
Yan Mei paused with her tongue inside his mouth as she realized that Fei Lei was wide awake now.

Fei Lei swallowed the jerky she was feeding him, and for a few seconds, everything was quiet.

Yan Mei jerked her head back and watched as Fei Lei lifted himself up slightly by leaning on his elbows. He then turned to Yan Mei with a nervous expression and said, "Um...Thanks for the meal?"

Yan Mei's face suddenly burst tears as her reddened cheeks puffed up, she then pulled her hand back and punched him in the face while shouting, "Go back to sleep!"

Fei Lei's head hit his pillow while Yan Mei jumped around the room grabbing her hand in pain as she said, "Ouch, ouch, ouch! Forget everything!"

Fei Lei scratched the side of his head and said with an embarrassed tone, "Um...No?"

Yan Mei ran out of his room in a fluster, she was so embarrassed, she couldn't even look in his general direction.

Fei Lei looked around and tried to stand up and felt his knees wobble. He noticed that his body still felt rather weak, but after using the Innervision spell he discovered that everything had healed accordingly, and he was completely healthy.

He continued to look around the room and saw the leftover food on a large plate next to him. Touching his lips, Fei Lei thought back to what transpired moments earlier and smiled. He then stood up, walked out of his room, and over to Yan Mei's room.

Stopping at her door, Fei Lei knocked on it and heard her reply, "Please go away?" with a muffled voice.

Fei Lei smiled and opened the door to see her pushing her face into her pillow.

When he approached her, Yan Mei peeked out at him and asked, "Why won't you go away?"

Fei Lei watched her sit up and wipe the tears from her red cheeks. When he noticed the scar on her face, Yan Mei tried to hide it by turning her face away.

Fei Lei sat down beside her and showed an awkward expression before he asked, "I didn't need know? Wear a diaper...did I?"

Yan Mei blushed even harder as she said, "I thought that you might need that as well...and then...I...found out...but no, for some reason, you haven't had to know."

"Oh, thank god! That means I managed to cast my healing spell in time. It took the nutrients from the food you feed me and used to accelerate my healing." Fei Lei sighed a breath of relief.

Fei Lei's eyes then widened as he mulled over Yan Mei's answer in his head, he then looked at her and asked, "Wait a minute! Did...did you check?

Yan Mei paused as her face continued to brighten up, "Well, I had too, right?"

Fei Lei's face shined red as the two sat in awkward silence for a few minutes. Fei Lei then sighed before he said, "I'm glad you're okay."

Suddenly, Yan Mei saw his hand reach out to her cheek, she then felt his calloused fingers turn her face towards his own.

Fei Lei ran his thumb across the small scar and saw the sad expression on her face, he then leaned in closer and asked, "Did you get this protecting me?"

"This is nothing!" Yan Mei shouted.

"You almost died Fei Lei! Why didn't you just leave me behi…" Yan Mei's words were cut off as she froze and suddenly felt him gently kiss the scar on her cheek. Her face lit up as he moved closer to her lips.

"Is this the mouth that fed me?" Fei Lei asked as she felt his breath on her lips.

Yan Mei blushed as she stared into his eyes and nodded her head.

Fei Lei smiled and said, "Then I should do something to pay it back."

Without waiting, he kissed Yan Mei and made her feel like she was floating on a cloud.

She responded to his passion and kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck as she laid into his exposed chest.

After more than a few seconds, Fei Lei separated their lips and watched as Yan Mei panted for air.

"Where did you learn that with your tongue?" Yan Mei asked with a flustered expression.

Fei Lei grinned and scratched the side of his head chuckled before saying, "I don't know, it just, sorta, came to me. Instinct, I guess."

"Papa was right, you are a player!" Yan Mei shouted as she puffed her red cheeks.

Fei Lei chuckled again before picked up her hands and kissed them, he looked into her eyes and said, "And these must be the hands that cared for me."

