Back to School

The next few days went by in a blur as Jian focused on sewing and her mother got back to a busy schedule. Jian's first day back was like any other day back but she felt excited today much more since she was wearing something of her own creation to school. She was in a deep blue blouse and black dressy pants. She stayed quiet for the most part till it was time for her to present her project.

The presentation went by quickly as she spoke with confidence in her voice and paused every now and then to show the different styles of outfits she created. "Wonderful job Jian," Mister Brown commented when the claps stopped. She heard a few whispers of negative comments but ignored them as she took the rubric from Mister Brown to check her grade. Then as the day went by she got a few compliments and a few questions which she answered to the best of her ability.

Then soon school ended and she was excited to go home when she got a call from someone which she answered walking out of the classroom, "Hello, how are you?" She asked as she walked down the stairs after they had cleared up. She heard someone whisper, "Try hard," on her way down but ignored it as she heard, "Good- wait did you say something?" "No, not really, so why did you call?" She asked walking outside. Her friends waved at her and she wave back hearing his response, "Are you free this weekend?" She thought for a few seconds before responding, "No, I have work on Saturday and a birthday party to plan for on Sunday. Why did you want to hang out?" She asked at the end.

"Hey, babe, who are you talking to?" She heard from behind as she was hugged by someone. "Nick, back off for a second I am on the phone." She said pushing him away as she walked a few steps away from her friends. "Sorry about that John what were you saying?" She asked again and on the other side, John took a few seconds before responding, "Oh it's nothing, I was just wondering if you would like to design a new suit for me. I need something for this dinner that my father wants me to go to so I wanted to see if you would like the experience of creating a new suit. Otherwise, I can just go to a shop to get a new suit." Jian smiled listening to him before replying, "I would love to, when is the dinner, so I can set aside some time and dates for research fitting and etc you know?"

"It's on May 20th it's about a month from now, so I don't know if that will be enough time." He said worry clear in his tone as she replied, "No worries since I will try my best can you meet me after work on Saturday this way we can get your measurements and try a fitting with old fabric before I cut the actual fabric."

"Oh that's perfect, we can use uncle's office since he is usually out on Saturday," John said and she smiled ending the call after saying their byes. Then she turned to face Nick who was hugging another one of their friends. "Nickolas, what have I told you about disturbing people when they are busy on the phone?" She question approaching them and he sighed, "It's rude, I am sorry, but who were you on the phone with." He asked and she smiled saying, "It's a client for the business I am starting, Jewels of Fashion." She said dramatically as she created a diamond with her hands. They smiled at her as she stayed posing.

After a few minutes, Jian saw her mother's car and went toward it saying bye to her friends and calling the school day a normal one.