A Painful Choice

Although Ark was ready to fight with his life on the line, the shadows didn't seem too bothered by the fact. Their indifference to his bloodlust and killing intent was pretty demoralising. Although Ark was feeling a little hopeless, he would never let it be known to his enemies. His mind was rapidly trying to figure out the best way to get them out of this situation, but he really couldn't seem to figure anything out. 

He felt like they were just here after him, but he couldn't be entirely sure, and even if they were just after him, nothing guaranteed that they would leave Ephine and the rest alone. From the time they showed up until now, they had never really paid attention to anyone other than Ark, but after the first attack, they hadn't done anything else except for just eerily standing there. 

Since they weren't immediately attacking him, Ark decided to try and communicate with who he presumed to be their leader. 

"What do you want from us?"