Yan Mei's legs felt weak as she buried her head in his chest, she then mumbled out, "Not..fair! Your words aren't fair!"

Yan Mei suddenly felt Fei Lei's arms wrap around her waist as he declared, "You're mine now, no one else is allowed to have you!"

Yan Mei blushed, she lifted her head and stared into Fei Lei's eyes with a happy yet tearful expression.

She nodded her head and gave a soft, "Mn!" before she started to cry a bit into his chest.

Fei Lei smiled as he stayed there with her and just enjoyed the moment. He could smell the scent of her soap coming off her body, the fragrance of roses mixed with her natural odor and pheromones made Fei Lei a little stir crazy.

His body was far more sensitive to such things as he almost lost his sense of reason.

Reigning in his impulse to jump her, Fei Lei lifted her chin and satiated his hunger with a deep kiss.

His hand roamed her face as his tongue danced in her mouth, Fei Lei's ability to feel through the skin on his calloused fingertips was slightly numb, but even so, his body's enhanced sensitivity he was still able to tell that her skin was as soft as a petal.

Fei Lei felt himself losing control over his self-control as held her closer and felt his hands sink to her waist. Touching her body sent an addictive feeling that seemed to be amplified by Fei Lei's unique physique.

Realizing something was affecting him, Fei Lei pulled himself back for a breather.

He wasn't expecting her to grab his hair and pulled him back in.

After kissing for a while longer, they separated only to gasp for air, they stared at each other for a while when Yan Mei sunk back into his chest with a glowing smile on her face and said, "You're mine, Fei Lei! You're mine! You hear?!"

The two continued to snuggle for a while, after a few minutes they separated their lips and stared into each other's eyes as they embraced on top of Yan Mei's bed.

The quiet began to create an awkward atmosphere when the two parted slightly. Yan Mei then coughed into her fist before saying, "We'…that was nice."

The two let out a soft chuckle that killed the tension.

"So, how long until your parents return?" Fei Lei asked, running his hand through her hair.

"They went to explore a world dungeon with grandfather. It could be years more before they return," Yan Mei answered as she kissed Fei Lei softly.

"Well, I think it's time for Teacher Mei to make another appearance. What exactly is a World Dungeon?" Fei Lei asked continuing to run his hand through her hair.

"A World Dungeon is when Mana spontaneously erupts in locations along the Layline. For some reason, this phenomenon usually forms into a powerful monsters' den where the rarest magical items materials can manifest. But there's a catch to it, besides the dungeon spawning magical creatures, there's a boss-type that guards the Dungeon Core. A powerful item used in many magical artifacts," Yan Mei explained.

Fei Lei was growing interested, his eyes sparkled when asked said, "How often do they pop up?"

"Small less dangerous ones appear all the time, they even have competitions to see who can enter in some places. So, the dungeon events are usually handled by the guild, but larger ones like the one my parents went to are very rare and dangerous. The once in a hundred years kind of rare," Yan Mei answered as she sat down near him.

"Do you know the locations of any small ones? Fei Lei asked with a grin on his face.

Yan Mei smiled back as she turned around, placed her hands on Fei Lei's lap, and leaned close to his face before excitedly saying, "Yes! Do you want to conquer one with me? It's always been a dream of mine to form a party and go dungeon diving!"

Yan Mei's passionate attitude suddenly deflated as she said, "But, the closest dungeon I know of won't respawn for another month or so."

Fei Lei chuckled at how quickly she changed gears, alongside the expression they brought.

After spending enough time making out, they both decided that they've spent enough time in bed recovering and that they should go for a walk.

The two walked outside and enjoyed the sunlight as they strolled around the garden, chatting about miscellaneous subjects concerning their lives.

Yan Mei explained that her uncle on from her mother's side was supposed to be the next family head, but all that changed after she was born, "You see, I was born with very rare Mana Roots, so grandfather started grooming me to take over, Uncle and his son have been messing with me ever since.

