
Day 1

Virus, not much is known about it, The only thing that is sure is the fact that it came from glaciers on the northern hemisphere after they melted down. Those who came in contact have three endings. The lucky ones die quickly, from other infected, those who survive are said to be in great pain before dying. Second best is becoming a zombie, some of them are able to hold on to the pieces of their minds, but that too - not for long. The most unlucky are those who are deemed "compatibile" with the virus. It doesn't kill them, not even for a secound - They mutate. They turn into a walking abominations without mind, even if you somehow retain your sanity it'll be the end of you, the other infected can somehow feel that you're different and they'll treat you the same as survivors - as a food.

"How the hell is that possible! It wasn't even in Oceania yesterday!" Shouted terrified Tony. "It must be a bad dream!"

"BANG" Unluckly for Tony it wasn't a dream, which was proven by a piece of... His friend Steve, his head to be precise which hit the window.

"Hiiiii!" Terrified Tony thrown himself back even more then previously. He was terrified even through he knew what world he lived in, even through he knew that this was bound to happen one day.

Almost instantly you could smell the urine in the room. Even through he pissed himself, Tony was too scared to move, not to mention feeling embarassed. Several hours passed by without him moving from the pool of urine.

Only when there was no sound from this dying town, did he move. Tremblingly he stood up and slowly moved once again toward the window, limping.

Suprisingly, even after the disaster the street lights were working, that is those for which it was possible as they still had the light bulbs.Today instead of the feeling of safety, the street lights caused the street to look even more gory and creepy.

You couldn't see many things which left out images such as a head looking out of the darkness. The lights beside Tony's apartment were working too which allowed him to perfectly see, the now maggot infected head of his friend who still head the terrified expression.

'bleagh' Seeing the head and other gory images Tony vomited, or rather tried to vomit whatever was inside his stomach, but the only thing that came out was his gastric juice, folowed by growling. Obviously, since he didn't eat anything he was hungry. Normally one would eat something when he was hungry, but with the spectacle behind his window it would be abnormal to do that, and even if he still wanted to eat, he had a problem - His apartment had only a bedroom, living room and toilet. In one sentence - He had no food, at most a bit of water.

After a while he stood up again, covered the window and slowly made his way to his bed. Today was just too tiring, while not for body, but for mind.