Chapter 41 Assignments

"Wait, how long have you had that?" asked Seifer with a frown, half-rising from his chair.

"The teleport?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. "Why?"

"I heard noises in your room in the middle of the night, and I was wanting to check in your room, to see what was going on, but you weren't in there!"

"Really? That's odd. I locked my door."

"It wasn't locked when I tried it?" he said with a shrug. "I figured you were sleeping in the closet or under the bed, or something."

"And you didn't see anyone in there?" she asked.

"No," he said, shaking his head.

"Interesting," she said, picking up her glass and taking a drink.

"You're outfitting us, before we leave?" asked Morden, taking a big bite of ham before he asked, so food spewed out of his mouth with each word.

"Ah, yes. One sec," she said, setting her glass down before teleporting to the treasury.

A surprised squawk startled her, as she paused by the chest to the magical rings. The chicken she had brought for the mimic to eat was sitting on its back, staring at her with wide eyes. They stared at each other for the longest time, before she slowly opened the chest and stepped inside. Whatever reason the mimic had for not eating the chicken was beyond her, and she was not about to question it.

Giving herself a shake, once she was in the chest, she got busy grabbing rings that she thought would be helpful for her new generals. Pausing before leaving, she decided to see if she could just jump over to the next chest. No image came to mind so she figured that route was denied. The chest must need to be opened for her to get into it. Pity, now she would have to bother the chicken again.

It squawked and watched her with one beady eye as she made her way over to the next chest, with still no reaction from the mimic. Was it some kind of pet? She didn't see any chicken crap anywhere, so the mimic must be cleaning up after it. Not wanting to think any further on that train of thought, she entered the chest that had magical armor, and looked carefully over the options.

Her generals already had armor, but none of it was magical. They knew how to fight, but they had never fought monsters, so there would be a learning curve. She only hoped that whoever was trying to kill her, wouldn't turn around and try to kill them. That would really tick her off.

Grabbing some small bracers and various small magical items, she left the chest with her hands full. Shutting the chest with her foot, Aella decided she needed to hand these goodies out before returning to grab more. Thinking for a moment, she rethought her decision. If they needed more than these, they would have to earn them. Teleporting behind her chair, she walked down the table handing out the pieces of armor to each of the demons, who took them without question as she handed them out.

"Each of these bracers need to be worn together for the magic on them to work. Do not ever take them off, because if you get them stolen, I will cut off your hands."

They all nodded seriously, and began putting them on immediately.

"What do they do?" asked Vesh, as they resized themselves to fit comfortably.

"They will impart a small barrier, like an invisible shield, whenever someone goes to attack you. I believe they will stop all small projectiles from successfully hitting you, such as arrows, crossbow bolts, and thrown daggers."

"Nice!" grinned Ulrik, holding his up to examine them.

"I also have magical rings for all of you to wear. They are all the same, but if you lose them, I will cut off your feet instead of your hands. One allows you to shoot magical missiles at your enemy. The missile will never miss, but won't do much damage. The other ring does a larger missile, more of a fire ball, that does a lot of damage, but can miss. It also only works once a day. This way you can all have ranged attacks. That skill wasn't a top priority when you were expected to fight other demons."

Watching them all murmur in appreciation as they finished donning their new equipment, she quickly finished her meal and turned to the Advisors.

"Have all of you already eaten?"

"We do not eat until after the king eats," said Varnin, with a bow. Her military outfit was immaculate.

"Then grab a plate, and a drink, and follow me. I want to study the map as we talk," said Aella, heading for the door.

Everyone behind her scrambled to grab things before she got too far away. She didn't wait, knowing they would all catch up with her. The War room was just as she remembered, with the large table taking up the majority of the room, and a map of her kingdom filling the table. She had seen a map when she was very young, by her father, when he was teaching her what he could. His map had been small, of a town and a valley, that he had been in charge of protecting from a patrol of humans, but it had been enough to impart upon her the ability to read this larger map.

As everyone piled into the crowded room, she made sure everyone could see what she was pointing to as she spoke.

"This is the palace, where we are currently at. Vesh and Morden are going to head south to these mountains here. I want to know the situation down there."

