New Companions.

As Sharon and Edward were busy staring, Cecily and John quietly approached Atar. Maybe it was because he was the smallest of the three or because his human form was just a child like them, but they felt less scared of him. Atar didn't know what they wanted, so he watched them silently. Ark and Ephine were also curious to see what they were up to, but they kept quiet so the children wouldn't know that they had noticed them. 

Cecily was a little older and braver than her little brother, so after mustering up her courage, she stuck her hand out, and gently brushed it against Atar's fur. After seeing that Atar didn't react, Cecily became a little braver and started furiously patting Atar's fluffy fur with an excited expression on her face. John followed his sister and was also enamoured with the feeling of Atar's fluffy fur. The two scared parents watched as their children ran around and patted a big wolf over and over again, not so sneakily giggling to themselves.