Chapter 67 - Showdown - Part 1

Griff was hiding behind one of the walls in the labyrinth. Their plan was about to begin.

'Man... Kato can sure be merciless when making plans.'

[He's smart unlike a certain knucklehead.]

'Oi, I'm trying Ms. Peacock!'

[I give up... just call me that... you... ugh.]

"Oi! Are you all scared or something? Why don't you come face me one on one Ellen!"

Lance was standing near the center of the arena, right at the entrance of the labyrinth, shouting for Ellen to come. He was playing the bait. If Ellen was as Kato and Jewels predicted, she'd fall for the trap soon.

Lance's forehead was sweating, but he had steeled himself for this. He could strengthen his body so he was the one who could tank a surprise attack from a pissed Ellen.

Lance slightly hesitated before taking a deep breath and shouting his last taunt, his sigh was also the signal for everyone to get in their positions... because this would cause a catastrophe.

"No wonder there are rumors of you being an abandoned noble! You can't even face your opponents face to face! Serves you right, coward!"

Instantaneously a wrathful shout was heard as a red blur shot towards Lance.


Her teammates could be seen running after her, but none of them could catch up with her speed. Sylvie, however, wasn't even trying to catch up to her.

She raised her fist which was covered in red flames and punched Lance right across the chest with her full, mana infused force, sending him flying back. As soon as he crashed into the entrance of the Labyrinth, Lance stood up, and wiped some blood off his mouth.

"Hmph... your punches are weaker than I thought."

Even though that was what he had said with a determined and battle thirsty look, that wasn't what he was thinking.


Yeah... Lance was doing a good job acting.

Lance stood up as Ellen started walking towards him, breathing heavily in anger.

"Hmm... on second thought I don't think you're worth my time... bye."

Lance turned around and bolted into the labyrinth!


Ellen ran after him full speed using small explosions to propel herself, and occasionally wind magic to maneuver herself.

Lance might not know spells, but if he had something going for him it was his abnormally strong stamina and endurance.

"Griff... he's heading over. Her teammates are outside the labyrinth right now, they're hesitant to enter."

Kato told him before turning around. All three of them were standing in the center of the labyrinth, thanks to Kato's magic they came through fast.

"If all goes to plan... this will be an easy victory."

"Trust me Kato... it will."

Kato grinned and gave a thumbs up as he turned to Jewels.

"We're heading out now?"

Jewels asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah... her teammates don't know where she ran off to so they'll probably split up. We'll take out one or two of them."


Jewels jumped off the rock he was sitting on and cracked his knuckles.

"I'll make the path... good luck Griff! If you can't beat her, just hold out till we come back so we can team up against her."

"Don't worry... that really won't be necessary."

Griff grinned as his glove shined. Kato nodded, and touched a wall, corroding a small part of it that allowed him and Jewels to crawl back into the labyrinth.

"We're off hunting... you get to hunt the big fish."

Kato crouched from the small hole, and Jewels followed him. Now Griff was the only one at the Center... but the sounds of explosions getting closer meant he wouldn't be soon.

He squeezed his hand into a fist and raised his gloved hand. He was going to go all out on her to his current limits!

Just then Lance bursted into the center of the labyrinth shouting.

"She's right behind me!!!"

"I got you!"

Griff ran towards him and high-fived him.

"Tag out!"

Lance said as he grinned, and ran towards the hole that Kato had made. A few seconds later an angry ball of red landed in front of Griff.

"Huh? Where the hell did that fucker go! ...You?!"

Griff grinned as he took a step towards her with his fist raised high in defiance to her.

"Yes. Me."

"...this might not be a total loss for me. I'll fucking show the difference between us now!"

"You'll be surprised to see I'm not who you think I am."

"Enough talking more bashing in heads!"

Ellen slightly kneeled, and with a burst of flames leaped towards Griff with her fist curled.

Griff raised his gloved hand, and extended it, forming a wall of water. Ellen's eyes widened as she slammed into the water, her flames being extinguished instantly.

She leapt back, slightly soaked now. She used her flames to dry herself up quickly and growled.

"So you can use water magic, so what? I'll just use the counter to that! Wind Magic: Wind Blades!"

Dozens of invisible gushes of wind blades shot towards Griff. Griff, however, didn't hesitate for a second as he stomped his feet on the ground. Instantly a wall of stone shot up, shielding him from the wind blades.

Now Ellen looked slightly shocked.

"Eh- Two attributes?"

She shook her head, and anger returned to her eyes. She didn't have time to hesitate right now. Griff was an unknown variable to her now.

"Shall we continue?"

Griff gave a mocking grin as his black flames bursted from his fist. Ellen's eyes slowly widened in shock as her breathing became rapid.

"Who the hell are you! Only nobles can use so many base attributes!"

She ignited flames on both of her hands as she turned to him with her hands raised in a fighting position.

"Me? I'm just... a glitch in the matrix. Your worst enemy would be a better definition in this situation though!"