Chapter 49 - Farewell... Old Friend

The sun was setting. Darkness was upon them. Only a day was left till the horde appeared in front of the city. Griff had, thanks to Sylvie slapping him a bit, become reasonable again.

The adventurers were lined up at the gates of Alfrum, waiting for the battle plan.

Griff was standing next to Sylvie, Rin and Reiner. Rin and Sylvie were simply staring at each other with their arms folded. Both behind Reiner and Griff respectively. Griff and Reiner were sweat-dropping at this as they tried to talk sensibly.

"So, when I was in the woods Alatar used magic to raise a several foot tall rock wall. But that won't last long."

"Exactly, we don't have the numbers to keep it strong."

"What was the purpose then?"

"We're stalling for time. We have to be sneaky with traps and defenses... but let me tell you this Griff. This whole thing will not go as smoothly as we wan it to. That's how war is."

"Chaos... that's what you're saying right?"

"Yeah, we'll be fighting just to live at some point if things go down hill."

"I can see that happening... with most of the stronger adventurers and magicians of the city evacuated."

"Ran away you mean!"

Reiner gripped his fists angrily.

"They live here lavishly and leave when it i conveniences them. Sure, our city may be one of the smallest in Kulva but we're one of our kind! Free from noble grasp."

"I... don't think that matters at all Reiner. They just wanted to live."

"And we're suicidal?"

"Okay... you got a point. And for the love of god can you two weirdos stop this staring contest it's giving me the creeps."

Reiner sighed.

"Please, Rin. Now is not the time. Tomorrow we'll be fighting for our lives."

"Psh fine."

Both of them uttered.

A large clap resonated. Leebus was standing on top of the newly enacted stone wall.

"I have one thing to say before tomorrow... sleep!"

Leebus then jumped down surprisingly nimbly and proceeded to walk away with Alatar to the only open bar at this time, James's bar.

"What was that all about... I was expecting something fancy."

"Hey now. The master doesn't want us to get more anxious than we are right now. Come on all of you, let's find a tavern to sleep. It'll most likely be our last at Alfrum."

They were about to walk away before Griff said loudly.

"No wait! James's bar. Let's stay there for the night."

Sylvir and Rin shrugged at the same time to show it didn't matter, then continued to glare at each other for the well timed movement. Reiner started to drag Rin, and Griff decided to do the same to Sylvie, which backfired. Griff was being dragged by Sylvie now.

"This one?"

Reiner said as he pointed at the bar.

"Yeah... can you let me go now?"

Sylvie raised Griff from the ground and Griff thought she was about to toss him inside, but she simply placed him on his feet.


Griff was confused as she didn't act aggressive this time.

"Don't misunderstand. It's the night before a war. I can't harm you heavily inside this city as well..."

"Awww you do care!"

"Say that one more time and I won't care if they will kill me in the end I'll kill you."

[Wow easy kid!]

'Not. Now.]

"Okay okay fine you got a point."

As they entered the bar they looked to see Leebus and Alatar already drunk in a corner. James was cleaning a beer mug. The inside was mostly empty save for a few distraught adventurers.

"I definitely didn't expect to see you like this one day James."

James stopped cleaning the mug and looked up to see Griff. He smiled, but it wasn't joyful.

"You better get some good rest tonight Griff..."

He reached into his pocket and took out a set of keys and tossed it to him.

"These are?"

"For the rooms upstairs. Keep the keys."

"Huh? You seriously can't give me the opportunity to freeload."

James smiled melancholically.

"I'm leaving tonight."

The group was slightly fidgeting as they felt this was awkward for them. Reiner asked for the keys and the trio made their way to the stairs to give some time for the pair. The two who had started this journey... sadly their ways were parting tonight.

"Hey now! Don't look at me like that. I told you I'd retire after what we went through."

Griff sat in front of him. He, too, was now smiling melancholically.

"I don't want to say they were good times, but the time we spent together was worth it."

"Oh? You like getting tortured?"

James asked sarcastically and stopped.

"Yeah, sorry. That was a bit too far. I'm probably the only one who knows you haven't grown out of that place."


Griff was tapping the wood as he listened to James.

"...I guess this is goodbye. I... honestly don't think I'll come across you again."


Griff suddenly slammed his hand on the wooden table.

"Don't say stuff like that! Nothing is decided ye-"

James slammed the table too, he was angry.

"Oh bullocks you little brat! You... you have to go on without me. My soul isn't able to handle this life. I'm scared... scared to lose my life every second now."

Griff looked at James with a slightly agape mouth.

"...listen. You have to grow out of me, out of Alfrum. Heck... it's about to become a warzone."

"What exactly-"

[Listen to him Griff. He's giving advice I could never give.]

"You're too fixated on this small city. Yes, it may be the first place you have felt safe a long time, but now it will be destroyed and you can do nothing about it. No one can. All we have is our lives. You see? All we have earned is now meaningless, it's about to be destroyed."

James took a deep breath and continued.

