Dungeon Boss

"A Dragon-Type?!" June said with a shocked expression.

"Yes, it's a Dragon-Type," Udo said pulling up a screen showing what everyone what they saw.

The creature had short arms, long powerful legs, its tail stretched out keeping it upright, and a large beak covered with razor-sharp teeth that shined like steel.

It stood at 18 feet and had a large and muscular frame. The monster's entire body was covered in red scales and showed a layered hide pattern that ran across its underbelly.

"That's not a dragon that's a dinosaur, a T-Rex no less! But where are its feathers?" Fei Lei declared and questioned.

Everyone looked to Fei Lei with a strange expression and said, "What's a Dinosaur?"

Fei Lei didn't really want to explain so he said, "Dragons are most definitely a different species than that thing. Trust me, this is more a lizard than a dragon."

Everyone looked at Fei Lei like he was a fool, when Fei Lei said, "Hey you can call it what you want, but that is Dinosaur no matter how you look at it."

Fei Lei then asked, "How much stronger is a Tyrant Beast compared to a normal Magic Beast?"

"Tyrant Beasts have always been two to three times stronger than regular magical beasts, however, they can't use magic in the same way as the rest," Eriks explained.

"Okay, that I didn't know, please, continue," Fei Lei said as he started to think.

"All of their Mana is imbued into their physiques and during combat, that mana flow goes berserk and it constantly improves their raw strength over time. The only other known way they use their magic is called Mana Skin. It has the ability to make their bodies unbelievably hard to pierce through or cut."

Fei Lei started to drool when Momo saw his hungry expression and shouted "What the?" with a confused tone.

Fei Lei wiped off his mouth and said, "Sorry. It's just that...if Tyrant Beasts are like you said, and all that mana is infused into their flesh and bone, then I bet their meat must taste good in a pot-stew, especially with some good veggies and bone marrow broth."

"This guy is thinking about eating a Tyrant beast?" June said with her jaw dropped wide open.

Eriks cleared his voice and said, "You know these creatures self destruct when they die right?"

Fei Lei smiled, "What if I pull the Mana Core from its body?"

"No one's fast enough to do that, it only takes a second for the core to explode once it's been detached from its body!" Terry said crossing her arms.

"Maybe, a Wind Prime Magus would be able to halt a Tyrant Core from exploding, just long enough to get it away from its body, but not even they would risk getting close to an exploding Tyrant Core, it scatters the Mana in the area like a giant bomb," Eriks explained.

June then followed up by saying, "That's why it's best to kill the creature from long range and just watch it explode. If a Prime Magus can't use mana, they'd be no different than any other mortal."

"Hasn't anyone tried absorbing it?" Fei Lei questioned.

Everyone looked at him before they started laughing.

"What?" Fei Lei asked, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Man, that was a dumb question," Terry wiped a tear from her cheek before continuing to say, "Man, thanks, I needed that."

To which Fei Lei replied by saying, "There is no such thing as a dumb question. If someone doesn't know something then they ask about it, the polite thing to do is help them understand."

June paused and nodded her head in approval, "Ah, such words sound the wisdom of God. I hope you don't mind me borrowing that slogan, I can pay you for the rights if you wish."

Fei Lei lifted a brow and said, "You know? Here I was thinking you were about to say something spiritual, but you turned it into being about money, pretty fast. Anyways, someone going to answer me?"

"It's because of the beserk nature of its Mana Core. A Tyrant Beast's Core is classified as a Chaotic Elemental Core. The reason for that is unlike other magical beasts that have stable cores, the Tyrant Core is in a constant war with all six elements in once, they collide frequently and create bursts of very pure, very wild energies," Hina explained.

"The collisions must create constant chained erratic reactions, like little nuclear explosions on the microscopic scale." Fei Lei murmured to himself.

Fei Lei then shrugged his shoulders, as he lifted his foot, his body suddenly vanished leaving only an afterimage of his silhouette.

When he reappeared by the steps, Fei Lei turned around and said, "Well I'm going to try my luck. Does anyone else want to come with me?"

Everyone dropped their jaws, when Eriks questioned, "Why is your frame so much smaller than before?"

Fei Lei looked back and said, "That's for me to know, and for you, to not know."

"He's a human transfiguration user maybe his muscles from before were fake," June said thinking of his Sigil.

June had seen a rare few users of the Human Transfiguration Sigil make themselves look muscular or alter their looks to appear more beautiful.

Yet she knew that using his Sigil in such a manner wouldn't give them any additional strength, it was only superficial, and didn't have any difference between their normal muscle mass and their inflated ones.

Eriks, however, seemed to have figured something out as he thought, "He shrunk...wait a minute!"

Eriks then pulled Udo over to him and asked, "Can you scan his body? This time scan his whole skeletal structure!"

Udo nodded his head and pulled up a screen for Eriks to look at, and as they saw the internal structure of his body their jaws dropped open.

"This guy's not human! Look at how his muscles are organized, and the structure of his skeleton, it resembles plated armor! And can someone please tell me why are his bones black?" Udo ranted.

