Grey Mage's True Identity

Everyone looked at the Grey Mage's Mana rolling off his body with a frightened expression.

His Mana Levels was nothing like what he showed at the tournament, it was so intensely powerful that his Mana alone put heavy pressure on their bodies.

Just from standing in close proximity to it, the group felt as if they would fall to their knees any second.

Udo scan readings came through as he suddenly shouted, "He's a Warlock!"

The Grey mage pointed a finger out from his long robe sleeve and sent a blast of pure dark energy towards Udo's chest.

Udo's body flew back as Eriks moved quickly to catch him, the blast turned around and shot towards Eriks's face.

Fei Lei quickly pulled Eriks aside, dodging the attack and picked everyone up with his Telekinetic hands as before he shot off, trying to run away.

The Grey Mage smiled, "Oh a psionic user, is it? Now, that is rare." He flicked his fingers as two more shots blasted out, one ran through Fei Lei's chest, and the other shattered his Telekinesis causing his friends to go flying into the distance at crazy speeds.

Fei Lei felt his whole body cry out in pain as he quickly used his natural painkiller to numb the pain before pulling out a small portion of the T-Rex's tail.

Quickly chowing down on Tyrant Beasts Meat, Fei Lei used his sigil to heal the wound as fast as he possibly could.

Fei Lei was surprised to see how quickly he use his sigil to control his body.

Before, he would've taken quite a bit of time turning the meat into energy, but now that his Sigil had become a Level 1 Sigil, Fei Lei's control, cast speed, and effectiveness had all shot through the roof.

The Grey Mage looked surprised and said, "What a unique magic, eat and you heal is it? You'd be prime slave material to sell to my brethren."

Fei Lei stopped in his tracks, he turned around and stared down the beast with murderous intent, "What the fuck you just say? Seriously, what is it with everyone in this world trying to enslave me?"

The Grey Mage smiled revealing his razor-sharp teeth and said, "You'd sell well on the market, and their's no doubt I would make a fortune, however, I wouldn't do that to you."

Fei Lei felt his skin crawl as the Grey Mage continued to eye him like a piece of candy and say, "No, not you. I would never sell you, not when I can earn something so much more important than money, for example, turning you into a slave to do my bidding, or better yet, you could be a spare body for me to inhabit."

"You're dead!" Fei Lei cast his boost, accelerate, and turbo spell as he pulled out his Clear Mist sword and charged towards the Grey Mage.

The top half the blade turned into Ice, while the bottom half turned into Fire.

Pulling back his arm as he closed the distance, Fei Lei unleashed a powerful swing of his sword and created a blast of steam that completely surrounded the two.

In response, the Grey Mage smiled at the cloud of steam covering everything up in the area, he looked around for Fei Lei when the Grey Mage suddenly saw a silhouette appear before him.

The Grey Mage then raised his hand, and with insane speed, he pierced out with his claw-like fingernails.

His attack went through the body, but the grey mage didn't feel him hitting anything of substance, it quickly vanished as he felt Fei Lei's Clear Mist strike him across his back.

A loud clang echoed out as the grey robe fell to the ground revealing a tall man with long grey hair and crimson red eyes.

He had small horns protruding from his head that curved around like goat horns. Along the surface back and partially around his torso, forearms, and legs, were golden-red scales that gleamed with a demonic light.

The grey mage wore no shirt and had long baggy black pants that were tucked into a band below his knees, showing off his scaled legs and clawed feet.

Lastly, a long snake-like tail was wrapped around his waist several times.

Fei Lei's sword didn't manage to put a scratch on him, in fact, he couldn't even so much as put a dent in the small yet thickish Mana Skin surrounding his physique.

Two massive bat-like wings suddenly grew out from the Grey Mage's back while the rest of his body exploded with a dark and tyrannical aura.

Fei Lei's body was shuddering as he sensed a similar kind of berserk and wild energy that the Tyrant Rex emitted, he couldn't help but feel fear.

"You have both Demonic Energy and Tyrant Energy?" Fei Lei questioned with wide eyes and a worrisome tone in his voice.

The creature shook its wings blowing away the steam before it answered, "Yes, this body's parent was a woman of the demon race that was raped by a tyrant beast in a war. That's why I chose to possess him after all, strong body, powerful magic, large stores of Mana, but unfortunately, this body is incompatible with my race's soul cultivation technique,"

The beastly-like man then stared down Fei Lei like a juicy new toy and said, "Maybe your body would prove better vessel?"

Fei Lei shook, "What are you?"

"Your people call us aberrations, but I prefer our original names, Sky Devils!" The Grey Mage replied, sending his bloodlust towards Fei Lei.

Fei Lei shook, the monstrous humanoid suddenly rose its hand into the air and began chanting.

A ball of dark energy gathered at the center of his palm as he then shouted, "Dark Explosion!"

