Trade City Galleria

Fei Lei enjoyed Yan Mei's eager desire to learn as he frequently sat down with her and studied together. He spent the next week or so, focusing on helping her learn.

To Fei Lei's surprise, Yan Mei once again proved to be an excellent student.

She was very bright and intuitive, so Fei Lei spent every second of every hour doing his best to teach her.

Because of their hard work, Yan Mei was able to quickly absorb the knowledge Fei Lei offered up like a sponge to water.

Yan Mei also took some girlfriend privileges to make out with him when she got frustrated.

"If I get this one right, you have to spend the next few hours snuggling with me!" Yan Mei shouted as she stared down her enemy slash boyfriend.

Fei Lei laughed and asked, "Okay, on the periodic table of elements, what chemical element symbol and stats of the best material to use for magnetism?"

"Neodymium! Nd, and its atomic number 60. It is a soft silvery metal that tarnishes in the open air. A neodymium magnet of a few grams can lift a thousand times its own weight. These magnets are cheaper, lighter, and stronger than samarium–cobalt magnets. However, they are not superior in every aspect, as neodymium-based magnets lose their magnetism at lower temperatures and tend to rust, while samarium–cobalt magnets do not."

Fei Lei clapped his hands, "Very good."

Yan Mei smiled as she sat in Fei Lei's lap and curled up around his chest.

While sitting on the couch he made, Fei Lei looked at the beautiful maiden on his lap and gave her a kiss before he said, "I wonder if we should head to the dungeon now. You know, get there early?"

Yan Mei nuzzled her cheek into Fei Lei's chest as she said, "It's been a week. Do you think that they're still looking for us?"

Fei Lei smiled gave her another kiss before he responded, "He said the tracking spell could only detect you within a 30-mile radius. I doubt they'll figure out were hiding inside a mountain, they're probably chasing their own tails and running in circles."

"But what do we do? We can't stay here forever!" Yan Mei said as she felt him run his hands through her hair and kiss her forehead.

"I could always just outrun them, and make sure to give them the run around before we return," Fei Lei said confidently as he brushed the hair off of her face, "Besides I hid this place pretty well, and unless you already know where the entrance is, it's not so easy to get in either."

Yan Mei smiled, then snuggled in closer to Fei Le before she said, "I'm cold."

Fei Lei noticed the sun had started to set, and all the light in the cave came from the fireplace in front of them.

Fei Lei pulled the blankets over both of them before saying, "It's been getting colder lately. I guess Fall is just around the corner."

Yan Mei leaned her back into his waist and looked up as she said, "Don't worry, I'll keep you warm."

Fei Lei wrapped his arms around her and went on the offense. Yan Mei giggled as he kissed her neck and worked his way up to her lips.

"I think we should go looking for a Lodestone mine," Yan Mei said after parting her lips from his.

Fei Lei smiled in response and said, "Sure, sounds fun. Do you happen to know where any such mines could be located?"

"I have connections you know, and I am still a Noble. I'm sure we could put the word out." Yan Mei replied with a cocky grin.

"But, wouldn't that alert your Uncle?" Fei Lei asked frowning slightly.

Yan Mei paused before suggesting, "We could always send out the request from a city that has ties with my family on my father's side, and if they come looking, we can hide by jumping over to another city. Not to mention we could use the Guild for support. They wouldn't dare to attack in a city that has an active Adventurer's Guild."

"Not bad, when do you want to leave?" Fei Lei said as he felt her turn around, wrapped her arms around his waist, and press her breast into his chest.

Fei Lei, did his best to calm his mind as he heard her say, "How about next week? There's a massive city to the South East of this location, the place is called the Merchant City Galleria, and many families gather there to participate in many events."

"That place again? Well, I guess I was going there for the silicon anyway," Fei Lei said sneaking in a few more kisses.

The next morning Fei Lei woke up to Yan Mei knocking on his door.

Fei Lei got out of bed and received a good morning kiss from Yan Mei before they went to eat breakfast.

Fei Lei cooked up some Lake Bird eggs, some of the Ruby Razor Horned Deer he made into sausages, and lastly, he made a salad.

The ingredients had similar appearances to lettuce, carrots, celery, and spinach, all of which are plants that he had grown from his garden. However, these vegetables were very different from the ones that came from Earth.

He discovered them on the mountain and often spotted them being grazed on by other non-magical animals.

Once Fei Lei saw that the appearance of the vegetation was similar to his memories of Earth's, he plucked them up and transplanted them in his cave, directly over the skylight.

However, the texture or color was always off in some way. Since they were new species, Fei Lei just decided to call them by their Earthern-like counterparts, only, he added a little twist of his own to their names.

"You ever see anything like these?" Fei Lei asked as he pointed to the salad he was putting together.

