
After taking care of the lich, Ark slowly descended back to the ground and walked over to his companions. Whilst he had been dealing with the lich, the others had grouped up and helped Ephine to get back on her feet. As Ark walked over, he noticed how much larger he had grown, and that he was currently towering over everyone else. To make things less awkward, he swiftly transformed into his human form and used magic to create something to cover himself up with. 

With a gentle smile and tears in his eyes, the first thing he did after walking over was to embrace Ephine in a hug. Atar didn't want to be left out, so he swiftly hugged Ark's waist from the side. The others could only look on from the side, keeping quiet so as to not disturb them. 

"I knew you would make it out alive," Ephine said weakly, with tears running down her face.

"Papa, never leave us behind again..." Atar added, with some snot running from his nose.