2 Misfortune

It's a bright sunny day. Ai exits out of the house and gets in the back seat. Kei, her driver takes her to the company. She takes a look at the documents and starts having small talks with Kei. "How's your wife, Kei?" "Ah yes. She's feeling better, miss. She wanted to give you her thanks once she's all better." "There's no need. As long as she's well."

They stops at the red light. "Miss, I heard that they invited you to their wedding." "Ah, that." "Are you going?" "I already told them that I will attend." "But..." "If I don't show up, there is going to be rumors in the company." "Are you going to invite him as your date when the day comes?" "Him?" "Mr Akito." "Ah...I don't know."

The traffic light turns green. Kei steps on the gas petal. As they reaches the midpoint of the road, a big truck speeds up and crash into their car. "AH!" The car slides and BAM! Another car hits their car. The car rolls upside down. Kei coughs. "M-Miss. M-Miss." Kei takes out his phone slowly. He texts "code black" and sent it to the former Chairman. He loose his grip on his phone and lose his consciousness.


At Ai's residence

Former Chairman receives a text from Kei. He puts on his glasses in order to take a look. His eyes widened. He calls out for his wife who is slipping some coffee. "Pauline." "Yes, dear?" She looks at him, confused. "What is it?" "Ai and Kei..." "What about them?" "A car accident." Pauline was about take another sip, but she drops the coffee cup. "W-what? What did you say?"


Akito's high school--lunch break

Akito is sitting by the window with his friends. Jay asked, "Did you meet your wife?" "Yeah." "Is she pretty?" Akito glares at him. "What?? I'm just asking." Akito ignores him. Their teacher turns up the volume on the tv, watching the news. The volume is so loud that Akito takes a look. "Breaking news. It's been reported that Ms Ai, a female ceo and her driver got into an car accident." Akito stands up and slams his desk. His friends and his classmates jumps. He furrows his brows. "They were heading to the company for a meeting but they ran into some trouble on the way. Theres some witnesses and they said they saw a big truck that was speeding up and crash into their car and a red car crash into them. The driver is stable but Ms Ai is currently in the emergency room, still no news about her condition."

Akito clicks his tongue and walks out of the classroom. His friends follows. Akito takes his phone out and calls someone. "Get me the footage of the car accident that happen not too long ago. You have five minutes." He ends the call. Akito and his friends heads to the hospital.

On their way there, Akito is on his phone, looking through pictures of Ai. (You'll be fine. I know you will because you're a fighter, Ai. If anything happens to you, I will find that person and finish them off.)

As they pull up, Akito enters the main entrance. Soon he meets up with Ai's grandparents. "Ah. Akito. You're here." "Yes, sir. I heard the news." "Pauline asks, "I'm sorry. You must be in class." "It's alright. Ai is more important." Pauline nods. "How is she?" Pauline looks at her husband. "Nathan..?" "Doctor hasn't say much." Pauline sits down on the bench. "My poor Ai. She's already suffer enough." She cries. Nathan comforts his wife. "She will be okay."

As the times goes by, the doctor finally comes out of the emergency room. "How is she, doctor?" "Shes alright. But to take precaution, her head is slightly damage. So she might feel any headaches or dizziness. Let us know when she's awake." "Thank you doctor." The door opens and the nurses push the bed out, Akito sees bandage around her head and a few faint cuts on her face. He clench his hands. "Jay. Anything yet?" "Just receive it." "Liam, go with him." Liam nods.

Akito then follows Nathan and Pauline. Hours later, Akito speaks up, "You two can go home and rest. I'll look after her. I'll give you a call once she's awake." They both nod. Pauline kiss Ai on the forehead. Nathan puts his hand on Pauline's back to comfort her. Once they left, Akito grabs the chair and set it close to the bed. He sits down and holds her hand. "Seems you really do have a lot of enemies who wants you dead." He uses his other hand to touch her faint cuts on her face. "Don't worry. I'll get rid of them before they touches you."


Days later, Ai hasn't woken up yet. April, Ai's new secretary comes by to visit her. "Don't you have class today, Akito?" "I'm worried about her." "Go. I'll look after sister-in-law." He pats April's head. "Does she knows?" April tilts her head in confusion. "Our relationship." April smiles. "No. But shouldn't we tell her though?" He looks in the distance and then looks at April. "When that day comes, I'll explain to her." "Wont she hate you?" "Hate, huh..?" "Akito." "I have to go. Please look after her." "Okay." Akito left. April turns and look at Ai. She sits down on the chair. "Ai. Akito is a good person. He wouldn't betray you since you're very special to him. Believe me. I know."

Later that night, Ai slowly opens her eyes. (Where am i?) She turns side to side slowly. She sees a man's silhouette who is sitting on the chair, sleeping with his arms cross. She blinks a few times and notices that silhouette belongs to no other than Akito. (Why is he here?) She tries to sit up but her whole body is in pain. She groans quietly but Akito heard it. He wakes up and sees her awake. He gets ups and walks towards her. He helps her sit up and grabs a bottle of water. "Water?" She couldn't speak because its too raspy. She nods. He drinks some and pull her closer to him in order to give to her by mouth to mouth. She lets him since she's too weak to push him away.

Their lips parts. He looks at her, concerns. "Better." She nods. He smiles. (Looking at him acting like this....he's like a puppy, loyal to its owner...heh...kinda cute.) She coughs. "What's wrong? You need more water?" "N-no.I'm fine." She leans back and closes her eyes. (Ugh...my body aches. Hmm? Is he stroking me...? Am I some of sort cat? Well...it does feel good...I'm getting sleepy.)

Akito sees her closing her eyes. (Ah..she must be worn out from the accident.) He reaches out and stroke her hair gently.

A month later, Ai is much healthier. She gets discharge from the hospital. April comes and helps her getting into the car. As they left the hospital, April asks, "Should I bring the documents to your place to look them over?" "Yeah. It's fine." "Any messages when I was gone?" (There is. Many are from that nasty looking man. Lyle.) "No, ma'am." "April." "Ai." "Eh??" "Call me Ai." "But.." "I feel like an old lady when you call me ma'am." "Ah..yes ma-- I mean An-a-a-a-ai." Ai smiles. Ai looks at the window. She whispers, "I wonder if he's coming today." April smiles, since she heard it.

On the way to Ai's residence, they stop for gas. April send a text to Akito.


April: U busy?

Akito: Bored to death.

April: Guess what my friend.

Akito: You got rejected by Liam?

April: >.< You have death wish I see.

Akito: :P What is it?

April: She wants to see you

Akito: ....

Akito: Is this some kind of prank?

April: She whispers, "I wonder if he's coming today."

Akito: Seriously?!!! You're making it up, right?

April: Fine. Whateves. Whether you believe me or not.

Akito: Where is she? Is she with you?

April: I'm keeping her to myself. So Bleh. :P

Akito: Hey. U wanna die?

April: I'mma tell our little secrets okay?

Akito: No!

April: Fine. I'll tell her your perverted thoughts about her. Ciao! :D

Akito: U little...

April is laughing so hard. "Oh man. That feels good." "What is?" April startles. Ai was behind her. April hides her phone. "Your boyfriend?" "Thank god no." Ai laughs. "Who are you texting?" "Ummm....my big brother.." "I envy." April sees Ai making a painful smile. "Don't you have siblings?" "I did. I--" Ai looks at the distance. "I had 2 brothers, who are older than me." "Where are they?" She looks at April. "They're dead. Along with my parents." "I-I'm s-sorry." "Its okay. You didn't know." She smiles. "You're the first. First person I talk about my family. Heh. That's a change. Shall we go?" "A-ah yes."