A powerful blast of energy overtook the area causing Fei Lei to jump back as fast as he could, however, it felt as if the blast of dark mana was pulling him in.

Activating his Boost Spell to Level 3, Fei Lei managed to gain some distance, but as he did, small tendrils formed out from the blast and chased after him.

In response, Fei Lei used his telekinesis to move around in crazy positions that would make any acrobat amazed. He was using his Detect Intent to predict where the Grey Mage was aiming and dodged less than a second after he got the warning.

The tendrils still chased after him almost hitting him every time as he dodged by a hair's breadth, when all of a sudden, the beam-like tendrils branched off and shot a hole in through his shoulder.

His Detect Intent managed to warn him of the danger, however, Fei Lei wasn't fast enough to respond.

Fei Lei suddenly covered himself in steam as he spun in a circle turning it into a massive cloud of mist.

"You're using this trick again?" The Sky Devil said with a bored tone.

Fei Lei then threw out his heavy blade and Bo Staff and sent the weapons hurling towards his foe with his telekinesis.

Making a beeline towards the Dungeon Core, Fei Lei thought, "If I get that, the dungeon should start to collapse! Let's see if you can survive that!"

As Fei Lei was seconds away from touching the dungeon core he felt a powerful kick strike his stomach, and for a second, Fei Lei thought he would vomit up his intestines.

As a mouth full blood spewed out from his lips, Fei Lei felt all his ribs shatter with a metallic-like clang and his body shooting up into the sky.

While Fei Lei's body rushed through the air, the sky Devil appeared above him and slapped Fei Lei's back and slammed him back on to the ground with his tail.

Fei Lei felt his spine crack when his body created a small crater in the platform next to the Dungeon Core.

Fei Lei forced himself on to his back before he quickly pulled out a bone pill and some magic beast meat from his spatial ring. While he swallowed them down, the wounds on his body quickly recovered, but before he fully healed, the Grey Mage dropped from the sky and slammed his foot down into Fei Lei's stomach, causing him to spew blood all over the place.

The Sky Devil then picked Fei Lei up by his throat and laughed, "Now be a good boy and let me eat your soul."

In retaliation, Fei Lei spit the blood in his mouth over the Grey Mage's eyes and sent out Dolly the mechanical treasure from his spatial ring.

The mechanical armor released a powerful blow against the Sky Devil sending him flying back more than a few feet. The power of this treasure was far greater than Fei Lei originally anticipated, the fact that it could push back a Warlock was a more than a big surprise to him.

Using this chance to act, Fei Lei quickly pulled Dolly and his weapons back into his spatial ring, then used his telekinesis to pull the Dungeon Core into his hands.

Suddenly, the room shook as the Sky Devil that flew off returned in a rage and staring bloody daggers at Fei Lei with his eyes.

As he used his arm to wipe away the blood, the Sky Devil known as the Grey Mage growled and shouted, "God damn worms! Every last one of you filthy humans! You are nothing but slaves for us to own!"

He loomed over Fei Lei and was about to deal the finishing blow, the Demonic Tyrant grabbed the scruff of Fei Lei's Gi and threw him across the ground.

Fei Lei held on to Dungeon Core and refused to let go as his body rolled across the ground and smacked into the stone altar, shattering it to bits

As Fei Lei coughed up a lung full of stone dust, he managed to mumble out, "What the hell, I thought if you took the Core, the dungeon should collapse?"

The Grey Mage appeared in front of Fei Lei again started to choke him as he said, "You idiot! You have to take the Core out of the Dungeon before it starts to collapse."

"I see. Too bad that I can't just absorb this as well," Fei Let said as he out a sigh and clutched the Dungeon Core to his chest.

A bright light suddenly shined out from the surface of the Dungeon Core, a constant flow of intense Purple-Colored Mana began to intensify until it radiated like a star.

The energy was instantaneously sucked into Fei Lei's birthmark like a black hole, the Dungeon Core couldn't even last a single second as the roman numeral lit up with a bright cyan glow and pulled in every last drop of energy.

Fei Lei's started to glow as all of the matter surrounding his body started to break down. When the Sky Devil noticed his hand had started to degrade as he jumped back and stared at Fei Lei in horror.

The devouring light continued to grow stronger in size and force as it expanded outward completely engulfing the Sky Devil's body.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap! I can't stop!" Fei Lei thought as he began to absorb the dungeon as well.

Miles away from the dungeon and the merchant city Galleria, there, under a large cliff-side, was the real body of the Grey Mage taking shelter from the rain.

"Oh someone managed to kill my Soul Shadow Avatar? Odd, why hasn't the information come back? Did they manage to completely eradicate its soul? Was there a Prime Magus there?" The Sky Devil murmured to himself.

The Sky Devil then looked at the city and frowned before saying, "I have to leave. If the Prime Magi are on to me, then it's no longer safe to stay here."