Fei Lei started to frown as he continued to listen to Yan Mei's story, "At first it was just bullying, but, six years ago it got much worse. When Grandpa took Papa, Mama, and Aunty to conquer the dungeon, they started withholding training resources, suppressed my teachers from visiting, and did everything in their power to hinder my progress."

Fei Lei sighed as he felt Yan Mei clench tightly to his hand, he gave her gentle squeeze to comfort her before he said, "I was wondering why a Royal Mage was so under-leveled at your age. I was told me most kids my age that have good resources and come from good families would be around the level of a Sorcerer."

"Yes but they couldn't stop me completely, a lot of the maids and butlers are still very loyal to my parents. They did what they could to help me, but eventually, my uncle and his supporters isolated me from them, and after they were forced to leave, all I had left were the books they gave me." Yan Mei replied as she started to quiver.

"It was around that time when I learned that I had a talent for Enchantment. I was mostly left alone, and the guards weren't very attentive, so I found a way to sneak out," Yan Mei spoke out when tears suddenly formed at the edge of her eyes.

"I had no idea my uncle would send assassins after me. I know we didn't get along, but he's still my family, I don't want to hate him. I never wanted to be the next family head anyways." Yan Mei shouted as the tears rolled down her face.

Fei Lei hugged her and comforted Yan Mei by saying, "I really don't like your uncle! If I ever see him in person, I'll give that bastard a good talking to! You didn't deserve that, a family is supposed to protect their own, not harm them."

Yan Mei smiled as she pulled herself close to Fei Lei and said, "We're too weak for that, Uncle is almost an Arch Wizard, he's also 120 years old. Though we weak at the moment, our talent is higher than his, so I know that we can catch up to him. I bet my life on it."

After kissing him, Yan Mei leaned on his shoulder as they walked side by side and asked, "What about you? How'd you end up wanting to do...well, all of this?"

Fei frowned a bit as he tried to hold back the anger of his past and said, "Because I was a Child Mage Slave."

Yan Mei's expression turned to shock as more tears filled her eyes.

Fei Lei gave her a peck on the cheek and said, "Thanks for crying for me, I was also told to cherish the people who would do that."

He then quickly clued her in on what happened in his past, he started with the death of his parents. In response, Yan Mei gripped his hands and started crying even harder.

Wiping the tears from her cheek, Fei Lei smiled and kissed her again.

He continued telling her about his time on the street, and how the mage that discovered him sold him into slavery.

"I never asked to be picked off the street, and I most certainly didn't ask to become a slave," Fei Lei declared as he gripped his fist tightly.

Yan Mei felt bad for him, her family owns many slaves as well, but they didn't mistreat them. They gave them homes made them butlers and maids to let them work off their debts to become free citizens once again.

She knew what went on in slave encampments outside her kingdom, and knowing the fact that not even the children are spared from their torture, made Yan Mei hug him tightly.

She squeezed her body closer to his and said, "I'm sorry."

"For what? It's not like your family was responsible for enslaving me, and I plan to get my revenge against that Mage someday. Not to mention the bandits that killed my parents," Fei Lei said and he puffed out a breath of foul air.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Yan Mei asked with a dull look on her face.

"Well, I got to meet my Teacher and you because of being enslaved, so it wasn't all bad," To his surprise, Fei Lei felt a little better after talking about his issues.

"I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now, who is your Master?" Yan Mei asked.

"Teacher!" Fei Lei said with an upset tone.

"Pardon?" Yan Mei said looking a little bewildered.

"He is my Teacher, never my Master," Fei Lei responded with a cold expression on his face.

Yan Mei felt like kicking herself, she knew why he was pissed and squeezed her arms around him as she said, "I'm, sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Fei Lei sighed and replied by saying, "No, I'm sorry, It's just, I really hate the word. Merely hearing it takes my mind back to a place I don't want to go."

Yan Mei gave him a kiss on the cheek before she said, "Still, I'll feel a little bad."

