Chapter 7: Purpose

Ai gets up and feels awful. She checks on her cellphone. She receives a lot of texts and missed calls from Akito. She ignores it. She puts her phone aside.

She gets up and opens the curtains. She heads to the bathroom for a quick shower due to the wine.

Once she changed, she heads out. As she reaches for the car, she sees Akito by his car. He waves at her but she ignores him and get inside the car.

Akito puts his hand down. "Drive." "Yes my lady." The car drives pass Akito. Akito watches her leave.


Akito went inside of Ai's residence to visit Nathan. "Akito. Nice to see you, come in." Akito and Nathan are in the study room. Akito gets into the point why he came today.

"How many people did she lose?" Nathan was surprised how blunt Akito is and nods. "Besides her family, her maids and butlers, even two of her best friends were killed on the same day." Akito was shocked. "On the same day?"

Nathan nods. "The house was burned. Even her friends along their families." Akito didn't know what to say. Nathan continues, "They want to get rid of them in order to control and have the Shuang." "They?" "There's many people who wants them dead. Like Futumoto, Futushima, Gima, and Hagiwara. The thing is...we saved Ai because her brothers are already burned by the fire. Ray has no choice but save her only."

"What happen to April, Ai is blaming herself for opening up to someone. Now she's shutting herself in. That man, Lyle, he kept on bothering Ai." "No need to worry about him. "I'll take care of it." Nathan nods.

Nathan looks at Akito. "I have heard a lot about you from Toma. You do appear what he said." Nathan smiles. "I hope you can take care of her in the future." Akito nods. "I will."


Akito left the study room. He sees April walking back and forth. "What are you doing?" "I'm so bored." She holds onto Akito. "You got to help me." "What did she told you to do?" "She won't let me do anything until my ankle heals, but I'm dying of boredom." He chuckles. "Then I can't help you." "Why not?" "Your boss is Ai. Not me." Akito escapes and left April all alone. "What kind of brother leaves his own sister? Humph."


Ai is taking care of the documents and reading it carefully. Knock. Knock. The door opens. "May, did everything went well?" There's only silence. She looks up and sees Akito by the doorway. She ignores him. "She went to lunch." She looks at the clock, 12:45PM, then back to her work. Akito went up to her desk and takes the documents away from her. "Hey!" "Let's go eat." She snatch it back. "If you're hungry then go. Leave me alone." "I want to eat with you." "You already have." "Are you mad?" She ignores him.

He comes around and whispers to her ear, "Ai." She stands up and slams on her desk. "Leave. Me. Alone." She was about to head out but he grabs her and pulls her close. "What's wrong with you?" " Let go." "No." "Cancel the engagement." He loosen his grip on her.

He looks at her. "Ai. " "I don't want anything to do with you." She push him away. She stands by the door. "Leave." Akito clench his hand and left the office. She closes the door and slips down to sit on the floor. "It's better this way."


A hour later, Akito receives a call from April. "Where are you?" "Why?" "Are you with Ai?" "No." "Go back." "What for? She told me to leave. I left. So what's the big --" "Heard from one of the workers, there's a fire in the building. They don't know if Ai has escape." Akito u-turns and heads back. "Shit. Damn Akito. If anything happens to you...I won't able to forgive myself."

Akito reaches to the company and sees the building on fire. He sneaks in without being seen. "Ai." He takes the stairs to get to the upper level. As he enters, the air is boiling. He runs up ahead and calling for her. But she didn't answer. He checks in her office, but no sign of her.

He then heads to the conference room, still no sign of her. (Where are you, Ai?) He runs by a suspicious door with a lock on. He grabs a stick to hit the glass and grabs an extinguisher. He kept on banging on the doorknob.

Once the door knob is broken, he kicks the door open. He drops the extinguisher as soon as he sees Ai on the floor, bleeding on back of her head. He knits his brows and went to grab her. He carries her and exit the building.


Akito is sitting on the bench, waiting for the results. Soon the doctor comes out, Akito stands up. "How is she?" "She is fine. Luckily, you brought her here on time, if it's sooner, she's a goner. She needs to properly rest." "And her head?" "It's a slight injury, not that serious." "Thank you, doctor."

Next morning, Ai opens her eyes. (Where am I?) She realizes she's in the hospital. (Right. I received a text from someone then I got hit on the head.) She sits up and notices Akito is sleeping near her. (Akito.) She smiles.