
Jean had still his eyes closed, thinking that he is dead, but he couldn't feel any pain and the sound of the rain stopped, then he tried to open his eyes and found himself in a boundless white world, normally passing from a dark place to another with a strong light source would hurt someone's eyes.

Instead, the white world didn't harmed him at all, and strangely, even if the place was completely white, there wasn't any light source, as if he could see everything.

Jean just looked at everything with an amazed expression.

Jean: Is this Heaven?

?: That is in an entirely different realm.

Jean jumped from the voice and turned to the source to find a mysterious figure covered in black from head to feet, his hood covered the face in shadows.

Jean: 'This part seems a bit familiar...'

?: Obviously it is familiar for you.

Jean was shocked from his words and then he asked.

Jean: You can read my mind?

God: Well, I am God here, nothing escapes from my sight and hearing. And about your thoughts, since you read a 'certain' novel, you should recognize me.

Jean: Wait... Are you God from the fanfiction 'Ex-True God in Animeverse'?

God: In flesh and bones.

Jean: Wow... You really exist... But why I am here?

God: Well...

He embarassly scratching his head slowly before talking again while bowing.

God: I made a slight error during your birth, I wanted to give your so-called 'Curse' to another guy, but I unintentionally I gave it to you. I am sincerely sorry for what happened in your life.

Jean's eyes widened from his words, because he meant that every single incident he suffered in his entire life, it was because of a mere mistake.

God just stood there with his lowered head, while Jean approached him with the most angry expression he ever did, while the area around him started turning dark due to his massive killing intent that was floating around him, giving a sort of dark aura.

If it was anyone else instead of God, either his will was too weak to resist this killing intent and would directly die from an heart stroke, or, even if he had the most willpower of everyone existing, would shit on their pants right away.

But God just ignored the killing intent like a fish would do with water, and waited for Jean.

When Jean was in front of him, he punched God's face with rage, God didn't moved any single muscle and Jean wasn't hurt for it since he was already dead.

Jean continued to throw punches at God, who still had his face covered, and 7 minutes later he was too tired to continue and sat on the ground, while God wasn't hurt at all.

Jean: You…. Haaah… Son of a Bitch… Haaaah…

God: I am sincerely sorry for everything you suffered, and for seeking your forgiveness, I will give you 2 wishes.

Jean was surprised from what he just listened to, and then looked at God's face, which was still covered from the hood.

Jean: Even if I hit you, you really want to give me wishes too?

God: those punches didn't nothing to me, even if it helped you a bit, so I will give you 2 wishes, because what you lived until now was worth 2 of them.

Think hard about them, because they will be absolute, even if you wish for immortality, you will stop aging and never die, if you want to be the strongest, then it doesn't matter how much the people train themselves, if they are part of your same realm, they will be inferior to you.

You have all the time to think about it, but I am going to warn you, the 'Curse' will follow you if you don't want it removed.

Jean stopped being angry and stood in silence while thinking hard.

[3 days later]

Jean stood up and had a resolute look on his face and walked towards God, who sensed his steps and turned towards him.

God: Did you decided your wishes?

Jean nodded and took a deep breath.

Jean: My first wish will be… To always be strong enough to win against any situation.

God: Interesting... 'So his strength will always change proportionally to his opponent's power...' What is the second wish?

Jean: My second wish... Is to have someone who I could be friend with, and will never betray me...

God smiled under the hood and nodded, before snapping his fingers, then Jean fell unconscious.

[some time later]

Jean woke up in a plain, full of green grass while some wind passed near him, moving a bit the grass towards the direction the wind left to, then he looked up and found many clouds and a blinding sun, that strangely didn't hurt his eyes.

He looked around and didn't found anything except for grass, Jean liked the scenary, because it was so different from the rain he hated, then he started to move in a random direction.

[10 minutes later]

Jean still continued to move, and was still in the boundless green plain, until he felt something strange, it was as if someone entered inside this plain, but at the same time it was outside it, so he closed his eyes and concentrated on that feeling.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a completely green world without boundaries, and the air carried a light smell of medicinal herbs.

?: Who are you?!

Jean was surprised that someone what here and turned to the source of the voice, and found a young man who was looking at him with a nervous look, probably due to his killing intent.

Jean: Who are you?

the young man raised an eyebrow and then started talking again.

?: I asked first, what are you doing in my Sky Poison Pearl?

Jean: 'Sky Poison Pearl? Wasn't that Yun Che's Heavenly Profound Treasure together with the Mirror of Samsara? Don't tell me...' My name is Jean, nothing more, and nothing less.

?: Jean, huh? Now can you tell me why are you here?

Jean: I answered your question, now start talking.

Yun Che: *Sigh* 'Right now I will use this body's name...' My name is Xiao Che, now answer me, what are you doing here.

Jean: 'So it's really him... What a coincidence... I am in Against the Gods world, that God...' I don't know, I was in a green plain and when I closed my eyes, I was here.

Yun Che: 'He doesn't seem to lie... Otherwise he's too good about it' Fine, I will believe you for now... I need to get out, don't make a mess here, remember that I can see you even when I am outside the Sky Poison Pearl.

Then Yun Che closed his eyes and found himself outside the Sky Poison Pearl, meanwhile Jean was smiling at Yun Che's lie.

Jean: 'Heh, if it wasn't that I already know enough about the novel, then I would believe him.' Let's see if I can leave this place...

Then he closed his eyes and found himself again in the green plain, but some minutes later, he got a really important information in his mind.

Jean: "Paragon"

When Jean muttered that word as a name, a greatsword bigger than his own body appeared right in his hand, it was almost twice his size, it was as thick as his wrist, and was as large as his chest, while the handle was as long as his arm and had an horned skull at the end of the handle.

The greatsword was mostly black, but it had 5 skulls over it, one was at the end of the handle, and had horns two times bigger than the skull itself, while the other three were on the blade, while the last one was right between the blade and the handle, and had 3 sets of horns.

Those skulls had blue glowing eyes and the entire blade was releasing blue electricity. (Search for AQW Caladbolg for the weapon)

Overall, the appearance of the greatsword was devilish and frightening, but in his hand it didn't have a weight and could feel a big connection with it, as if he was looking at a mirror.