"It's fine, I know you didn't mean anything by it," Fei Lei said before kissed her back.

"So what do you want to do? You know, until the dungeon opens?" Yan Mei asked as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

Fei Lei scratched his head and said, "Oh, I got it!"

He pulled her over to the town in progress and showed her what looked like a giant hollowed-out Hypertorus made from of stone.

Fei Lei walked up to it and said, "This is a power plant. I think we can get what we need to be built before the dungeon respawns."

Yan Mei looked over the stone doughnut-shaped ring and asked, "How is this supposed to create electricity?"

Fei Lei laughed and said, "Well, right now it can't. This is just building that it will be inside, I need many more parts, however, I already created a Faraday cage around the lining of the building. This way it will stabilize and hold the magnetic field in place, told you copper was an amazing material."

Fei Lei pulled her hand along and said, "Come, I show you the blueprints, and teach you how it works."

Yan Mei smiled, she actually enjoyed learning from Fei Lei, she was especially interested in learning science. She also felt that it was connected to her magic somehow and that the power of her spells could greatly benefit from gaining more knowledge on the subject.

As she saw the large interior of the building, Fei Lei began explaining that they would need large magnets that were larger than a 2-ton storage container and that they would need a few thousand of them.

Yan Mei was shocked as she heard how much electricity could power, the lives it could save, would save someday.

"I don't suppose you can control the level of your magnetism that your lightning produces?" Fei Lei asked.

Yan Mei scratched her head when Fei Lei began to explain that every magnet hat to have a specific electromagnetic signature and strength for this to work. That meant in order to pull this off he needed the ability to fine-tune an electromagnetic field.

Yan Mei shook her head and said, "I don't think I can do that, sorry. Maybe if I had something to help me study electromagnetic fields I might be able to make some sense of it."

Hearing Yan Mei saying that, Fei Lei suddenly had an idea, he then ran back to his lab and pulled out a large batch of leather papers and began writing something down.

He continued to do this for several hours until suddenly, a thick pile of 400 to 500 paged books started to stack up beside him.

As a few days had passed, Yan Mei waited patiently for Fei Lei to write out his thoughts. She often brought him food and he always made sure to say his thanks before digging back into whatever it was that he was working on.

The next day he laughed out loud and said, "Why didn't I think of this earlier?"

Yan Mei looked over at what would be considered textbooks containing the knowledge from the 28th century Earth.

There were multiple books ranging from basic math to advanced calculus. As for science books, Fei Lei covered every 'study of' that he could think of. Everything from the study of string theory to quantum mechanics was covered in thick leather-bound books that filled up most of the room in his lab.

After several minutes organizing them, Fei Lei had several books containing teachings starting from elementary to university level piled on top of his desk, and seeing that he couldn't think of anything else to add, Fei Lei sat back in his chair and breathed a sigh of relief as he said, "I'm done!"

Yan Mei picked up some of the books and noticed they were separated into three levels, "Beginners Guide to Biology, Standard Biology, and Advanced Biology."

As she began poking around the pages, Yan Mei became aware that all the subjects were written in an easy to understand format, she then smiled and asked, "Where did you learn all this stuff!?"

"Oh, you know, here and there!" Fei Lei replied with a funny smile on his face.

Yan Mei stomped her foot on the ground and said, "Meanie! Quit hiding things from me!"

Fei Lei laughed as he moved over to the books and began carrying them into his lounge. He placed them on his shelves next to his level 0 spells as he thought, "I need to make a word press."

"Feel free to read, if you want to learn about magnetics I would suggest you start at basic science and work your way up to advanced science. You should also read up geology and study of metallurgy. If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them," Fei Lei said as he looked to her expecting a look of frustration.

Instead, all he saw was a fascinated smile. Yan Mei began picking through the books and piling up a small stack for her to read and said, "Well teacher Fei Lei, I hope you treat me well!"