1 Their First Meeting

Ai wakes up and notices unfamilair luxury ceiling. She sits up with her hand on her head. "Ughh." She notices that there's someone laying next to her. She was shocked to find a handsome young man who is naked besides her. She gets off of the bed and grabs her clothes. She quietly change and tries to recall what happen last night.

All she can remember is drinking coffee with her grandfather and talked about business. "No way..." She furrows her brows and grab her bag. She heads out of the room. She reaches the company. She barges in the conference room. "Leave. I need to speak with my grandfather." Everyone gather their stuff and left them alone. "Ai. What is it?" "Why did you do it?" "Ah...you figured it out." "Grandfather!" "It for your own good." "Its really for me or for you?!" "He will be your husband." "What? I don't need husband." Someone comes behind her and whispers to her ear. "You left without saying goodbye, my dear wife." She startles and turns around. She sees the same man who was with her this morning. "You--!" She notices that he's wearing a high school uniform. She turns to her grandfather. "Him..? He's just a high school student!" "Ai." "I oppose this marriage. There's no way I'm marrying him." She walks pass him and left the conference room. Ai then went to her office. She bangs the desk. "Damn it." Soon Megan, her secretary comes in. "Miss. The meeting is starting." "Alright." Ai and Megan heads to a different conference room.

After half an hour, she escorts the businessmen out. She then sees Lyle, her ex-lover. She ignores him and pass him. He grabs her hand. "Ai." "Let go." "Let's talk." "No need so let go." "Ai. Let me explain." "There's no need to explain." "LYLE!" They both turns to the voice. A woman who wearing expensive dress. Ai removes her hand away from Lyle. Lyle kept his eyes on her. The woman walks towards them and locks her arms with Lyle. "Ai. You're here too." "This is my company. Of course I'm here." "Ah that's right. You're now the CEO." Ai was about to leave. "Ai." "There's nothing to talk about. I'm busy." "Wait." The woman takes out an invitation. "Come and attend our wedding, Ai." Ai smiles. "No need to invite me." "Why not? We're all friends here." Ai looks away. "Come on, Ai. You should bring a date too. That way you won't fee lonely." Ai bit her lips.

"You're right, Cera. I will attend to your wedding." She smiles. She takes the invitation out of Cera's hand. "Thanks for inviting me." Ai walks pass them then she stops. She turns around and said, "Since you invite me to your wedding. When the day comes, I'll return and ask a favor." Lyle furrows his brows. "What do you mean by that, Ai?" "I haven't made the announce, but of course its obvious. I'm getting married." Lyle parts Cera and grabs Ai by her shoulders. "You're lying." "Am I?" Ai raises her brow. Ai challenges Lyle. "LYLE!!" Lyle snaps back and lets go of Ai. "Ah that's right. Have you thought about a name?" Lyle got confused. "Did you forget? She's carrying your child, isn't she?" Lyle bit his lip. Cera then holds onto Lyle's arm. "We're still thinking about a name." "Is that so?" Ai turns and left them.

There's a man who watching the whole thing. "My wife is sure interesting." He smiles. "Max." "Yes." "Investigate those ill-bred couple there, their relationship with my wife for me." "Yes sir."

Ai went back to her office. She throws the invitation in the trash can. She opens her laptop and starts working. There's a knock on her door. She looks up then continues to work. "Ignoring your husband?" "We're not married nor youre not my husband." He walks towards her desk and leans in. "We slept together." She looks up at him and smiles. "Just because we slept together, it doesn't mean I'm yours." She looks at the clock. "Shouldn't you be in class, Mr high school student?" "My name is Akito. Akito Liang." "I didn't ask for your name and I'm not interested in a little boy like you. Leave." "And if I won't?" They glare at each other. Ai stands up and heads out of the door. He grabs her hand and pulls her close. "H-hey! Let go." "It seems my wife needs to be obedient." "You should really train your wife." "I should, should i?" "Let me go." She tries to escape his grip. "I don't want to." "Find someone else to play with." He leans closer and whispers, "But I want you." She blushed. "Don't blame me." She head bump him. She finally escape from him and runs out. He wipes the blood on his lip. He smiles. "My dear wife. You sure a hard person to tame. It's okay, I still have time."

Ai stands by the window. "Ai." She turns and sees her grandmother. She returns to look at window. "My child. You should let him go." "I don't want to talk about it." "What do you think about Akito?" She stops her tracks and turns to her grandmother. "You're also in it with grandfather?" "My dear child, it's best for you." "Really? Drugging me is the best for me too?" "Ai." "Drugging me and make me sleep with a man I don't even know?" Her grandmother reaches out but Ai dodge it. "We're on your side." She scoffs and looks her in the eye. "That's what he said too until he chooses her. Both of you were on my side." "Ai..." "Now I have no one. It's fine. I don't care how many enemies I have. I'm better off alone. I don't need anyone on my side." Ai walks pass her grandmother and left. Her grandmother sighs and she watches her leave.

Akito was nearby, eavesdropping. "She's pretending to be strong." He watches his wife walking away.