The days passing

The photo session ended quickly and the two soon left the ranch hurrying home. They arrived around 8 in the evening and Johnny stay over for a bit while Jian worked on a few different sketches.

"What do you think?" Jian asked showing him the five sketches she had.

"They're nice, but what's this one?" He asked and she smiled explaining, "So, I researched a little bit about Revin and found out he's mother is part Indian. I wanted to see if he would like to demonstrate that culture with his clothes and I also fell in love with the textures and patterns on the traditional garments. I think tomorrow I am going to do a bit more research and create about 10 designs total and send them to him by Friday."

Johnny nodded as looked at the different drawings. "That's good, you wanna go fabric shopping this weekend?" John asked and Jian nodded.

He smiled looking at his watch before saying, "I should head out now, plus Miss Kim is here already." Jian gave him a gentle smile before saying, "Call me when you get home." He nods before putting his shoes and leaving as Jian closed the door behind him. She headed to bed after having a light snack and fell asleep waiting for Johnny's call.


The days passed by in a blur as Jian went to school, back home, and spent most of her time designing. She had made multiple designs for Revin and a few for the competition as well. Jian would stay up late into the nights getting carried away with the different inspirations, and soon Saturday arrived and she was dropped off at work.

She only had a few catalog shoots today and tomorrow she would be going south for a runway casting. Jian waited for the elevator and as it stopped, she looked up her eyes relaxing she gave a gentle smile saying, "Good morning," before walking inside.

"Good morning, Jian are you here for John?" He asked and she shook her head softly saying, "I am here for work actually." He nodded as she pressed the button and the two stayed quiet as the elevator doors closed. "Mr. Luca, has Johnny been busy this week?" Jian asked trying to decrease the awkwardness of the ride.

"Not that I am aware of," Mr. Luca said glancing at her noticing the slight drop of her smile before she smiled again and said, "Oh, um could you do me a favor and tell him that I can't see him today or tomorrow, and I will be a little busy in the future."

He nodded as the elevator doors opened and Jian walked out saying, "Thank you." The elevator doors closed, and Jian soon found herself inside the studio surrounded by dozens of cameras, lights, and clothes. Miss Lauras was already there, and she smiled as Jian quickly fell in with the other models and they all finished their shoot.

Jian smiled she was the last model out and Miss Lauras stopped her. "Jian, dear is there something upsetting you?" Miss Lauras asked, and Jian shook her head saying, "Not really, I might be a little upset because I haven't slept well this week."

Miss Lauras nodded saying, "Alright, anyways Alyssa should have sent you a text about the two new castings. Just go to them and do your best, after all it's just practice, okay?" Jian nodded before Miss Lauras walked away to pack up some equipment and talk to the other staff.

Jian found herself by the elevator's waiting for it as she scrolled on her phone, she had spoken to many people on the phone since last week all except one. She sighed as the doors opened; she walked inside closing her phone. "Which floor?" Jian heard a familiar voice ask and she looked up saying, "Ground."

He glanced at her and she at him as John blinked. Jian also blinked before she smiled gently saying, "Hello, Johnny."

He glanced at her his expression relaxed as she said, "I am going to grab a tea down the street you are free to join me." He didn't say anything as the elevator doors opened and Jian walked out, she could tell there was a lot on his mind, so she gave him a choice deciding to wait for him.