3 Invitee

Akito comes by after class was over. April sees Akito. "Where is she?" "Wow. That was fast." "Shut up." "Meanie." "Two-faced." "Pervert." "You--!" April sticks her tongue out. "Humph." He follows April. They went outside. He stops on his tracks. Up ahead is Ai who is getting out of the pool. She's wearing a black two-piece with a spaghetti straps. She walks towards the table. Ray, one of the butlers takes out a robe and puts it on her. Akito glares at the man. April goes, "Uh-oh. someone's jealous." Then she said, "Ahem. Akito." "What?" "Your umm....how should I say this....your little beast is coming out." Akito looks down. "Fooled you." April walks away and laughs. "You--!!"

"Ai, here's your coffee." "Thanks April." "Feeling better?" "Yeah." April then hands Ai the documents. Ai takes it and go through with it. "Ah. That's right. Mr. Akito is here." Ai nods but her eyes is still on the document. April turns and looks at Akito. She snickers. Akito got more mad. Ai looks up at April. "I think you should lead this project, April." "Eh? I don't think..." "You're very talent. So...why not use it?" "R-really?" Ai smiles. "Since you have the talent and the abilities, why not do it?" "But..." "Your talents and your own abilities doesn't come from whether you're from a wealthy family or not, it's comes to your own strengths. So how about it?" She clench her fists. "I want to do it." Ai smiles and hands her the documents. "I'm looking forward your performance." "I won't let you down." "Good."

Ai then stands up and heads back inside. She stops as soon as she sees Akito standing there. "You..." He waves at her. She walks up to him. "You're here for grandfather?" "Huh? I..I'm here for you." "I didn't ask." She walks pass him. April gestures him to follow her. He did so.

He grabs her wrist and pulls her close. "I heard you got discharged so I came to check on you." She loose his grip. "I'm fine. You may leave." She walks upstairs. "Jasper." "Yes." "Escort him out." "Yes." Jasper turns to Akito. Akito watches her go upstairs. "No need." Akito left the residence. Ai watches him leave from her balcony.

Ray comes into her room. "Don't you want to see him?" "What are you talking about?" Ai then comes inside. "My lady." "I'm not ready, Ray." "My dear." He comforts her. "He won't hurt your or betray you." She separates herself from Ray. "I already know that." "Then...what are you afraid of?" She turns to Ray and looks him in the eye. "Losing him. Losing the people I love." "Ai." "My parents, my brothers. They sacrifice their lives for me. My grandparents would do that same. If they're all gone...who can I turn to?" Ray pats her back. "My, my. This is way you keep your distance from him. You silly child. Love...you can run away from it. Love will find you and your soulmate. If you have no one to turn to, go to him. He will help you. Even though he is still a high school student, but he is the future heir of the Liang. And you, my dear, are the heir of Shuang." "I'll think about it." "Alright."

Ray was about head out but stops. "Ah, right. You should invite him to be your date." "Date?" "You know, to those useless married couple's wedding." "Ah...I will ask him." "Good." Ray left the room. Ai sighs.

Later that night, Ai debating if she should text or call Akito. "What should I do..?" She grabs her cellphone and text Akito.


Ai: Hey its Ai. Are you free on Saturday May 6?

Akito reads it but didn't reply. "How come he didn't reply?" Her phone rings, she got startles. She picks the call. "H-hello." "What's with your voice?" He laughs. "A-anyways, are you free?" "I am. What's up?" "Ummm....can you be my date..?" "We're going on a date.?" "Um..well...not a date but I told them that I will be coming and thought if...you could be my date." "Where?" "Chapel." "Ahhh...their wedding?" Ai was shocked. "Y-yeah." Akito stays silent for a bit. "If you don't want to--" "I didn't say that." He sighs. "I'll go under one condition." "What is it?" "I want you to wear the dress I picked out." "..Okay." "....You will..?" "Yeah.." "Okay." "Yeah. So um see you around 6." "Okay." The call ends. Ai never thought talking on the phone would makes her so nervous.


May 6. --afternoon

Ray comes into Ai's room. "Your dress has arrived." "Wow. Already?" "Yes, my dear. Now let me help you get dressed." Ai nods.

Akito arrives and now waiting for Ai. A few minutes later, the maids gasps. "Oh my! Our lady is very beautiful." Akito turns around and looks up. His eyes widened. Ai walks down wearing a pink beautiful long dress that is a v-neck style that shows her left leg. It also reveals her back. Her hair is curled with a hair accessory of pearls on her left side. Akito's tongue-tied seeing her wearing the dress that he choose for her. "Akito. Akito." "Huh?" He looks at the head maid. "Ahem." She gestures him to compliment Ai. He looks at Ai. "You look beautiful." "Thank you." Ai turns to the maids. "I'll be back." "Yes, my lady." She takes his arm and they heads to the chapel.