"Our paths will never cross... as long as I don't want to. I don't hate you Griff, it's just you remind me of so many things I'd prefer to forget... and I'm well aware of how you've become attached to me. Those old farts-"

He gestured at Alatar and Leebus who were casually snoring on each others shoulders.

"They know so too. Why do you think they paired you with those two? Your solo missions? I can't do this kid. Grow out of me. You've limited yourself... I'm not your family..."

Griff was slightly tearing up now. This man... that he had considered a brother was rejecting him. For what?

[Trauma isn't something easily healed. You of all people should know that.]


"Shut up and listen! I'm going to leave this bar any second now and never come back... just listen."

James was crying now. His hiccups echoed through the bar.

"I- Don't get me wrong.... I liked looking after you, seeing you learn like a newborn... heck you still are a little kid to me, but... I have nothing to teach you too. "

He wiped his tears and squeezed both of Griff's shoulders.

"I am not your family. I can never be. Friend?... that boat has long sailed away. I'm too scared... but... that doesn't mean you can't find one Griff... you had said you had no dream to me right?"

Griff, with a shaky voice responded.

"I... I have one now... get stron-"

"That's no dream. That's an objective. That doesn't define you kid. I've decided. My parting gift to you will be a dream. A dream to blossom kid... find a family... if you can't... MAKE one!"

Griff slowly nodded.

[It was about time you came face to face with reality.]

'What... does that mean?'

[I think he's about to answer that.]

"Every human desires to be loved, to be befriended and to have a good time with people they are close to. That's what you're missing. You've met some people yes, but you haven't formed the bonds I'm talking about. That is a dream I am passing onto you as... an old friend. Are we clear Griff?"

'Loved?... family... warmth... like how the mana of life feels. Desired, blessed...'

"Yes... yes I want that dream! I want it! I WANT-"

James slightly chuckled with his shaky voice.

"That's enough Griff. I know how stubborn you can be... that's good. You can surpass this place. Go and soar, boy."

Griff slowly extended his arm for a handshake, and wiped a tear.

"For old time's sake?"

James smiled slightly too, and gripped his hand.

"Old time's sake."

James let go of Griff's hand after a minute.

"Well I better start moving. Keep the keys. T'is bar has one day left anyway... use it to your hearts content... but-"

"No I won't touch the alcohol."


James turned around and took out a small leather bag and started to fill it with things under the counter.

"Come on now chap chap. Get out of my sight brat."

Griff stumbled a bit at that, but he nodded hearing the still shaky voice. He started to walk towards the stairs silently.

'I guess... my life here in Alfrum was never meant to be.'


'Well... I...'

[Oh stop being such a crybaby. Be a man and man up. Do you know how hard it is to say goodbye to someone you had wanted to stay besides with?]



After a slight moment of silence Griff spoke through his mind to Caphriel again.

'It's a good dream. I'm going to follow it through Caphriel. Will you help me!'

[Silly boy. You are my partner. Does that answer your question?]

'Yeah... yes it does...'

[Come on now. You really need the sleep. It's hard to concentrate with no sleep.]

'Heh you're right.'

Griff turned the staircase to come across Reiner and Rin waiting for him, sitting on two chairs next to their supposed room.

"Oh hey Griff we didn-"

Rin suddenly closed his mouth and sighed.

"Shut up Reiner."

She then turned to Griff with... a warm smile. One he hasn't seen from her ever. It definitely suited her refined and elegant face. Her silky brown hair complimented her looks too.

[Stop daydreaming.]

"Goodnight Griff. I... I hope you survive tomorrow."

Griff was taken aback at Rin's sudden 180 degree turn.

'Oh my god it really IS the end of the world!'

[City. Not world.]

"Hey now I'm doing my best to be nice here!"

She pouted.

Griff who was still shook about what just happened downstairs gave a slight smile.

"Yeah, thanks. I never knew you could be kind. It suits you Rin"

Reiner was still trying to say something but Rin kept holding down his mouth. A slight tinge of red could be seen on her cheeks.

"Ye-ah... I'll keep that in mind. Come on now, your room is at the end of the room. Sylvie is already asleep."

Griff nodded and walked away from the two siblings who, unexpectedly, started bickering as he left.

Griff opened the door to the room James had... given to them. The room was dark. The bed next to the window was obviously occupied. Sylvie was fast asleep.

Griff slowly walked over to his bed and lied down. He looked over at Slyvie and sighed. His thoughts were leaking outwards.

"I hope... she doesn't leave me too. I don't... want to be alone again..."

His voice grew weaker by the second and in a few minutes he was fast asleep, snoring much to the irritation of Caphriel.

However, Sylvie wasn't asleep unlike how Griff thought.

Sylvie had heard him wide and clear. She slightly muttered under her voice as she clutched the sheets.

"You... really are lonely... aren't you Griff?"

She slowly went to sleep as she thought to herself.

'I thought you were simply annoying... I got good hearing so I heard everything downstairs... you've gone through something bad too. Alright fine. You didn't discriminate as soon as you saw me.'

She slightly smiled before closing her eyes.

'I can live with that...'

Tomorrow... was an uncertain time. They needed all the rest they could get.