Chapter 5: Immature

[Akito's narrating]

Ten years ago, I ran away from home. I found out that I'm not their son. I accidentally bump into some large men, gangsters. They beat me up until I lost myself.

I thought I was destined to die at that moment, but I was saved by an angel. She was very beautiful. She was wearing plain black dress that is down to her knees with her hair up in a ponytail. My vision began to blur. I remember what she said before I fell asleep.

"It's okay. I got you. You're safe now."

I opened my eyes and notices unfamiliar ceiling. I turn my head on the side and realized it wasn't a dream. An angel really save me. She was sleeping next to me while holding my hand. I sat up and looks around the room. Where am I? Who is she? Why she save me? I get out of the bed and walks to the balcony.

A few minutes later, I heard a voice behind me. "You're awake." I turn around and see her standing there with a smile. That smile was quite beautiful. "Who are you?" "I'm Ai. What's your name?" "..Akito." "Nice to meet you, Aikto."

It's been a couple days, I met her family. She has a mother, Lucy, father, Toma, and two older brothers, Louie and Tam. Ai is the only daughter.

Later that day, Ai asks me how I end up in the alleyway, all beaten up. "I bump into some gangsters." "But where's your parents?" I stay silent. I didn't know what to say. She pats my head. "It's okay. I won't pressured you to tell me, but I think they're worried about you." "They won't." "How would you know?" "I'm not their son." "So you're an orphan." "Yeah." I looked down at my hands. They won't look for me.

She taps me on the shoulder. I looked up. "You know, some parents wants to have kids, but they couldn't." "Why is that?" "They just can't. It's how the real world works. Some can have kids and others can't. For them, they probably adopt you as their own since they cannot have kids." "I didn't know." She smiles. "Akito. You should face them and have a talk with them, why they adopted you. I think they adopted you because you're special." "I don't know." "I'll go with you so you don't need to feel nervous." "Really?" "I pinky promise." They promised.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I went to her room. "Ai." She stops doing his homework and looks at me. "Can't sleep?" I nod. She smiles and takes my hand. We head to the bed. We slept side by side, while holding hands. "Ai. Can I ask you something?" "What is it?" "Since you're a high school student, what do you want to be in the future?" She laughs. "I haven't thought about it. What about you, Akito?" I sat up and said, "I want to be Ai's husband when I grow up." She laughs. "If it's you that will be great." We talk and talk and little by little we both fell asleep.

Next morning, she went with me to see my parents. I talked to them. Father told me my parents passed away when I was little. I have a grandfather. Soon he will come and get me. Mother said I was never a burdened to them. I feel happy. I hugged them for the first time.

One day, I went to school and heard the devastating news about Ai and her family. I ran away from the school. Ai's house is burned down. Who would do such a thing? Where's Ai? They said everyone in that house died from the fire.

At age of 17, many girls likes me because of I'm the heir of Liang and also I'm very good-looking. One day, I found out that grandfather set an arranged marriage for me. I didn't know who it was but I only some basic information about her. She's the next heir of Shuang. 26 years old. Single. I didn't care until I saw the photo of her. My eyes widened. ....She's alive..? I decided to go and see her myself. I went to her company, was about to go in but she exiting the company. Our eyes met but she just walks pass me like we're strangers. She's no longer showing her beautiful smile. She became a person with an empty shell.

That night when I was drugged by my grandfather once I turned 18. I see a woman on the bed, who looks exactly like Ai. The drug inside of me makes me lose control. I take off my shirt, unbutton her shirt, and kissed her. I unbutton my pants and hers. We went for a couple rounds of lovemaking.

I woke up and notice a woman was laying next to me. I got up and see that woman is Ai. I reached out but notices that she's knitting her brows like she's going to wake up. I pretend to sleep. I can hear her cursing and walked out of the door.

I sat up and promised myself not let go of her hand. I get dressed and was about to head to the company where she's working at, but something caught my eye. There's blood on the bed sheet. Is that her first time doing it? Somehow I felt happy that I took her first, but at the same time I felt horrible.

I head to the Shuang company. As I reached the chairman office, I heard her arguing with her grandfather. I found that me and her are the victims, drugged by our grandparents. I wanted to tease her so I came behind her and whisper to her ear. She jolts and her face blushed.

Seeing her expression, I want to tease her a little bit more. But she walks away. I watch her afar and see her painful expression when she sees that man. I was curious what kind of man she was into.

As soon as I found out what kind of man he is, I want to kill him myself. Seeing her in tears makes me want to comfort her but she doesn't remember me.