"People don't come up here very often, and they usually don't travel this deep into the wilderness to eat random plants. So, no. I haven't seen any of these being sold before in any market." Yan Mei informed him.

The Sweet Lettuce was actually red-colored and sweet-tasting, like a strawberry. The carrots tasted like buttered yams so he settled on the name Carroyams. The Cloud-Celery was soft and fresh like one was biting into pure water. It had a similar taste to regular lettuce but had a crisp and fresh aftertaste.

Lastly, the spinach had a similar taste to okra. It was full of powerful vitamins and nutrients and was a very absorbent piece of produce, so adding flavor was a must.

After frying them in some deer fat they went well with the salad's ensemble.

Yan Mei chowed down and tasted the delectable meal, her eyes then lit up as she said, "This is great, you could sell these to Nobles for a fortune, you know?"

Fei Lei laughed, "I think I'll just focus on finding more editable plants to start cultivating here. After all the more crops I have to choose from the bigger quantity I can grow. I don't want my people starving."

"Isn't it better to have a lot of one type of crop?" Yan Mei asked.

Fei Lei shook his head, "No, having too much of one crop leaves them susceptible to new diseases. For instance, if a disease appeared that targeted that plant's genetics, what would we have left to feed the citizens?"

Yan Mei showed an understanding smile as they ate and finished their meals.

When Fei Lei stood up and started cleaning up the dishes, he looked over at Yan Mei as he said, "I'm going out to check on something after I finish here. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Yan Mei gave him a kiss and said, "Come back quickly, I'll be studying in the lounge."

Fei Lei smiled and finished cleaning up before he took off. Stepping out through his tunnel entrance, he then headed off to find some regular beasts that haven't yet been tainted by the power of the elements.

After a few hours of searching, Fei Lei ended up bringing back a wild grey wolf pup, a black adolescent gorilla, and a tiger cub.

When Yan Mei saw them, she started to act loving towards the animals and hugged them as she said, "They're so cute!"

"They're also my lab specimens." Fei Lei replied as he plucked them out of her hands and carried them into his lab.

Placing them in large cages, Fei Lei saw Yan Mei coo at them from the other side of the bars when she said, "You have to get them something better than a cage to live in."

"I will, these were built for Magic Beasts, and it's only temporary," Fei Lei replied before he moved over to a cabinet and started gathering materials.

He started by giving them water that was laced with the Core Ash and would feed them magic beast flesh soaked in it.

"What are you trying to do?" Yan Mei asked as she curiously popped her head out from behind his shoulder.

"Seeing if they can form a non-elemental mana core." Fei Lei answered, surprising Yan Mei.

"I don't know...Well, I haven't heard of anyone trying such a method before, and what you're doing sounds feasible, how interesting!" Yan Mei said with her eyes glowing.

Fei Lei then spent the next week in a state of bliss. His time with Yan Mei, working on his projects together, and the two exchanging their knowledge made him feel like he was in his own little paradise.

In his off time, Fei Lei built a small zoo for the animals so that way they could feel more comfortable in their living spaces. Yan Mei helped out by designing the blueprints for the miniature habitats while Fei Lei crafted it with his telekinesis and transplanted the various shrubbery and trees for them.

As the time passed, Fei Lei observed that the animals seemed to be growing faster than normal, however, he didn't know if it was because of the Core Ash or if they just grew this quickly because they were eating magic beast flesh.

After the full week passed, Yan Mei walked over and looked at the animals in surprise, "I can't believe how big they're getting!"

"I guess that answers that!" Fei Lei said as he stared at the animals that looked like they aged a full year in only a week.

Yan Mei walked over to him and held his hand as she said, "By the way, I'm packed up and ready to go."

Fei Lei smiled and said, "Okay, then let me make sure these guys have enough food to get through a couple of days before we head out."

Yan Mei celebrated by jumping up and down in joy, she hopped around the room as she prattled on, "I get to go dungeon diving! We should sign up at the Guild! We can make our team official!"

After Fei Lei finished taking care of the animals, he stepped outside and stood in the center of his courtyard.

Putting a knee down, Fei Lei kneeled to the ground and placed his arms behind his back before saying, "Come on Princess, you know the drill!"

Yan Mei placed her arms around his neck and climbed onto his back before whispering into his ear, "I'm going to make you pay for that princess comment when we get back."

"I'm looking forward to it," Fei Lei stated with a smug grin that made her blush in response.

Yan Mei then stared out at their love nest and smiled as she said, "I can't wait to come home."

Fei Lei smiled happily as he placed his arms around her legs and started to run into the air.

Looking off into the distance, Fei Lei continued to climb through the air until they were just below the clouds.

He used his telekinesis to shield them from the environment of the high altitude and protected by forming a thin barrier around their bodies.

With this, they didn't have to worry about the cold, wind pressure, or the bandits hunting them. The bandits themselves didn't seem to be too smart, so he knew that they would still be searching the ground for his and Yan Mei's whereabouts.

