Chapter 48 - Grasping Conceptualization

[The first thing you should know about contradiction magic is how to reverse mana. All living things have mana. You have to be able to reverse the concept of what you want to master it.]

'So does this mean I can convert things to their opposites?'

[In a way, yes. You can convert the components of water magic and bend it to create fire mana, but that's not where you should stop. You have to master how to use that magic as well. Otherwise you'll be stuck at the base form of your magic: the black flames.]

'What even are these flames?'

[They represent the fire that forged opposite concepts. It's true element is nothingness, but to even properly use it other than using it as fire you got to get how to contradict.]

'Okay then. Let's give this a try. What should I contradict?'

[Take that busy for example. It's overflowing with the mana of life, healing and regeneration like most living things. Try to contradict a single leaf.]

'Got it!'

Griff touched the bush next to him and started to focus.

'Um... is something supposed to happen.'

[You're not feeling the mana. Do it like last time. Grab a thread. If there isn't one... create it!]

'A thread... visualizing main components. Concept of mana acknowledged.... conceptualizing thread...'

Griff closed his eyes and reached out, and touched something. He quickly grasped it.

[Good job! Now understand what you are supposed to do. Feel the mana.]

'It's warm... it feels as if...'

[It's pulsing with energy. Right?]

'Exactly. '

[That's life. Everything has a feeling. We holy beings can understand them very well, and normally that's impossible... but you can, as a being that isn't bound by the rules of the domain.]

'It's opposite... cold, horrifying, unknown....death?'

[Good job!]

'But... Caphriel I don't know how this is supposed to help me learn this...'

[You already did... look at the bush.]

Griff opened his eyes to see the area his hand was touching had dead leaves on the bush that were slowly falling down.

[Too fast. You learnt it too fast... but for a human that isn't bound by this worlds laws you can. I guess this is how you will be.]

Caphriel thought to herself:

['He can get strong very fast. I chose a good host. Now, let's see of you can entertain me more Griff!']

'This... is awesome! With my magic I can... I can control every attribute if I plan this right! I can survive! I can definitely survive!'

['What has he gone through to see his magic as a tool of survival rather than power... It seems to be a subconscious thing too.']

Griff grasped his fist and closed his eyes.

'The mana... it's all around me... everything is mana. If I can get much stronger, I can-'

[No you silly boy do not try something like that! Do you WANT to rip yourself to shreds!]

'I guess I got my limits...'

[For now.]

Griff raised his hand and touched a tree bark. Slowly the bark's outside died, leaving the shape of Griff's hand on the tree.

'I know what to call this...'

Griff cleared his throat, and condensed the mana in the air around him.

"Contradiction Magic: Conceptualization."

Suddenly knowledge about the components, history and very being of his surroundings flooded into his head. Knowledge he shouldn't be able to know.

"And now!"

With how he learned how to manipulate mana, Griff had split the process for versatility...

"Contradiction Magic: Contradiction!"

The mana he had condensed in his hand slowly turned black from blue.

[A ball of necromantic mana. Good job, you're getting the hand of this!]

Griff dispersed the mana ball because it was slowly getting more chaotic for him to control.

"It's not going to be easy, but you said it Caphriel. It's time for a little field test."

Suddenly the ground started shaking. Griff fell on his rear end from the shaking.

"The hell?"

[I sense magic. From the direction of the city! Go, now.]

Griff got up as the ground kept shaking and started to run through the forest. The branches were slashing against him, but he didn't mind them now.

"There's a damn wall..."

There indeed was a towering wall of stone. Griff could see it behind the trees...

Griff jumped through the opening in the forest, and he came face to face with a wall made of rock and stone rising from the ground.

[Interesting. Stone Magic. Haven't seen that one in a while.]


Suddenly a figure crashed into him, toppling him onto the ground. The figure was growling at him.

"Uhm... hi?"

Sylvie was furious for Griff for suddenly taking off like that... well he is Griff after all.




"I wanted to-uh... look around?"

[Find better excuses you pathetic man-child.]

'Hush now winged woman I'm doing my best.'

[Say that one more time so I can rip your insides open.]

'Please I can't handle two angry girls.'

[You're the one making us angry you fool.]

"You... you seriously are the most unpredictable thing I've come across. My life is in your hands! I don't want to freaking die so take responsibility of it."

"Well I would... if you got off me first."

Sylvie blinked and looked again to see that she was basically on top of Griff. A slight pink lingered on her cheeks but she didn't pay heed to it and got up, cleaned her clothes and started dragging him to the new, rocky wall that was surrounding Alfrum.

"The old geezers were worried, and the one whose making these walls even THREATENED to skewer me with a pillar if I didn't find you. If you DARE to run off on me again I will be the one who skewers you!"

"Psh. Overprotective foggies."


Sylvie was barely able to stand the whole situation. First he took responsibility of her life, next he disappears, and when he appears he doesn't even pay heed to the consequences of his actions.


Alatar shouted to him on top of a stone pillar he was standing on. His hands were extended as he was enacting the wall with his magic.


"Fine fine whatever you say!"

"Demi- Sylvie, was it? Look after his sorry ass. This kid needs someone to kick sense into him... my old age won't let me do it."

Sylvie looked at Alatar with a slightly surprised expression and grinned maliciously.

"Oh that... I can agree with that!"

"Now stop dawdling around! Do you know how long you've been gone kid?!"

"A few minutes?"


'6 hours?! I thought you said I was fast?!'

[Hey now be grateful, some people with unique magic understand their after a couple weeks. The best I've heard is a few days.]

'Why didn't you tell me that sooner! I could have come back to a razed Alfrum.'

[Don't sweat the small details! I only care about teaching you magic, you manage the small details.]

'I really question both of our sanity and rationality.]

'No sane man can get along with me, you finally made a legitimate point.'

"Griff... get. A. Move. On!"

Sylvie kicked him in the butt, causing him to literally fly a few meters, crashing right in front of the wall. She grabbed him by his foot and started to drag him to the small entrance of the wall.

"I'll take him from here old foggie."

"Good good... DON'T CALL ME OLD!"

Sylvie simply shrugged and dragged the now unconscious Griff inside... there were a few hours till the Troll arrived.

It could be said clearly... that no one was expecting what was to come...