Fever (1)

The night painful but soon Jian fell asleep. It was around 3 in the morning when the doors to her room opened. Jessica sighed as she looked at Jian, she was curled up hugging the pillow.

She walked over moving Jian gently under the covers. She looked up at the ceiling letting out a shaky breath letting her eyes dry out. "Jiji, I am sorry for being so selfish," she said fixing Jian's hair, she felt her forehead.

It was hot so she felt her own head then Jian's and then her neck before walking out to get the first aid kit. Jian frowned as she opened her eyes, her head hurt, and she was sweating profusely. She tried to sit up only to be overcome by dizziness.

"Jian, it's okay just lay down," Jessica said as she brough the kit. She helped adjust the pillows before taking her temperature. "104, no," Jessica placed the thermometer away rushing out again and Jian closed her eyes leaning back.

She wanted to stop her mother, to tell her she was fine, but her throat was dry, and the words wouldn't come out. "Here drink this," Jessica said holding a glass of water against Jian's lips. After a few sips she placed the glass down taking out a Tylenol pill.

She gave her the pill and the water again saying, "It's alright, if you don't cool down soon, we'll head to the hospital, for now just sleep."

Jian blinked her vision became clearer as she looked at her mother, she was in her night dress, her hair messy, her eyes watery, and her hands trembled as she picked up the first aid kit. She wanted to speak to tell her that she was fine, but her body felt too heavy to even keep her eyes open, her eyes closed as she leaned back.

Jessica sighed at her trembling hands as she took her phone, it was only 3 so she chose to wait to see if the fever went down. She sighed walking towards the kitchen grabbing a bowl filling it with water before grabbing a hand towel from the restroom.

She sat down next to Jian whipping the sweat away, trying to cool her down before placing the wet towel on her forehead. "Please, not her too, please," she begged as she held onto Jian's hand. The tears she had tried so hard to contain fell. Her cry was silent and soon her eyes also dried out. She reached for the thermometer.

She checked Jian's temperature again and frowned, "It rose from 104.7 to 105.6," she took in a deep breath before calling Jian's doctor.

"Hello," he answered after the 4th ring, and Jessica let out a breath of relief before saying, "Doctor Lawson, it's Jessica Kim, Jian's mother, I am sorry to bother you so late." He got up saying, "It's alright, tell me what happened?"

"Jian has a fever over 102, about half an hour ago it was 104.7 so I gave her a Tylenol pill hoping it would cool her, I also used a wet towel to cool her, but her fever rose to 105.6 just now," Jessica said waiting for a response.

"Alright, bring her to the hospital, I'll get her a room right now, and Jessica drive carefully," he said as he grabbed his coat walking out the dark room into a bright hallway.