Looking around, Fei Lei spotted them in the far of distance before he said, "Yeah, we can avoid these guys." He then turned to Yan Mei and followed up by saying, "So that dungeon will be respawning in a week or so, that gives us some time to shop around."

Yan Mei pointed to the distance and shouted, "To Galleria, the biggest trading capital of the Eastern Territory."

Fei Lei then took off like a bolt of lightning and activated his 'Boost' spell.

While his body began to glow a bright red color Yan Mei asked, "Is the same spell you used back then?"

"An ancient and very powerful Non-Elemental Spell my Teacher came across in his travels. It can multiply my body's physical parameters in exchange for draining my stamina and putting a physical strain on my muscles. It has nine levels." Fei Lei answered as he ran across the sky at high speeds.

"I've never heard of that spell before! Doesn't that prove Non-Elementals can rank up? Seriously, just who is your Teacher?" Yan Mei replied with more questions.

"You ever hear of a Mage that goes by the name of Tetra?" Fei Lei inquired.

"Mage Slayer Tetra!? Your Teacher is Mage Slayer Tetra!" Yan Mei shook.

"Mage Slayer? Are you sure you're talking about the same Tetra?" Fei Lei responded.

Yan Mei started to think that Fei Lei's supernatural strength made sense now, "He's the user of the Level 0 Sigil, Transformation! He can literally become the beasts that he kills! Some say he transformed his entire body into an Elder Silver Dragon then reverted to human form while managing to keep the muscles, bones, and organs. He's literally a beast in human skin!"

"Wow! He never said anything about that! I knew his Sigil was the Transformation Sigil, but to think he managed to kill a nine star beast like an Elder Dragon," Fei Lei said as he thought of how aloof his Teacher was.

"No, it was a 6-Star Beast, Metal Dragons have powerful physiques that can resist magic spells. It's said that a Silver Dragon can compete with an 8-Star Magic Beast." Yan Mei explained.

As she felt she was on to something, Fei Lei just said, "Huh...neat."

"It all makes sense now, a spell that doubles the power of a silver dragon, its no wonder he was so powerful." Yan Mei shouted as she finally understood why no one could beat the legendary Mage Slayer.

Fei Lei smiled and said, "That explains a lot! Cool."

"Your Teacher is the strongest level 0 Non-Elemental user in history, and all you can say is, cool?" Yan Mei said with utter disbelief.

"He's a mage slayer to you guys, but to me, he's just my goofy dad...I mean teacher," Fei Lei paused and felt a little sour about calling him, dad. Especially since the memories of his real father were still fresh in his mind.

"Didn't mean to call him that, did you?" Yan Mei teased.

"Shut up! You'll bite your tongue!" Fei Lei shot back in embarrassment.

"You say that, but you've been elevating those platforms so I can't feel the shock of you running. See, no bouncing!" Yan Mei said before she giggled, poked his cheek, and then asked, "How long can you keep this speed up?"

Fei Lei smiled and responded, "Before my limit was 10 minutes, now I'm not so sure."

"So this is a test?" Yan Mei asked again.

"Yep!" Fei Lei replied as he continued to dash across the sky, he kept this up for almost 2 hours, before he had to cut the spell.

Half of his Mana was gone, but luckily for them, Fei Lei had already reached their destination, and Galleria was only a few miles away from the location the two had to descend.

Landing on the main road, he started to dash over the dirt-road with blinding speed, along the way they passed a carriage that was being carried by an 8 legged horse. It was a Two-Star Magic Beast and looked quite prideful.

The people in the carriage dropped their jaws as they saw Yan Mei waving goodbye at them.

Even the horse had an adverse reaction to getting passed by a human, it was as if its precious ego had been crushed into pieces and an invisible line had been crossed.

In response to Fei Lei's provocation, the horse tried to catch up by running at full speed, but in the end, it could only reluctantly eat his dust as Fei Lei moved closer to their destination.

Arriving at the large stone gates, Fei Lei saw the massive constructs of stone and steel that towered over the entire terrain. A bustling city full of magical devices and many different mages wondered the streets like an everyday thing.

As he walked into the city, some of the passerby's started to give them strange humorous looks, and even a few girls giggled at Fei Lei in a flirtatious manner.

Yan Mei shook him and hissed at the ladies before she spoke out with a cheery-red face, "You can put me down now, you know?"

"Awww, I thought you liked the attention," Fei Lei joked.

Yan Mei bit his neck and forced him to let go, she smiled proudly at the hickey she left and wrapped her arm around his elbow before saying, "Forward noble steed!"

Fei Lei grinned as he whispered into her ear, "I'm going to make you pay for that steed comment when we get back later."

Yan Mei blushed as she puffed up her cheeks and said, "Pervert."