Chapter 21 Magical Rings

"It's a good thing you're the king, otherwise you would never have found this place," said the mimic as she went to open the first chest.

Aella paused. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the entrance to the corridor to this place is illusioned to be hidden by everyone but the king. If you were captured and forced to show someone here, they couldn't follow you past the illusion. Only the king can find this place," explained the mimic, settling into its spot with a wiggle.

"Then, what's the point in…" she couldn't finish the sentence, as her voice gave out. She was going to ask what the point in having a key was, if she couldn't bring anyone here.

"Oh, well, the illusion keeps the king from showing this place to people they don't want. If the king wants to bring someone, then they can find it without the king. But once someone knows how to get here, then they can find it whenever they want, and the king may not want that."

She nodded. The first king had mentioned something about hiding people in the treasury room. It made sense now why there would be a key with the illusion in place. Of course, the illusion also kept everyone else from trying to get into the treasury, as well.

"It is kind of odd, that I was able to find it so easily. I really expected to have to explore more of the castle to get here."

"Oh, that's because you're the king. You just have to think about where you want to go, and you will naturally end up there. It's a perk of wearing the crown."

Aella paused in opening the chest again. The thought of other hidden rooms throughout the castle intrigued her, and she now knew what she would be doing in her spare time. Maybe there was a map room, that would show her a full map of the castle.

Finally opening the chest, as the mimic began humming to itself, she found herself staring at nothing. The chest was empty.

Glancing at the mimic, she moved to the next chest, and again, there was nothing inside of it. What was going on? Sitting back on her heels, Aella turned to the mimic.

"Mimic, I thought you said there were treasures inside these chests?"

"Oh, there are! I organized them all myself. It took me a while to get it done, because there were so many, but I managed. Of course, that was a long time ago."

"If you organized them, then where are they? These chests are empty."

"Oh?" The mimic looked over at her. "But you haven't even looked inside them yet?"

"What?" she glanced back inside the chest in front of her. "It's empty! I'm looking inside it right now!"

The mimic sighed. "Step inside of it, Your Majesty."

She looked at the mimic. It had lost its mind. The inside of this chest was empty. Had the mimic eaten everything? Frowning, Aella stood up and shook her head. This was crazy, but everything else had been pretty crazy, too. Looking back at the first chest, she shook her head and with a shrug stepped into it.

As her foot landed, to her surprise, she found herself in a room with shelves all around her. Each shelf had a display of rings, organized by color and shape. To her right, she saw a display of rings where they were separated individually. Stepping towards them, she knew somehow, that they were all magical.

Running her fingers over them lightly, she knew as soon as her skin came in contact with them, what each of their powers were. There were some that boosted her ability to jump, run, fall, swim, and so on. As she continued looking, their powers became stronger and stronger, until she came to the end of them, and Aella knew that if she were to try and wear such powerful rings, she would have to be very careful, or the magic in them would control her, instead of her controlling them. Maybe if she only wore one or two, she would be alright?

Studying them very carefully, she thought over which two to take. Wearing one on each hand should allow her to stay in control of them. Picking one up, that seemed to sing to her, she put it on slowly. It was a ring of Elemental Command for Air. The knowledge of what this ring could do seemed to come to her, as if it were a memory she was being reminded of.

Normally this ring would be nothing more than a Feather Fall ring, that allowed the wearer to not take falling damage, and float to the ground gently, until a certain condition was met. It required an air elemental to come within so many feet of it, before its full power was activated. Because she was the Hero of Air, it decided she was worthy of unlocking it herself. In addition to using the feather fall ability, she would be immune to electrical attacks, could cast Gust of Wind twice a day, could create a Wind Wall whenever she wanted, and would allow her to cast Chain Lightning once a week.

Gust of Wind was strong enough to push back any and all enemies around her, when activated. Wind Wall would create a barrier of wind around her, protecting her from most attacks, until she released it. Chain Lightning allowed her to shoot a lightning bolt from her hand that would travel from one enemy to another, as she directed it. Chain Lightning was so powerful the ring needed to be able to recharge after each casting, which was why it could only allow her to cast the spell once a week.

As Aella mulled over the information, she heard a voice.

"You have gained a mastery of air that allows you to unlock a new ability from your Hero status. While wearing this ring, you will be able to utilize the ability to walk on air. Until you have achieved sufficient mastery of this ability, you will not be able to use the ability on your own without the ring."

Grinning widely, Aella wanted to start practicing immediately, but giving herself a shake, she managed to calm herself down. This was only the first treasure she had claimed. There were many more to go, and then she could play all she wanted.

There were two more rings before her, that she was having a hard time choosing between. One was a ring of telekinesis, and the other was a ring of regeneration. She really wanted the ring of telekinesis, because it would allow her to grab things without actually touching them, or being able to reach them. When she had first survived the Race, they had thrown her into a cell, by herself, and placed the key just outside of her reach to taunt her. She had hated it.

No matter how much she wanted the ring of telekinesis, the ring of regeneration seemed more plausible. If she could perfect her ability to control air, she could pull off the same thing as the telekinesis ring granted. With a sigh, she slid the ring of regeneration onto a finger on her other hand. It's abilities, when they were fully known, made her smile in delight.

She would be under a constant healing aura, so any damage she acquired, would slowly be healed. Also, should she ever lose an organ or limb, the ring would immediately replace them before continuing its normal constant heal. She couldn't even lose her head, without the ring instantly restoring it. With this ring, she could only ever be killed from massive damage, that didn't remove an organ or limb.

Glancing over the many other rings in the room, she decided she was done here, and returned to the symbol in the middle of the floor that was marked with a rune Exit. As she found herself standing before the open empty chest, the mimic gave a low whistle.

"Nice choice! That elemental ring is part of a matching set. The others were lost during the war, but the first king was sure they would be found again sometime. Strange that the one that is perfect for you was the one not lost."

"There are other elemental rings?" she gasped. The thought hadn't occurred to her.

"Of course! Though I was never a fan of the fire one. It was too hot for me to touch and always burnt my tongue."

Aella stared at the mimic for a moment, but it went back to its first position, as if it hadn't just admitted to licking the powerful magical rings. There was a slight shudder from the elemental ring on her finger, and she was suddenly hit with an urge to throw a lightning bolt at the mimic. Shaking her head, she turned back to the next chest. Controlling these rings were going to take some getting used to. Rubbing her hands together, she couldn't wait to see what was in the next chest.