Busy Times (1)

Johnny left after having dinner with Jian and her mother. The next day was similar to most normal days as Jian went to school early in the morning and as school ended, she waited outside for her mother.

Jian was talking to Nick when they heard a motorcycle drive in and he paused before asking, "Jian is that Johnny?" Jian glanced at the road as she frowned slightly saying, "I don't know." She looked at him and once he noticed her, he waved and she smiled waving back saying, "I think it is him, let me see why he's here."

They nodded as Jian walked away and she smiled as she asks, "Johnny, why are you here?"

He got off the bike taking his helmet off before saying, "I asked Miss Kim if I could pick you up today so that we could spend some time together after your casting." She nodded as he passed her his phone saying, "Address to your castling location."

Jian put the address in while John grabbed another helmet for her as they head Nick ask, "Can't go a day without seeing Jian, can you Johnny?" His tone was playful as Jian flushed slightly as she passed John his phone as John said, "How could I?" His gaze was purely flirtatious as he looked at Jian passing her the other helmet.

Jian sighed turning to Nick saying, "Bye, finish your part of the project for history," before putting the helmet on. The two soon drove away and arrived a few blocks away from the casting building.

"I have something to do a few blocks away, call me once you're done cool?" John asked as he looked at the forming line in front of the double doors. Jian nodded saying, "Sure." He smiled before walking the other way and across the street before turning to the right.

Jian waited in the line for a few minutes before she was called inside, and she got her number. Then she proceeded wait for her number to be called as she walked the other models walk. The time passed and it was finally her turn.

Jian got up a few minutes earlier and fixed herself by taking off the simple velvet jacket placing it on the table fixing her hair once more before she walked over to the line of models. Her number was called, and she held a neutral expression as her steps sharp but elegant. The heels clacked on the tiled floors and she stopped to pose at the end.

She waited for a few seconds before one of them said thank you and she walked away. Jian sighed she went back to her seat grabbing her things before she walked out of the building meeting John before the headed home.

"So, I selected the 5 designs based on 5 elements, then I chose models for each design and during school I got two of the 5 designs somewhat patterned," Jian said as they entered the apartment. John nodded as she continued to, "The first one is very basic but it's cuts are a little tricky, and I don't have the fabric, talking about fabrics I don't think any of the ones I have will fit this collection."

"Then, do you want to see if there are any fabrics Isabella's shop tomorrow after school since your schedule is free?" John asked as they entered Jian's room. She nodded walking over to her desk placing her bag down before opening it and taking out her sketch book.

"There, these are my final designs, and I am starting to think it might be a lot, what do you think?" Jian asked as she placed the 5 separate designs down each one had little paragraphs describing the materials and fabrics she wanted to use.