New Comrades.

As Sharon was petting Mado, Ark was feeling a little worried about Ephine and Edward. They had been gone for a few hours and still hadn't returned. Although he didn't think that anything would happen to her, he couldn't help but be a little worried. Ephine was very strong, that much was true. But she was far from invincible, and plenty of humans had similar or stronger strength than her. 

Whilst Ark felt a little worried, John, Atar and Cecily ran over curiously. They didn't know where the cat had suddenly shown up from, but neither John nor Cecily cared as they curiously sized it up. Atar was feeling a different feeling, wariness. The others couldn't sense it because they were too weak, but Atar could feel that this cute cat had a deep strength hidden within. After a questioning glance at Ark, Atar calmed down after seeing him nod with a smile.