Chapter 4: Distance

Ai couldn't focus at work due to what happen to Akito's place. Her face blushed. She shakes her head and tries again to concentrate on her work.

Knock. Knock. She looks up and see Tay Tay. She closes the door and walks up to the desk. "What did you find?" "It's 100% sure Lyle is involve with the car accident." She hands Ai the document and the photos. Ai takes it from her and checks it herself. Ai stays silent. "My lady." She sighs and puts the them on the desk. "Who was in the car and the truck?" "He hired some people to arranged it." She nods. "Locate them and bring them here. If they refuse, bring their family here." "Yes, my lady."

After Tay Tay left. Ai sighs again. She looks at the photos as she knits her brows. (How should I deal with him..and this situation..?) "Should I lend you a hand?" She hears a voice. She looks up and sees him. "Akito." He walks into her office. She gather the photos and documents and place it in her drawers. "Shouldn't you be in class?" "You haven't reply to my texts nor pick up my calls." "I've been busy. I'm sure there's other girls who have time to play with you." He glares at her. She ignores his gaze and continues to work on her laptop, avoid to look at him. "You're okay with me playing with other girls?" "You need my approval on seeing girls? We're not dating or married or whatsoever." She finally looks at him. "What you do or who you meet, is none of my concern." He turns and walks away.

(Nice job, Ai. You made him mad.) Ai closes her laptop and turns her chair. She looks at the view and sighs. (Just what's wrong with me?)


Akito comes out of the company. Jay was confused. "That was fast." "Let's go." Jay realized something's off. "Hey. What's wrong? You two have a fight already?" Akito turns to Jay and glares at him. "Oh-kayyy. Let's go." Jay gets in the car first. Akito then looks up at the building. ( seriously feel nothing towards me, Ai..) Akito gets in the car. "Head to the club." "....." "Didn't you hear me?" "Um...bro." "What?" "We're high school students." Akito's mind went blank. "Hey." Jay taps him on the shoulder. "Seems like you've been bewitched by her huh?" Akito sighs. Jay couldn't believe what he sees. (Seriously?!!! He's been moody because of her?!!! He usually push girls away. Hmmmm....Interesting.)

Akito was absent-minded. Jay notices Ai coming out of the building. Then there's a man grabbing her hand. "Hey, that man...what's his name Lyle. Thats him, is it not?" Akito looks up and sees Ai and Lyle together. "That bastard again." Akito just watch them. "You're not going to help her." "None of my business." Jay stays quiet.

"Let go." "Let's talk." "There's nothing to talk about." "Ai. Please." She scoffs. "I'm busy. I've made plans with someone." She breaks free from his grip and walks away with April. "That man...or should I say that boy, who is 18 and a high school student." Ai stops on her tracks. (He dares to investigate him!) Ai turns around and looks at him. "So?" He grabs both of her shoulders. "Ai. Just what games are you playing with me?" April interferes but he shove her hard on the ground. "Ah."

Ai got upset. "Hands. Off." She puts her hand on his, twist it, and kicks him in the gut. "Argh.." He fell on his knees. "You...Ai.." Ai ignores him and went to April's side. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine." "Are you able to get up?" "I think so." Ai lifts a hand for her. April takes her hand to stand. "Ugh." Ai notices April's ankle is swollen. Ai bit her lips. Ai thinks about it and lift April up. "A-Ai. I can walk. Put me down." "Shut. Up." Ai looks at Lyle who's still on his knees, groans in pain. "This will be the last warning. Next time, I won't be nice." Ai left and carries April towards the car.


Inside of the Jay's car.

Jay and Akito watch the whole thing. "I don't like that guy. He's horrible. He deserves that kick. I hope April is okay. But man, the way sister in law carries April." "Follow them." Jay looks at him. "What?" "Let's see, there's a man who just said, 'none of my business' not a moment ago." Akito gives him the death gaze. Jay gulps. "Hospital it is."

Akito and Jay arrives at the hospital. Akito sees Ai, who's on the phone. She sighs. "Yes. I know. I'll be careful for now on. And no, I don't need bodyguards with me. I'll be fine." She ends the call. She sighs again. A nurse comes up to her. "The patient you brought here, is good to go." "Is her condition alright?" "Yes. Her ankle is swollen from the fall. Just put an ice pack on it for half a hour. The swelling will go away in a few days." "Thank you." The nurse nods and left.

April carefully walks towards Ai. Ai walks up to her and helps her. "Need a wheelchair." "I'm fine." "I'm sorry." April looks at Ai. "You got hurt because of me." "Ai. I'm okay. It's just swollen. I'll be better in no time." April said in a smile. (I shouldn't open up to anyone...who know what they'll do)

"Let me take you home." "Okay." Akito watches them leaving. April fell asleep in the car. "U-turn and go home." "Yes, my lady." Jasper carries April inside the house and takes her to the guest room. Ai gathers the maids and butlers in the main hall. "April is my guest for a few days. Assist her. Also don't let her leave until her ankle is heal. Understand?" "Yes, my lady." "Dismissed." They left. Ai heads to her room and went on the balcony.


Akito just got home. Liam was waiting for him. "Liam." "Have you seen April?" "April?" "Yeah. We're supposed to meet but she didn't show up." Akito thoughts about it. (Didn't she take her home?) Akito grabs his cellphone and calls April. *RING RING It picks up. "This is April's cell." His eyes widened. (Ai..?) He was about to talk but it will give away his identity, so he gives the phone to Liam. Liam takes it as he puzzled. "Hello?" "You called for April, right?" "Yes." "She's sleeping right now." "You are..." "Ah. I'm her boss, Ai. Ai Shuang." He looks at Akito. "I am --" "You must be her big brother?" "Big brother?" Liam and Akito looks at each other. Akito panics. "Well, yeah. That's what she puts you as in her contact." "Ah. Yes." "She will be staying over my place for a while. So no need to worry about her." "Thank you." The call ends.

"What did she say?" Liam toss the phone to Akito. "April is with your future wife. Her place for a couple days." "I see." Liam grabs his jacket and heads to the door but he stops. He turns around and ask, "She doesn't know that April is your half-sister?" Akito walks away from Liam like he didn't hear anything. Liam follows Akito and grab him. "She doesn't know, does she?" "..No." Liam smack him on the head. "Ouch! Why did you hit me?" "Does she know your real identity?" "No." Liam smack him again." "Ouch! What?!" "What does she know about you?" "High school student." Liam hits him once more. "Ouch!" "Useless kid." Liam walks away. "If one day she finds out your real identity, will she stay with you or walk away?" Liam stops by the door. "Aren't you the same as Lyle? Using her?" He looks back at Aktio, "or are you serious about her? If you take a wrong step, Akito, she'll forget about you. Think about it." Liam opens the door and left.

Akito grips his cellphone. He whispers, "...I'm not using her..."