raised his head to look at his new customers. He often tried not to judge his customers from their appearance, but he found it hard not to. 

Right now for example, 4 customers had walked into his store, and judging from what they were wearing, he could guess that they probably had plenty of money. They all dressed pretty neatly, and Ark, Ephine and Atar seemed like a well-off family, probably from some noble house. Well, that was until he saw the way they talked and even the way they walked around, there was no way they were from a noble house. At the same time, the old man was sure that they weren't normal, he just wasn't really sure what made them so abnormal except for their clothes.
