Chapter 22 Elusive Weapon

Glancing at the mimic, Aella expected it to say something before she could step into the second chest, but it remained silent. Looking up around her, as she appeared inside the second chest, she saw this room was lined with armor stands wearing different sets of armor. The room extended a long way, and she had a hard time seeing the end of it. On one wall, there were bits and pieces of armor, that didn't belong to any one set.

Looking over the various armors, she was drawn further and further back into the room, until Aella found herself standing in front of a suit of armor that seemed to exude evil. It was a set of black full plate, that covered the person wearing it from head to toe. The helmet was fashioned to allow horns to protrude, or for those who don't have horns, fake ones to protrude.

She could tell that there was magic in the armor, to make any fake horns appear, and act, as if they were real ones. A human could wear this armor, and none of the demons would be able to tell the difference. She was intrigued by it, as it would definitely make her more intimidating, but she finally shook her head. She needed armor that would allow her to move. Her biggest benefit was her speed and dexterity, and this armor would hinder that.

Looking over the selection of magical armor, her hopes of finding something that would benefit her began to diminish. Everything here was geared towards big hitters. Even some of the leather armors and chainmail pieces were to big and bulky for her slight frame. Running her eyes over the individual pieces on her way back to the exit, she spied something that froze her in her tracks.

Shoved up underneath a plate of armor, she spied what looked to be a bracer. Curious as to why it would be hidden, when everything else seemed to be out on perfect display, she grabbed the bracer and tugged on it. A second bracer fell down, to match the first. Holding them in her hands, her heart sped up in excitement. These were more magical than anything else she had looked at.

Sliding them on, they self-tightened and activated. Aella couldn't see a difference, but she knew that anything that tried to hit her, would have to do massive damage to get through the defense these bracers magically projected around her. Their surface was unremarkable leather, black in color, that overlapped in a simple method. If she didn't have the ability to detect that they were magical, she would have overlooked them easily.

With a frown, she wondered if the mimic had tried to hide them, so that she didn't take them. With its penchant for licking magical items, she could see it. Pulling her sleeves down over them, she wondered if it would notice.

Stepping out of the chest, she avoided looking in it's direction as she moved to the next one. She was standing next to the mimic, preparing to lift the next chest's lid, when it gasped.

"How were you able to find those? I had them…um, I meant, it's good that you saw those bracers. I had them set aside just for you."

She rolled her head to the side to give it a look, and it smiled weakly at her. "If I find you licking my treasure again, I'll remove your tongue."

The fear that showed on its face was quickly replaced with intense rage.

"I'll just have to eat you first then!" it cried, jumping at her.

She jumped forward, rolling between two chests and jumping to the side to avoid the mimic's clawed hands from grabbing her. She had no weapons other then her rings on her, so she jumped again, to avoid the sticky purple tongue that lashed out at her. She didn't really want to kill this mimic, as she felt it had a purpose for being here.

"I can kill you, you know," she said, before jumping onto a chest, and then jumping over the tongue, as the mimic pulled it off the floor with long sticky strands, and landed on its face.

The mimic went flying backwards, crashing into the wall behind it. Aella flipped away from it, landing in a crouch. She couldn't believe the strength she had now. It would do her good to practice her forms to see the difference after her power boost.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," the mimic drawled, sitting up slowly. Its tongue receded back into its mouth and several teeth popped out. Scooping them up in its skeletal clawed hand, a chuckle emitted from its maw. "I haven't lost any teeth since the first king. You're stronger than any other king, that has ever come here. I bow before you."

She watched it grovel on the ground, shoving its misshapen head into the floor.

"I demand your teeth as punishment, and every time I am displeased, I shall take more of them."

"I regrow them often," it said, without lifting its head.

"Good, then I shall come here to vent my frustrations and claim more as often as I need to."

"I would enjoy seeing someone more often. It has been a long lonely time in this room."

She tilted her head to the side, before holding out her hand.

The mimic, without lifting its head, handed over the teeth. Aella wasn't sure how it saw her hand to do so, but it set the two teeth into her hand perfectly.

"You went easy on me," she said, looking down at them.

"Of course, I would die of boredom if something happened to you. How long do you think it will be before someone else comes to visit me?"

"Why don't you leave then?"

"I'm cursed to remain in this room, guarding the treasures here, because I ate one of the first king's favorite rings."

"What did that ring do?"

"It removed the need to eat or sleep from its wearer. Because I ate it, I no longer need to eat or sleep, but it is a curse, with the condition I remain here forever."

Aella stood up and headed over to the chest she had been about to enter before the mimic attacked her.

"What is inside this chest?" she asked, lifting the lid.

"Magical weapons," the mimic said, lifting its head slightly.

She nodded and stepped inside. Immediately in front of her was a raised dais with a sword sticking out of a stone. Looking around her, she could see a wide assortment of other weapons, ranging from common melee weapons, to exotic ranged ones. The feeling of magic emanated from all of them, but the one before her, stuck in the stone, seemed to be the most magical of them all. With a shrug, she decided to check it out first.

"Only the Chosen One can pull the sword from the stone," said a voice, and she whipped around, looking for the source of the voice.

"Who's there?" she asked, getting tired of having to ask that question.

"Oh, don't mind me, I'm not important," drifted the voice over the room.

"Obviously you are, or you wouldn't be here," she said looking around for who could be talking. It sounded like they were moving around.

"That's funny, if you think I'm important. No one has ever thought I was important before."

"Not even the first king?" she asked, spying a shadow in one corner, that seemed to move as soon as she saw it.

There was silence for a moment before the voice responded. "He was good to me. I miss him. Have you met him?"

"I did. He seemed like he had been a very good king," she said, trying to keep her eye on the elusive shadow that was flitting around the ceiling.

"He was! He was the best! But the Advisory Counsel didn't like him. He didn't want the war to continue, and had found a way to end it, so they shut him up by locking him away," said the shadow, flitting agitatedly from one end of the room to the other, finally settling in a dark spot above the sword.

"I would love to know how to end the war, do you remember what his idea was?" she asked carefully, trying to get closer, but the moment she stepped towards the dais, the shadow darted away again.

"No, he didn't share his ideas with anyone. He claimed he was being watched by everyone and hated this castle. It was a prison to him, and now he's part of it," said the shadow sadly.

"I remember him seeming to be sad, but he was hopeful I would be able to end the war when he met me. Were you with him often?"

"All the time. I was his favorite weapon. When they trapped him, I was sent here, to keep any of the other demons from gaining control of me. That stupid mimic is always trying to catch me. Nasty thing it is."

Aella stopped crouching, and stood up straight. "He made me the new king; did you know that?"

"I saw his crown on your head, but I wasn't sure. The last king that came in here only cared about the sword in the stone, but he couldn't pull it out. He wasn't the Chosen One."

"What is the Chosen One?" she asked, deciding to stop trying to catch the elusive weapon. If it became more comfortable with her, then she could try and catch it when it got closer to her. She would have to be patient with this challenge.