Chapter 8: He’s an Enemy?

[Ai's narrating]

At age 17, I woke up and realized I'm in the hospital. I recall what happen last night. Fire. My dear brothers was already burned along with the fire.

My mother hugged me tight and said, "You must go on." I refused. I refused to leave them. A man came into the house, and take me away from my parents. My parents just stands there and smiles.

The man said his name is Ray. He told me I have grandparents which I never met before. As we arrived to the big mansion, they were standing outside waiting for me. I took a bath and wonder why am I still alive? What's the purpose of living?

During my stay, I was taught about business and I studied it. I did it because of Father. It was his dream to help Grandfather's business. Well, since Father is no longer here, I decided to achieve this dream of his for him.

After nine years I was walking out of the company along with bodyguards. I looked up ahead and noticed a man standing by the entrance, looking at me. He was smiling just like Akito would smile, I realized that man was Akito. I was very happy to meet him again. He has grown a lot. He used to be a shorty, but now he's taller than me. Time flies.

It looks like he had something to say but I noticed I'm being watch. I just walked pass him like I don't remember him. I don't want them to hurt him just how they did to the people I love and cherish.


That day when grandfather and I went to the hotel, we drank coffee and talk about business. I feel dizzy so I decided to book a room. My body is getting hot and I was breathing so heavily. The door opened, a man, who looks exactly like Akito, shows up. He walks up to me and I grabbed his hand, pushed him into the bed. I kissed him a bunch of times.

Soon we switch positions and he's on top of me. He unbuttoned his shirt and mine. Our lips finds its way to one another and kissed for a long time. Then he unbutton his pants and mine. We done it a couple of rounds of lovemaking.

The sun shining on my face. I slowly open my eyes, and sits up. "Ughh." My head was pounding like crazy. I notice Akito is laying beside me. I realize it wasn't a dream. I grabbed my clothes and quickly change into them. I tried to recall what happen. All I can remember is drinking coffee with Grandfather. "No way.."

I furrowed my brows and grab my bag. I left the hotel and headed to the company. As I got into the company, the staff told me that Grandfather is in a meeting. I could not careless if he's in a meeting or not.

I barged in. I glared that the employees. "Leave. I need to speak with my grandfather." Everyone quickly gather their stuff and left us alone. Grandfather sighs and shows no reaction of my appearance.

"Ai. What is it?" "Why did you do it?" " figured it out?" "Grandfather!" I was so so mad at him. "It's for your own good." "It's really for me or for you?!"

Grandfather wasn't mad or angry. He was just sipping his coffee. "He will be your husband." What? Akito will be my husband? Is he on this too? They're siding with each other. "What? I don't need a husband."

I felt someone behind me, I wouldn't dare to turn around. He whispers, "You left without saying goodbye, my dear wife." I startles by his voice and turns around. So it was Akito last night. I notice something about him.

"You--" He is wearing a high school uniform. He's in high school...wait! I just slept with a high school student!?! I turned to Grandfather. "Him? He's just a high school student."

Grandfather tries to convince me. "I oppose this marriage. There's no way I'm marrying him." I walked pass him and head to my office. I slammed on my desk. "Damn it." How did it get into this? There's no way I'm marrying him.


After the meeting and meeting my ex-lover and his lover. I throw the invitation in the trash can. Those ill-bred couple. I sighs and sit on my chair. I opened my laptop and starts working. Focus Ai. Focus on your work and nothing else.

There's a knock on the door, I looked up and its Akito. I ignored him and continue to work. He let himself in. "Ignoring your husband?" I scoff. Husband? We're not even married, you sicko. "We're not married nor you're not my husband." He walks up to my self and leans closer to me. "We slept together." I scoff again.

I looked up at him and smiles. "Just because we slept together, it doesn't mean I'm yours." I looked at the clock, 8:04AM, then back at him. "Shouldn't you be in class, Mr. High School Student?" "My name is Akito. Akito Liang." Well duh. I know your name.

"I didn't ask for your name or interested in a little boy like you. Leave." "And if I won't?" We glared at each other. I stands up and was about to head out of the door. He grabs my hand and pulls me close.

"H-hey! Let go." "It seems my wife needs to be obedient." I'm not your wife. "You should really train your wife." "I should, should i?" You bastard. "Let me go." I tried to escape his grip. My god, how did he became this strong?

Wait. I don't want to know. "I don't want to." "Find someone else to play with." He leans closer and whispers, "But I want you." I blushed hard. How am I going escape? "Don't blame me." I head bump him. Hard. He loosen his grip.

I finally escape from him and ran out without looking back. I stood by the window. I heard a voice calling me. That voice belongs to my grandmother. I return to look at the window. "My child. You still have feelings for that man." "I have no idea what you're talking about." I turned around and walks the opposite direction. Grandmother asked, "What do you think about Akito?"

I stopped my tracks. So, she's in it with them. I turned to her. "You're also in it with grandfather?" "My dear child, it's best for you." "Really? Drugging me is the best for me too?" "Ai." "Drugging me and make me sleep with a man I don't even know?" Well I do know him, but I cannot say that. Grandmother tries to reach out to me but I dodge it.

"We're on your side." I scoffed and looks her in the eye. "Funny. That's what he said too, until he betrayed me. Both of you were on my side." "Ai..." "Now I have no one. It's fine. I don't care how many enemies I have. I'm better off alone. I don't need anyone on my side." I walk pass her.

There's so many things I want to say. But I'm afraid there's someone eavesdropping our conversation. Just what they are planning to do? Setting me up to get married with a high school student. They're all crazy. why am I thinking about him. He' enemy. An enemy.