Erik's pointed over to a statistic reading on the screen and showed a confident expression before he declared, "I think I figured it out."

Udo's eyes shifted over to his weight and his eyes widened as he shouted out, "538 lbs!"

"He collapsed his muscles and built them up again, they're denser than normal muscles by a large margin, and as for his bones, I don't know why they're black, but he probably reshaped it in the form your seeing right now," Eriks explained.

Eriks walked up next to Fei Lei and said, "Do you think you can take the Tyrant Beast on by yourself?"

Fei Lei grinned before he responded, "Nope, but I'm not alone. If I have everyone's help, I think we can take it down."

Eriks looked back to his team and with a resolute expression said, "I won't force you guys to go with us."

The 3 stood forward and said, "Where you go, we go."

Fei Lei turned to the remaining members and said, "Well?"

Everyone except June moved up next to him, she looked at the party like they were crazy and thought, "I'm must be crazy too."

As she moved over next to them, she scratched her head and said, "Fine, I'm in as well. I still got one good arm."

The group then headed back down to the bottom of the dungeon, as they walked Yan Mei moved over towards Fei Lei and said, "That Gorilla dropped an item, I picked it up for you."

Fei Lei looked at the strange monkey's paw that she pulled out. It started at the forearm and had all five fingers.

"I don't know what it does, so you should take it to an appraiser to find out," Yan Mei followed up.

Fei Lei placed the monkey's paw in his ring and thanked her.

The group reached the bottom floor and traveled through the forest before ending up at a large platform-like temple structure, with a 5-foot crystal that shined with a myriad of colors.

"That's the dungeon core," Eriks said as he looked around for the Tyrant Beast.

Fei Lei walked out and started to move towards the core when a loud roar echoed throughout the terrain.

The ground shook and everyone stared in horror as the giant T-Rex appeared out from behind the nearby shrubbery.

Fei Lei activated his level Two Boost, Level-0 Accelerate, Level-0 Detect Intent, and Level-0 Turbo spells. These spells were the highest Fei Lei could cast as with a level 0 Sigil and current knowledge of Spell Matrixes.

As for the three original Spells, Detect Intent, Turbo, and Accelerate, they were his proudest achievements, if he could, Fei Lei would do everything in his power to make sure he finds a way to make higher-level versions for each of them.

With his combination of spells working at full capacity, Fei Lei dashed forward kicking up dust behind him and gaining the beast's attention.

Fei Lei added another spell, Envoke Intent to send out his killing intent out at the Tyrant Beast, and like a dog smelling a treat, the colossal dinosaur charged towards Fei Lei.

Eriks rushed up right beside Fei Lei with Momo's full set of Level-0 support spells cast on him.

Fei Lei jumped up and punched out towards the T-Rex's nose while all of his might, while Eriks pulled out his Jet Sword and swung at its feet.

The beast reacted quicker than they both thought possible as it jumped to the side at an insane speed, dodging both of their attacks.

In response, Fei Lei created an air step, launched himself off of it like a bullet, and rammed his fist into the creature's head.

The Tyrant Beast cried out in pain as its body shook and tilted over slightly, Eriks then ran forward at full speed as activated his lighting armor and began to spin his jet sword.

His body turned into a whirlwind of metal, fire, lightning, and galeforce winds that cut through the creature's ankles slightly.

Blood sprayed out from its gash in the T-Rex's scales, in a hate-fueled rage, the Tyrant Beast lifted its foot and was about to stomp on Eriks.

However, at the last second, a powerful flaming lance made of crimson and emerald flames hit it several times in the torso while Hina's water whip began to wrap the creature's leg as a saw-like ring of water formed.

Hina then activated her level 0 boost spell and snapped her hand around with all her might. Every time the force from her flicking motion rippled through the whip, it sped up the rotation of the saw-ring and tore into the creature's skin.

Terry suddenly created a massive wind blade that shot at the T-Rex's face and tore into its flesh.

Its eyes spewed blood when it puffed up its chest and crowed, creating a powerful sonic boom by mixing its mana with its voice.

The ground shook sending out a massive sonic-fueled shockwave that made Fei Lei almost spew blood.

Eriks had used his lighting fast speed and returned to his group as he cast a Level 3 Earth Wall spell that rose up in a maze-like shape that resembled a sound-dampener.

The sonic wave crashed into the walls shattering dozens more as it worked its way to the party, after a second or so passed, the dust and rubble had taken over more than half of Eriks's barrier.

Eriks managed to protect them from the attack, but Fei Lei took the full brunt of it.

The T-Rex then tilted its head upward and roared as the mana coursing through its veins made the creature's wound quickly heal.

It then snapped at the whip made of water causing Hina's saw to shatter. The T-Rex started to glow before it suddenly caused the Mana Skin surrounding it to go berserk.

As T-Rex roared, large tendrils made of Mana struck out at the party like it had a mind of its own and hit Eriks, Terry, Yan Mei, and Hina, sending them all flying backward.