Ai and Akito arrives and heads inside the chapel. Lyle sees Ai and he smiles brightly, "Ai. You're here." Ai ignores him and fix Akito's tie in front of Lyle. "Wow you made it, Ai. I didn't think you were serious about coming." Cera comes and join as she locks arms with Lyle. She then notices Akito. "Who's your date?" "Let me introduce him to you guys." Ai leans onto his shoulder and smiles. "This is Akito. He's the man I'm going to marry." Lyle clench his fist. Akito notices and put his arm around her waist. "Ai mentions you two a lot. It's such an honor to meet you two in person." Ai continues, "Akito is a busy man but he made time to come with me tonight. He's very sweet. At least, towards me." "A-Ahh is that so." Akito said, "Right. Once we're married, please attend our wedding." "Yes. We definitely come." Cera fakes a smile. Akito and Ai then walks pass them and finds a table to sit down.

Akito pulls a chair for her. "Thank you." "No problem." He sits down with her. "Are you okay?" "No. I just want to leave." Akito smiles. Ai didn't make any eye contact with Lyle or Cera.

As the times go by, the groom and the bride exchanges their vow and rings. Lyle keeps on drinking while watching Akito flirting with Ai.

Akito notices that Lyle is looking at their way. "It seems he's still into you, my love." "I don't care." She's facing straight, looking at the band playing their music. "Then look over this way." She turns to Akito and Akito kiss her on the lips. "You—" she tries to hit him but he catches her hand and makes her fingertips touch his lip. "You know, you shouldn't furrow your brows so much, or you won't be pretty anymore." "Good. That's my goal. Let go of me." "But no matter what you look like, I still love you since you're still yourself." She looks in the his eyes. (Those words sound like he really meant it. Just what is he thinking?) He leans closer to her, she push him away. "I need to use the restroom." She stands up and head to the restroom.


She pats her cheeks that are burning up. She recalls about his words and actions. She surprises herself from thinking about Akito so much. She shakes her head. (No. He's just acting. All of them are.) She then heads out. Someone grabs her hand. She turns around and it was Lyle. His face is bright red,, drunk. "Let go of me" "Who is he?" "I already told you." "You think I'll believe that? Are you just saying that to make me jealous?" She scoffs.

Akito realizes that Lyle isn't sitting by the bride. He went to look for him if he's caused any trouble to Ai. As he reaches to the restrooms, he sees Lyle grabbing Ai's hand. "Me? Jealous of you?" She laughs. "I wouldn't dare. I mean, you're not even worth it." "Ai. Let me explain what happen that night I —" "Enough!" She looks at him in the eye. "I could care less what really happen. You still slept with her and got her pregnant. But you're right. He's not my fiancé. But I guess I can say..." she leans in and whispers, "He's my boy toy." "Ai!" She removes his grip from her wrist. "Lyle, I might be stupid, but I am not blind. There's other fishes in the world, so I'm not that desperate to hold onto you. Plus...he's very good to me..especially in bed, that is." She walks pass him and returns to her table. Akito watch the whole thing. He grins. ."Hmmm is that so."Akito follows her to the table.

As she returns to the table, she didn't see Akito. She looks around but still no sight of him. She turns around and bump into someone. She's about to fall, but that someone, Akito, catches her. "Looking for me?" She pushes him away and quickly stands up. She looks away. "Let's leave." "Whats the hurry?" "It's suffocating in here." He takes her hand. She looks down at her hand then at him. He smiles. "Then let's leave."

As they about to head out, Cera speaks up. "Ai, you're leaving already." Ai smiles. "We love to stay but something came up so we have to go. Congratulations." "Thank you." Ai and Akito left the chapel. "Ah." "What is it?" "I forgot my coat." "Lee, take her in the car." "Yes." Akito turns to her. "I'll go get it. Go inside the car." She nods. She follows Lee to the car. "You go ahead. I just need some air." "Yes." Lee gets in the car and starts the car. Ai takes out a cigarette and a lighter. She puts a cigarette in her mouth and lights up with the lighter. She then exhales.

