Making friends is easier said than done!

"You guys are finally here, I thought you weren't going to show up!"

Hearing this, Ark felt like laughing. Despite just idling around and having nothing to do, they had still managed to show up late. 

"Yeah sorry about that, at least we're here now right?" He didn't really think too much about it, but he still apologised out of common courtesy. 

Kanan just laughed, they were only late by a few minutes, of course he wasn't mad at them. Since Lily and Lillia were still waiting for them inside, they didn't idle too long outside. Lily and Lillia sat at a rather large table in a corner of the establishment, looking a little dejected, but as they saw Ark's group arrive accompanied by Kanan, their expressions immediately lit up in delight. To be quite honest, just like Kanan, they had doubted whether or not Ark and his group was going to come or not, but seeing them arrive instantly brought smiles to their faces.