Chapter 61 - Successfully Dodged A Bullet! Kinda...

"Welcome to my Academy!"

The Principal, Morgana, did an extravagant pose as she spoke with a childish voice, pointing at the floating fortress-like Academy.

"Okay, but... how am I even supposed to get up there."

Griff sweat-dropped. He always thought these floating structures were cool, but he never did try going up to one.

"Oh silly me! You probably don't know levitation magic! If it wasn't this high we'd just use a levitation rune, but the Academy is placed this high purposefully to prevent ground attacks by enemy nations. You two, come closer to me."

Griff nervously took a step to the eccentric witch. Sylvie didn't seem that comfortable too. Luke placed a hand on his shoulder and sighed.

"Just listen to what she says. Even though her attitude is like that she's one of the most reliable and strongest mages in the kingdom."

"Ohh~ Could you pleasee say that again Lukeee~."

"Yeah. Not happening. Now off you go kids! Next time you see me, call me commander!"

Griff and Sylvie were grabbed by their collars and tossed next to Morgana.

"Wait I'm not ready for this!"

Griff shouted trying to run away, but Morgana simply kept him in place with her hand.


"Noowww off we go!"

Below the trio a small circle appeared and slowly started to rise. As it rose, so did they. A couple seconds later, they were looking down on Luke and the few knights that had escorted them there.

As Griff was being held in place by Morgana, he looked down in curiosity, seeing the ground get smaller by the second.

"How high even is this school!"

He blurted out.

"Oh, not much."

Yeah he wasn't buying that...

He looked up to see small island like structures branching off of the main floating island that held the Academy.

"Now listen you two, I'm admitting you as transfer students based off of Luke's recommendation. You'll be placed in the Phoenix Class as such, the class whose graduates mostly go to serve the Phoenix Order as Knights or Mages. It depends really."

Griff nodded, but Sylvie said nothing. She was quietly clinging to Griff from behind.

'Don't tell me... this feral girl is actually scared of heights? Well... can't judge her it was scary at first.'

"Also, he never did mention what your magic attributes were. We'll have to check that out before letting you attend classes."

Suddenly the circle beneath them reached the level of the Academy.

"Oh, well follow me. We'll continue the rest of the talk walking."

Sylvie happily jumped off the floating magical circle, and Griff followed suit. After Morgana got off the circle simply vanished.

"Oh you two will learn levitation easily. It's a simple spell needed to get up and down from the Academy after all."

'Yeah makes sense... Psst, Caphy. How's my attribute camouflage going?'

[Oi you cheeky kid I told you to call me by- nevermind. I'll tolerate that. I've placed a strong illusion spell on your Attribute Origin. The only one who can see through that is an Angel like me! Hmph!]

She finished her sentence smugly. Griff could feel her shit eating grin from even out there.

'Thanks... I knew I could count on only you for this.'

[Hey hey. Don't get the wrong idea. I only did this because I find you interesting.]


[That was sarcasm, wasn't it!]

'Whatever do you mean?'

[UGH! Stop bullying your savior! Fine! I'm not talking to you anymore.]

Her connection with Griff was severed right then for the time being.

He smiled. He really didn't know what he'd do without her. She was indeed crazy, but wasn't he too? Plus... he'd definitely have died several times without her. He really needed to pay her back, maybe cut off the bullying? Na, that was his bread and butter at this point.

"Hm? I thought you would show a shocked expression or something seeing the academy, but you're only smiling..."

Morgana interrupted his thoughts by butting in.

"Uh I... I didn't want to bother you by asking too much questions!"

Well... that could be said to be the half truth. More like he wasn't paying any attention at all to his surroundings. Now that he looked around... it was certainly a sight to behold. They were walking through a courtyard that was fairly large with countless students outside. Some were practicing magic, others were reading text books or simply walking around.

The variety of magic was entertaining for Griff. He would definitely learn more about what the power he held was.

"Wha-! Annoy me! You're a student! A students job is to annoy their teachers for knowledge!"

Morgana said with a slightly serious yet playful tone.

Griff simply smiled and scratched his head.

Sylvie who was following them quietly kept walking. It seemed she didn't want to join in their conversation.

'Probably still shaken by that height...'

They followed Morgana into the large building that overlooked the courtyard. Several towers of different shapes were spiraling off of the main building.

She walked through the corridor that was bustling with students, but they all walked back, giving her space to walk.

Some were whispering while the others simply looked on in curiosity.

"Alright, come on in you two."

The two nervously walked into the room Morgana opened the door to. It was a spacious office with several weird objects in display. The students outside had resumed their normal routines, even though some glanced back at the principal's office.

"Don't mind them. Transfer students are a rare sight."

"You don't say..."

Griff didn't want to stick out immediately at a place he was new to... but he wouldn't back down from a fight when it came to it, that was for sure.

"Alright! Both of you place your hands on this."

Morgana was holding a small orb that was the size of a human head. It seemed to be crystal.

Sylvie put her hand on it, and slowly a feral roar was heard throughout the office.

Griff literally jumped from his place.

"An aptitude for shapeshifting magic... well, given that you're a beastkin as Luke says that's not a surprise. You've got affinity for basic elemental spells as well. Try giving those a try while you're here."

She gave a smile and pat Sylvie on the head.


She breathed a sigh as she went and sat on a chair. Griff was curious as to why though.

"Now you Griff."

He rolled up his sleeve and grinned. He was hoping Caphy's trick would work. He placed his hand that still had the glove on, and slowly the orb started glowing in different colors.


Morgana was quietly examining the light, and she gave a nod of approval.

"Attributal Copy. I haven't seen one of those in a while. I guess Luke was right after all, you two are interestint... now I owe him."

She sighed in defeat as she took back the orb. Griff was jumping in joy inside his head.

Sylvie was confused as she watched his grin get bigger. Why was he so happy? Shouldn't he have known his attribute beforehand? Well... he IS stupid sometimes so that might have never even happened.

"Okay, now you two, follow me. Classes have already starter. I'll take you to your class. You'll get your school materials tomorrow."

"Uhh... won't it be awkward walking around like this?"

She shrugged as she placed the attribute determining crystal ball back in a glass box.

"It's not that easy finding that stuff. We normally hand them out at the start of the year. Now now that's not too important right now, you don't look that bad!"

She sized up Griff who was wearing a white shirt with a leather glove on one hand. He had blackish-brown trousers, but his charm was certainly his half-black half-white hair.

"Not bad at all~"

Griff quickly hug his body shaking in fear, and Sylvie stepped in between of them with a look of disgust directed at Morgana.

"Ouu you two are mean to your own principal! Ugh fine... follow me."

She opened the door, and walked out into the corridor that was now empty. Griff slowly followed after her with Sylvie sizing her up from the back. They stopped in front of a large wooden door that had a phoenix engraved on it.

"Okie dokie of you go! I got places to be and boys to- oops never mind that almost slipped!"

She opened the door without hesitation and tossed both of them in while shouting.

"They're yours~ Mr. Julius! Look after them!"

Griff simply was horrified.

'Can this... really not get any more awkward then it already is...'