Varnin swallowed her biscuit and said, "Our troops are positioned along here, with most of them blockading a valley entrance here. Most of the monsters we struggle with from the south emerge from this valley, but we have had no luck building any form of fortifications, because whenever we start, hordes of monsters emerge."

"Are these monsters similar to the griffons you are struggling with to the north?" asked Vesh.

"No, these monsters always look demonic, standing on two legs and having two arms. They range in size from the tiny goblins, which are no more than slobbering beast, to the trolls that stand almost as tall as we do. The problem is, they come in such numbers, and the trolls have a hide that is almost impossible to pierce. If a hit does succeed, they heal almost immediately. Fire is the only thing we have found that can kill one successfully."

Vesh nodded thoughtfully, but Morden was just standing there, gazing at the map.

"Why don't you block off the valley?" asked Morden.

"If we did that, the monsters could spill out of the mountains at any location. If they have this valley, it funnels them to where we have the most troops to deal with them."

"That makes sense," he nodded.

"So, we are to ride down there, see what the situation is, and take control? What other task do you wish of us?" asked Vesh with a puzzled frown.

"I want as few troops as necessary stationed there. We need to free up who we can, in order to fight off the troops of the human army that is plaguing our fields," said Aella. "Make sure they understand that we are also going to start handing out food for the troops, so they won't starve this winter. I want you to make sure there are locations for this food to be stored, so it isn't just laying around going to waste."

Morden and Vesh both nodded.

"One sec," said Aella, teleporting back to the treasury room. The chicken squawked in surprise and puffed up as if to attack her.

"Mimic, if you want to keep the chicken, that's fine, but if it threatens your king, I will kill it."

A hand came out of the chest, and stroked its breast. The chicken calmed down, and hopped off the mimic to watch her as she made her way over to the clothing chest. Quickly grabbing coin pouches, Aella returned and visited each of the coin chests, filling the pouches up with a variety of coins to ensure the demons she was sending away could afford to sleep in inns, and eat, without stealing what they wanted.

Returning to the map room, she handed out the pouches to each general. "You each have roughly 200 gold worth of coins in these pouches. That is to cover the cost of food, a room to sleep in, and whatever else you think you may need. You are not to steal anything while you are away from the castle. If these people can survive a year or more on less than a single gold, this should be plenty for you to survive on, until you return."

"Then we shall be off," said Vesh, bowing to her, as he had seen others do, the best he could in the crowded room.

"Stick together so you are not overwhelmed on the roads by anyone seeking to kill you, and safe travels."

Morden tried to bow as well, but ended up quickly leaving to keep up with Vesh. It would be interesting to hear how they manage while they were gone. Turning back to the map, she looked up at Cyran and Kieran. They were heading to the northern mountains.

"It looks like the northern mountains have a similar valley to what the southern mountains have," said Cyran, pointing to the valley.

"That's convenient," said Aella. "I want you to do the same as Vesh and Morden. Fortify as best you can, release as many troops as you can spare, and send them to the fields. We have to protect the food during harvest, to prevent a famine. Stock up on food to take with you, when you find someone who has extra they can sell. I don't want someone to starve because they can't eat these coins over the winter. You will be heading through the fields, so there will be more fighting. Kill any humans you encounter, but don't waste too much time getting to the mountains. Those troops can cover more space than just the two of you."

They both nodded and bowed the best they could before leaving.

"Torrod, and Ulrik, the two of you are traveling to the west. Expect storms and nasty weather. The people there need to be convinced to come back, and have them bring fish and other foods as they can. Find out what their chief complaints with living in the city are, and send them back in your weekly reports. You probably won't have to deal with any humans, but the demon population hasn't had a king actually taking control before, in any of their lifetimes, so be patient with them. Try only to kill those who actually deserve it, meaning, they try to kill you. We have such a small population as it is, I don't want you to make it smaller."

"Do you want us to get them to start building the water thing you had mentioned earlier? To bring water to the fields and city, or something like that?" asked Ulrik.

"Not at this time. It's too close to winter to try and build anything like that. We will look at it more over the winter, and try to get some of the planning done, so we can start on some of it in the spring."

The Advisors all looked at each other, and Aella smiled to herself. There would finally be a real Demon King again.