Chapter 9: BOOOM!

Ai reach out and touches his hair. "Thank you Akito." She grabs her cellphone and calls someome. "Is everything all set?"

She looks down at Akito who is still sleeping. She smiles. "Proceed the plan just how we talked about." She then gets up and left the room.

Akito wakes up and doesn't see her but a letter. He opens the letter and reads it.

Letter: thank you, we'll meet again.

He then left the hospital and head home. He calls her on his cellphone. But it leads to voice mail.

He sighs. "Ignoring me again?" He toss his cellphone on the side.


Ai heads to the airport. She receives a phone call from Akito. She was about to answer it but BOOOOOM! The car exploded!

The cellphone flew off and landed on the side of the road. It kept ringing.


Akito sighs again. "Damn you woman." He went downstairs and sees his old gramps watching the news. He tries to call her again.

He turns around and hear a devastating news. "Breaking news, Ai, the granddaughter of Pauline and Nathan, was heading to the airport but the car exploded."

Akito drops his cellphone. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. (What?) The news reporter shows the car that Ai was driving. (No....there's must be a mistake.)

Akito rushes to the hospital and sees Nathan and Pauline. They turns and sees Akito. "Akito."

Akito wants to see in his own eyes if the body is Ai's. He was shocked. He sees her wearing a necklace that he gave to her ten years ago.

His legs went weak. "'s a lie...Ai....tell me it's a lie...." Akito breaks down and cry. Pauline also breaks down.

Next week, they held a funeral for Ai. Akito still couldn't believe that she's gone. (Once again, I couldn't protect you. This must be my punishment.)

He looks at her picture. (At least you're happy and healthy.) He touches the photo. (Why did you leave me so soon..?)

Two days later, they went to bury her. Pauline cries, "my poor baby." Nathan tries to hold back his tears and trying to comfort his wife.

Akito just wish it's just a dream.

One year later.

Akito secretly been trying to find the erased footage of the fire and the car accident that happen a year ago.

He finds out that Cera and Lyle have something to do with it. (those ill-breed couple again?)

Akito digs into a deeper about their family histories. His eyes widened. "...No...way..."

He finds out that their families are murders and also they are behind the fire that happens 10 years ago.

He puts piece by piece together. "Did they planted a bomb on to her car to get rid of her or did she knew about their crimes?"