Chapter 66 - All Cards On The Table!

"Okay, so what do we know about the enemy? That is the most important thing we need to put on the table to form a good plan."

Kato spoke with his hands folded. They were up next im about 5 minutes after Professor Julius resetted the battle ground using earth magic. It was really convenient knowing multiple attributes...

"I still can't believe you two went and picked a fight with HER of all people!"

Lance was...uh... kind of stressed. He was pulling his hair.

Jewels simply shrugged.

"So... both of you don't know a lot?"

"Hey man! I don't like interacting with someone who can blow me to bits due to a mood swing!"

Lance said. Man... he looked tough with his size and scars, but he was a kid like all of them truly.

"Uh... Jewels?"

Jewels brushed his purple hair away from his eyes, and yawned.

"I might know a thing or two. Rumors mostly though. I know how she got so infamous."

"Well I know why already, but maybe you know something that I don't go ahead."

"This is nuts man!"

Griff was trying to ease Lance who was shaking while Jewels explained what he knew.

"We all know that the entire thing started when she got here a week after the term started as an immediate transfer, right? She was mostly silent in class, and no one approached her, but one day she exploded after a fight with an upper class men. Most of us saw how she used fire, water, wind, and earth magic with ease."

"Anything else? Useful? That's something all of us know Jewels?"

"There was one thing I don't remember hearing anywhere else..."

"And that is...?"

"She's a fallen noble supposedly. Left for dead by her family after a fight, and that she couldn't inherit their family attribute."

Griff turned from the scared Lance to Jewels in shock.

"Wait a second... she can still use four attributes with ease. What's the problem if she couldn't learn a particular one?"

Jewels simply looked at him like he's an idiot.

"Wait... you seriously don't know?"

"I seriously do not know man."

Griff shrugged.

"I come from Alfrum, not the most informed city... uh more like what's left of it."

"Okay, you got a point... well, most noble families in Kulva have a strict rule regarding magic. They are nobles for a reason, their attributes. And those attributes are capable of being inherited by their children, something very valuable to them. This is also why political marriages between strong houses of nobility occur, to create stronger magic attributes. So in Ellen's case this means that... she has 0 value as a noble."

Griff nodded with slight hesitation. The nobles had very odd and disturbing traditions.

Kato turned back to Jewels with his sharp gaze.

"That's all I know man."

"Ugh... fine. Knowing more would help better, but it's good knowing that she's confounded to the four basic attributes right now. It makes odd variables nonexistent. Okay, next order of business... I need to know your attributes. We are a team here, we can't hide unknown variables."

"Yeah we're comrades!"

Lance shouted with vigor, which slowly died down.

"That are about to go on a suicide mission."

"Oi! Don't get depressed on me yet!"

Lance nodded and scratched his head.

"I can reinforce my body to extreme proportions. You can say that I can take a hit good, and hit back strong."

"Any spells? Or can you only use the base mana right now?"


Lance sighed and lowered his head.

"Base form... I can't cast spells."

"Okay... okay that's not bad. Jewels, you?"

"...lightning... I know a spell or two."

Kato nodded his head as he pondered for a bit.

"Well, I can use... Corrosion Magic. It's effective on mana as well."

Lance's eyes sparkled as he heard that while Jewels simply raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Okay my turn. I can use Copy Magic."

Kato's eyes widened.

"Wait... you're talking about the Unique attribute, attributal copy, right?"

Jewels also seemed interested.

"Uh, yeah... yeah!"

"What's that?"

Lance asked, but no one bothered answering him.

Kato devilishly grinned.

"Okay... so all of you come close, I think I got a... decent plan."

As he finished his sentence, Kato's lips curled up more mischievously than before, and his eyes sharpened more.

'He looks scary like this.'

Griff thought as he got closer to hear the plan.


"Alright... we'll be starting soon. Are both teams in their positions?"

Julius shouted.

"We're set Professor!"

Kato shouted towards Julius.

From the other side of the arena, a girl's voice echoed.

"Yeah yeah..."

The arena's terrain was altered once more as Julius had repaired it. There were small mounds of rocks, cover to hide, and a maze like structure near the center with a large opening at the middle of it. Julius had modified the battlefield after the last battle immensely. Earth magic was certainly convenient.

"Okay, once more, are you all set?"

Griff squeezed his gloved hand in determination, the five lacrima imbedded on it that he had chosen to use for today were glowing.

"You bet I am!"

"Hell yeah!"

Lance shouted in enthusiasm as he raised his balled fist high.

Jewels sighed.

"Sure... whatever..."

Just then Julius's voice echoed once more.

"The clock starts ticking now! Start!"