With an insane burst of speed, the Sky Devil flew off, disappearing into the dark cloud filled horizon.

Back inside the Dungeon, Fei Lei was beginning to panic. He was glad the threat of the Sky Devil was gone, but now he had a new problem to deal with.

Fei Lei couldn't control whatever was absorbing all the matter around him, the rate absorption only grew stronger as the time passed, and the worst part about it was that he was losing consciousness and couldn't move.

As Fei Lei slipped into an unconscious state, his mind drifted into the deepest parts of his subconscious mind. When he opened his eyes, Fei Lei found himself in an empty white landscape that was like a single spotlight in a vast and infinite darkness.

He didn't know it, but Fei Lei was standing at the center of his very own Astral Realm, or to be more precise, it was the space where the soul resides and he was only here as a mental image.

His real body was drifting through a vein of concentrated Mana that was created by the burst in the Magic Layline that created the dungeon.

Inside what he deemed to be a Mindscape, Fei Lei looked around and took notice of anything within the strange white 30-foot area.

When Fei Lei looked up, he saw that he was standing beside two massive glowing spheres, floating and orbiting one another.

One of the spheres was clear and as white as the freshly driven snow, while the other was a shadowy ink-black color that pulled the light from everything around it.

Fei Lei looked at the spherical objects with a lot of interest. Both had a totally unique, yet familiar feeling radiating from their exteriors.

He began to move closer to them without an ounce of reservation, although these two foreign objects were connected to his soul in some manner, Fei Lei didn't feel any fear or panic, instead, what he felt was an unbelievable sense of kinship emanating from them.

The connection between the strange objects and Fei Lei gave him the same feeling he got when he thought of his parents, a familial connection.

The cog on Fei Lei's wrist suddenly appeared between them and started to spin.

Unexpectedly, the same energy that came from the Dungeon Core was spilling out of the birthmark and flooding into the area around him.

It wasn't just Mana but something else, something he couldn't identify.

While he slept his body was oozing out impurities, the scars on his face began to heal when something in his brain formed. It was small, the size of a sesame seed, and was made from his flesh.

The white sphere suddenly started to crack and memories of Fei Lei's previous life came abruptly flooding back into his mind.

He saw a massive storage device that was part of his lab's storage center, every experience that he had involving this particular lab storage section came pouring into his mind.

The crack grew larger, and as if it were on autopilot, all the energy from the cog quickly began to funnel into the white sphere with tsunami-like forces.

Fei Lei's soul realm began to expand like crazy until it extended to around a thousand square miles, he felt a part of him that he couldn't explain start to fill to the brim with power.

As the last bit of the energy was drained from the cog Fei Lei noticed that the strange spheres hadn't stopped absorbing energy yet.

Fei Lei's body was floating above the void he created on the bottom dungeon floor, when, without any warning, Fei Lei's sphere of influence increased in size again as the remaining matter in the higher floors of the dungeon began to be pulled in as well.

Yan Mei and rest had no choice but to run, the light emanating from Fei Lei's body had forced them back to the dungeon's entrance.

They were desperately looking and awaiting Fei Lei's return when the giant ball of light slammed downward and began burrowing deep into the planet's surface at an unimaginable speed.

The ground below the Mages started to crack and collapse, the party was forcefully extracting Hina and Yan Mei by pulling them as a group.

The two females fought tooth and nail against the Eriks and the rest, insisting that they go back in and save Fei Lei, but Eriks knocked them both out with a quick tap to the back of their necks before he carried them away.

Fei Lei's body continued to move throughout the ground for a couple of hours, right up until he ended up entering into a large cavern that was full of strange ores that glowed with a cyan-light.

Around him were large crystals in the shape of 4-D hypercubes, they were shifting back and forth and glowed with the same energy the cog was giving off.

Suddenly like water being sucked up by a desert wasteland, the two objects began absorbing everything in the cave.

Fei Lei suddenly felt an extremely dense form of energy intruding its way into his soul.

As the glowing crystal energy passed through the unique place he was in, the mass of energy forced the space surrounding it to ripple and distort, similar to how a black hole moves through outer space.

Once the mass of energy made its way to the core of his Soul Realm, Fei Lei found him standing not ten feet away from it when the two spherical objects abruptly waved back and forth. Almost as if they were excited.

Then, all of a sudden, the Spherical Objects instantly began to absorb the terrorizing blob of energy like it was made of air.

Fei Lei was shocked to see that the black colored sphere had absorbed around eighty percent of the foreign energy, while the other twenty went to the white one.

When the absorption finally stopped The unique space where his Soul resides became eerily silent.

I grew so quiet that one could hear a pin drop from a mile away, when, suddenly, Fei Lei heard the sound of a heartbeat ringing out.

The sound reverberated throughout the area, slowly it grew the beat grew louder and stronger until Fei Lei's entire soul was quaking.