Akito went back into the chapel. He then sees Lyle with Ai's coat. He smiles. "I'll take that." He snatch it from Lyle and was about to return to Ai's side. "Who exactly are you?" Akito stops and turns around. "I believe she already told you who I am." Lyle scoffs. "You should leave her alone. You don't deserve her." Akito smirks. "I should say the same thing to you, Mr. You fuck with another woman." Lyle grabs Akito by the collar. "You don't know anything." "Ah really? Lyle Jiang. 26 years old. First girl; Mandy. Second girl, Liza, Third, Ai. While you're dating Ai, you, my man, fucked Cera countless of times." Lyle's eyes widened. "You...how.." "Let's see...when you went to Italy, it wasn't for work but to take Cera on a trip." Akito glares at Lyle. Lyle grits his teeth and was about to punch Akito. "All of that, is correct." Lyle and Akito turns to the voice owner, no other than Ai. "Ai." Lyle lets go of Akito. He walks to up Ai. "Ai. Listen..." She interrupts him. "Just when will you tell me, Lyle?" She looks him in the eye. "You knew?" "Yeah." She scoffs. "I knew. I knew your dad and your plans. Using me just to get power." "N-No. It's not like that, Ai." Ai takes out her cellphone. She pressed play.

The recorder that Megan, her other secretary has record and sent it to Ai personally.

Lyle's father: How was it? Is it successful?

Lyle: Yes father. Everything will go as we plan.

Lyle's father: Good, good. You did well son. You tame the Shuang's granddaughter.

Lyle: It was easy.

She stops the recorder. "If its not like that, then what is it?" Ai's eyes left on Lyle to Akito. "You took forever just to get my coat. Are you done here?" "Yeah. Let's go." Akito follows her and puts his arm around her waist. "Ciao, Lyle." Lyle grits his teeth and clench his hand as he watch them leave.

In the car ride, Akito and Ai didn't speak at all. Soon Akito feels something on his shoulder. He turns and sees that Ai has fallen asleep. He reaches her face to lean against his shoulder. She sleeps soundly. He smiles. "Head to my place." "Yes sir." He then holds her hand and leans his head against her, closes his eyes.

Next morning, Ai turns and hugs whatever is next to her. She felt someone is stroking her hair. She slowly opens her eyes. "AHH!!!!" She backs of and fell off the bed. "Y-you...what are you doing here?" "Hm? This is my room." She looks around and notices unfamiliar place. She tries to recall what happen last night. She whispers, "This is kinda deja vu." He smiles and grabs her hand and pulls her close. "Let go." "No." "Akito!" He smiles. "W-what...?" "You finally say my name." She blushed. "So cute." "C-c-cute?!" "Say it again." "In your dreams." "Come on." "Let me go." He lifts her up and put her on the bed. "You--" He pins her hands down above her head. "Last night, someone said that I'm very good in bed. Should we try it out?" She's confused until it hits her. She forgot that she said that to Lyle. Her face blushes and looks away. (H-he heard me?!!! Oh please kill me now.) He leans closer to her ear. He whispers her name over and over.

She finally looks at him. "Let go." "I don't want to." They stare at each other for a few minutes and he leans closer to her. He seals her lips, but she didn't fight back or push him away. She kinda likes it. He parts his lips with her but she moves forward in order to kiss him once more. He was shocked. He then return the kiss to her and loosen his grip on her. She reaches and hold onto him. Their lips parted, they both pant heavily. He moves back and takes off his shirt. He leans in once more, she push him away. He grabs her hands. "You're the one who tempted me." They locks in each other gaze.

As they're about to go at it again, SLAM! "Big brother!!" They both freezes and turn to their side. A little boy was by the doorway. "Oh!" The little boy sees them on the bed. "I see. That's how you make babies. You kiss the person and pops the baby, right? Am i Right?" After a dead silent, the boy said, "Don't mind me. Continue." Ai snaps back in reality and push Akito away from her. "Ai." He grabs her hand but she moves it away and smack Akito across the face. She went and dash out. "Oh boy, you mess it up, brother." The little boy felt a sharp gaze. He smiles nervously. "Hi brother." He was about to leave. "Jimmy." He jolts. "Y-yes?" "Why did you interrupt us?" "You promise me that you will introduce her to me. You big liar!" Akito sighs. "You can't have her." "And why not?" "She's mine." "It's okay we can share." "No. She's mine. Alone." "Humph. I'm tell old man on you!" Jimmy runs out of the room.

Akito sighs and lays down on the bed. His hand touches his lip. He smiles. (If Jimmy haven't barge in on us, then I wouldn't able to control myself. *Sighhh) "She finally calls me by my name. Damn it. She's so cute."