Chapter 60 - The Principal

[Alright light it up!]

Griff squeezed the dark lacrima he was holding as a small ball if light manifested on his other hand.

It was midnight, and also the perfect timing to try out his theory.

'Damn I was right! I was actually right!'

[Now all we need is a method for you to always be in contact with these lacrima.]

'What about... a glove? I can attach most of the lacrima on a glove so I can always use them?'

[Well I was thinking of imbedding them in your soul, but-]

'Knowing you it would be agonizingly painful.'

[Mou~ Why must you ruin my fun.]

'Glove it is! Now to find one...'

[Just buy one tomorrow before you head out.]

'Yup... will do so.'

-The next day, minutes before reaching the Academy-

Griff was opening and closing his left hand repeatedly throughout the hour that took them to reach the Academy. He was wearing a black glove with small circular shaped openings on it. The glove could be equipped with 6 lacrima's at a time.

"Will you STOP doing that? It's getting annoying..."

Sylvie was sitting in front of him with a bored look.

"Alright alright... I was just admiring my new toy."

"Well you can do that later, we're almost there... ugh, and I've been talking to myself the whole way! Do you want me to die of boredom?!"

She was pissed to say the least, watching Griff simply look at his hand for the past hour.

[We might have been too engrossed in this... You kinda ignored your little girlfriend.]

Sylvie was confused watching Griff slightly blush out of no where, tilting her head and slightly getting close to him.

"Oi... you sick or something? It won't be a nice impression looking all red out there."

"I... I'm fine!"

"Whoa that came out of no where. Relax! You're probably stressed or something as I can tell, but don't worry. You'll do fine."

"Uhh... yeah you can say that."

Inside his mind Griff was shouting random curses and sometimes proper sentences at Caphriel. He finally calmed down.

'Listen here you little shit!'

[Ohh! You've got some balls!]

'She is NOT my girlfriend or anything.'

Caphriel simply grinned smugly as she laughed in his mind.

[You can't convince me otherwise seeing how she drags you around.]

'You... ugh. I swear to god I will find your weakness one day and pay this back ten- no a hundredfold!'

[You can tryy~]

'Oh I WILL!'

Griff was annoyed... he'd definitely make HER flustered next time.

"Yo! You two ready? We're almost there."

Luke's head suddenly popped out from the front of the carriage.

"I'm ready, but Griff might be feeling nervous or something."

"What? No! I'm fine. Totally good. I'm all set!"

"That... doesn't sound so convincing."

"Just ugh... look I got this Luke."

"That's going to be Commander after today."

He had a slightly mischievous grin.

"Yeah yeah... commander."

"Hey... did you just make fun of me."

"Oh how can I make fun of my commander!"

"You're totally mocking me!"

"Blasphemy! I only feel respect for yours truly!"

Luke's eye twitched as he went back to the front.

Sylvie was laughing, holding her stomach.

"He... definitely deserved that!"

She said between her breathes.

"So... we cool now?"

She stopped laughing and crossed her arms, giving a 'hmph.'

"I'll take that as a yes."

"What! That's supposed to mean No!"

"Yes in my book!"

"You... are so frustrating."


He gave an annoying grin.

"You two! We're here!"


Hearing Luke's words, Griff immediately opened the door and hopped off the carriage with Sylvie following him from behind.

The sight in front of him was... mesmerizing to say the least.

"Welcome to my old school recruits!"

Behind Luke was a green flatland with a single floating structure in sight... a white marble building that held the similar majesty of the castle back in the capitol...

"The Academy above the sky!"

Griff's eyes were shining with enthusiasm! He has never been on a floating structure before.


Sylvie was saying nothing but Griff could see she was enthusiastic from her eyes.

"Oh? It seems that our new, wannabe students really liked the Academy from first glance!"


Luke literally jumped a couple meters high before landing, and turning around with green crackling lightning on his arms.

He looked very annoyed.


"Heheheh! It's my signature trademark! Pranking that is!"

There was a red-robed woman with a signature witch's hat on her head. She had blond hair that came down to her shoulders with deep blue eyes, but her most defining feature was her excessively jovial grin.

"Ugh... no matter how much time passes I hate your pranks with all my being."

"I missed you too Lulu!"

"Do NOT call me by that name in front of new recruits! Do you want me to actually lose their respect before I even gain it!"

He simply sighed seeing she kept smiling.

"You are just... even too much for me. Griff, Sylvie, meet Morgana, she is the principal."

Griff and Sylvie who were still in shock seeing Luke shriek like a little girl were simply too dazed to give a proper reply so they just nodded.

"Great! You broke them!"

"Awww... don't be like that Lulu! They're going to love it here!"

"I'm having second thoughts about bringing you new students..."