Devilish katana

Jean grabbed the handle of the greatsword with both hands and effortlessly swinged it, it felt as if it was a limb he always used, then he swung it on the ground, and a tremor was created.

When the tremor stopped, Jean lifted the greatsword with one hand and admired it, then he tried to see how much sharp it was with his finger, but the finger was not harmed in any shape or form, so he pushed his finger on the blade and it was still ok, he was surprised because even if it doesn't cut, it should hurt a bit, but he didn't felt nothing.

Suddenly there was a strong wind, that moved the grass and his hair, but the wind gave a feeling of stress, surprising Jean.

Jean: What the hell?

Then the wind got even stronger, and Jean moved his arms in front of him to block the wind from reaching his face, then he got an idea and sticked his greatsword in the ground, while he put himself behind the weapon, covering him from the wind.

It lasted for some minutes before the wind stopped and the sun started warming his body, it was a really good feeling, and unconsciously slept.


Yun Che was happy because he would marry the most beautiful girl in the Floating Cloud City, then he looked a bit around the room and found a katana without sheat, he raised an eyebrow because he was sure there wasn't any weapon in his room, so he walked towards it.

The moment he touched the handle, he jumped away from it, because he suddenly felt an heavy killing intent at him and turned around to find it, until he noticed the killing intent already disappeared.

He then looked at the sword again and with a suspicious look he touched it again, and at that moment, he felt again that heavy killing intent, that was just under his own in terms of strength of killing intents.

He got wide eyes, but he didn't stopped touching it, and instead he grabbed the handle and admired the katana.

It was just a normal katana, nothing of special, it had a black guard that resembled a vortex, and the handle was gray, while the shape of the blade was like any other katana, it had the length of 75 centimeters (29,5 inches), and the weapon on itself weighted just around 1 kilogram and half.

If someone would see this katana, they would just see a mortal weapon, unable to hurt people at the Nascent Profound Realm, but Yun Che sees it as a devilish weapon with the amount of killing intent it was releasing, but he felt a little connection with it, even if he never seen the blade.

Then he remembered the teen inside the Sky Poison Pearl and entered inside it, but didn't found anyone so he sighed in relief, after that, he left the Sky Poison Pearl another time and then looked at the katana.

Yun Che: I wonder if it has a name, maybe that guy... Jean if I'm not wrong, will tell me something about it.


Jean woke up and found himself in the green plain while using the greatsword as a support. He smiled and then he said to the greatsword.

Jean: Paragon... so that's your name, huh? Well then, time to find where the fuck am I...

Then he took back Paragon and thought about where walking to, until he started thinking about the weapon itself, because he didn't knew where he could leave it since there wasn't any sheat for it, then, suddenly, Paragon released black energy surprising Jean a bit and some moments later the greatsword disappeared.

Jean raised an eyebrow before trying to summon Paragon back with his thoughts and it appeared again in his right hand.

Jean: Heh, cool, so I can summon Paragon.

Then, with a smile, he made Paragon disappear and started walking towards the unknown while feeling a really warm sensation coming from the sun, and he really liked it.


Yun Che's clothes were currently being fixed from Xiao Lingxi, Yun Che himself was looking at Xiao Lingxi with a gaze filled with gratitude, and right when she finished fixing his clothes, he instinctively pressed his lips with hers


Jean looked at the sky, and found that it was clear, without any cloud and the sun was brightening everything, he was distracted from the pure light blue sky until he noticed what he was doing and with a smile, he started walking again while breathing fresh air.


Jean was still walking, but nothing changed, he started to get annoyed from the infinite plain of grass, there was nothing else, not even a tree.

So he thought about trying to enter the Sky Poison Pearl again, he sat down and tried to meditate, but nothing happened, then he tried to remember the feeling he got when Yun Che entered but he couldnlt remember it too well, he continued like this until he started feeling cold and trembled for some moments before the cold stopped.


Yun Che was stretching an helping hand to Xia Qingyue, but she used a bit of her profound energy on it, making Yun Che feeling a piercing cold over the arm he stretched, but he tried to ignore it and still helped Xia Qingyue.


Jean was still trying to concentrate until he could feel his body shift place and opened his eyes, to find himself again in the world of the Sky Poison Pearl, he looked around until he could see a light, he looked towards it and surprisingly he was seeing everything that was happening from the hand's view.

Right now he was seeing a girl of his own age that was wearing a red phoenix coronet, over that, there was a curtain of beads that covered her entire face, and was wearing a scarlet robe.

Jean: 'Probably she is Xia Qingyue… Still, I wonder why I could enter the Sky Poi… son Pearl… That shitty God made it possible… I wanted a good friend that will never betray me, but why did he gave me a pedo-rapist-casanova-killer as a friend?'

Then Jean was a bit curious and tried to summon Paragon, and it came in his right hand.

Jean: 'So I can summon it even when I am here, it will be useful if I meet Jasmine in the Sky Poison Pearl… Even if I could beat her when the time comes, but it will help me finish a fight faster'

While he was thinking about his things, he didn't noticed that Yun Che and Xia Qingyue were going towards Yun Che's bedroom.

Jean started whistling while he started looking outside, and it seemed that Yun Che was talking to Xia Qingyue from the doorway.

Jean: Oh god, now he is even scared about her... It's official, he's a pussy.

While Xia Qingyue was talking to Yun Che about his damaged profound veins, the latter heard another voice that was really near him, but he was sure that there wasn't anyone other than he and Xia Qingyue, so the only possibility was about Jean, who should be inside the Sky Poison Pearl.