Fei Lei appeared behind everyone and used his Telekinetic hands to catch everyone and moved them back towards June's healing circle.

As they healed up, Fei Lei stood directly in front of the T-Rex and used his Telekinetic hands to fight the beast.

He hit it under the chin and sent its face looking up as he punched it in the chest and set it rolling backward.

Fei Lei noticed that he didn't have a whole lot of time left, the strain of maintaining his Level 2 boost spells was proving quite difficult, he estimated he only had around 10 minutes of use before his body started to tear itself apart.

He looked to Yan Mei and Hina and nodded at them, they both used their most powerful spells.

"Level-4, Ice Shadow Sword!" Hina shouted as dozens of blades made of ice appeared from the creature's shadow stabbing through its flesh slightly.

Yan Mei then jumped directly above the creature's body activated both of her Level-2 Sigils, Crimson and Emerald Fires danced in the palm of her hands as she shouted, "Level-4, Sun Knight's Lance!"

A powerful burst of energy shot out in the form of a golden lance covered in runes, it hit the creature in the back of the neck forcing it down to the ground.

It was about to cry out with another roar when Hina quickly used her heavenly ranked whip to wrap up the creature's snout.

Fei Lei then landed on top of its head and created dozens of telekinetic hands as he started to savagely punch away with them.

Every punch drew the creature's head closer to the ground, Fei Lei suddenly created another pair of Telekinetic hands, only instead of the usual five feet, these had managed to reach up to 10 feet.

Fei Lei slammed the giant transparent hands down on the back of the T-Rex's neck and put a great deal on its spinal column. Its body dug to the ground when Eriks appeared next to him and shoved his sword deep into its eyes and filled it with dirt to keep it from healing.

Fei Lei then quickly shouted for Udo to scan the creature for the exact location of its Tyrant Core.

Yan Mei and Hina helped restrain the creature by casting another set of their most powerful spells. The sun orange lance smashed into his back, while Hina's water whip branched off to make dozens of restraints that wrapped around its limbs.

Once Udo completed the scan, the holographic screen appeared in front of him and Fei Lei quickly skimmed over the information.

Smiling, Fei Lei used his Telekinesis to surround his hand in a spiral drill-like motion.

Fei Lei then jumped to the back and moved to the back of its head, his hand then drilled into the Tyrant Beast's atlas spinal bone and pulled out the core while the beast still breathed.

As the two-foot chaotic core appeared in his hand it started to glow like it was rapidly undergoing what Fei Lei would describe as a particle cascade, similar to how when a nuclear bomb splits an atom.

Everyone wanted to shout 'throw it' but there was less than a second remaining when Fei Lei activated his headband's special once per day spell 'Focus!'

Fei Lei's brain went into overdrive as time began to slow around him, that one second felt like it suddenly stretched into a minute.

Fei Lei thought of a few dozen ways to deal with the core, however, none of them panned out. When he saw that time was running out, Fei Lei reinforced his body with his telekinesis to protect himself in case his plan failed.

Closing his eyes, Fei Lei tried to draw on the mana from the Chaotic Core and attempt to absorb the Tyrant Core into his body.

Suddenly, his level 0 Sigil appeared and rapidly started to absorb the Mana from the Tyrant Core, Fei Lei saw as the 5-Star Core fill up his sigil until it turned into a steel-colored solid Sigil, however, there was even more energy left over, so he just continued to pour it all into his Sigil.

Everyone stood shocked at the Sigil hovering above Fei Lei's forehead. When suddenly, without any warning, the Sigil turned purple and started to glow with a kingly might, while the Tyrant Core in his hands completely turned into dust."

Fei Lei put the Tyrant Core Dregs in his ring and stared at the large body of the T-Rex before putting it into his ring as well, he then turned to the rest of the party and said, "Well, what do you know, Non-Elementals need Tyrant Cores Rank up!"

Everyone stared at him with their jaws dropped wide open, the other two Non-Elementalist were started to show tears forming at the edge of their eyes, they finally saw the light at the end of their journies and hope for their futures.

Even Hina was completely blown away, never did she think that a Tyrant Core was the key to evolving a Non-Elementalist, and now that Hina knew, she shuddered at the thought of how powerful their teacher would become.

Yan Mei and Hina both ran up to him and cheered by hugging him, the whole party gathered around him and said, "This is amazing!"

"Do you know what you've just done?" June said in disbelief.

"I just solved an age-old mystery by accident, believe me, I know how big of a thing this is," Fei Lei replied.

As they were celebrating they all turned to Fei Lei and said, "Go ahead, the Dungeon Core is yours."

Fei Lei smiled and started to make his way towards the alter when a dark and sinister voice called out.

"Aw, no fair, you bullied my little pet." The Grey-Mage said as he looked at the group.

Everyone looked over to see a phantom image of the Grey Mage standing next Core.

"Where were you hiding all this time?" Terry shouted with a look of great suspicion on her face.

The Grey Mage grinned in response and showed his razor-sharp teeth.