Chapter 42 Babysitters

"What would you have us do?" asked Seifer, with Frederik close by his side, as the others had all left, save Firion.

The Advisors stood by, waiting to hear Aella's answer.

"You are to have the tutors tutor you in all things diplomatic and etiquette. I need you to be well informed on how to deal with the nobles, because they are going to try and get you to agree to what they want. I don't want them controlling you. Take what they say to you, and tell them it will be the next day before you make your decision, because you are not the king and need more time to think."

They both frowned, not liking the idea of making themselves out to be stupid to the nobles.

"Don't you see? If they think you are stupid, they will try more crap. When I show up each evening, you can tell me what they've requested, or proposed, and what you think should be done, and I'll tell you if I think your ideas will work or not. Chances are, there may be more involved then they're telling you. Keep in mind: all nobles want is to further themselves, their family, or to cover their butts when they've done something stupid. It will be great fun to make them think we're all idiots and then pull the rug out from under them. Our job is to be leaders, not make everyone happy."

They both nodded.

"So, we are to listen to the nobles every day?" asked Fredrik.

"I want you two to start every day with sparring, to keep your fighting abilities sharp. While you are in the castle, no one should be able to hurt you, because of the magic of the castle. After breakfast, meet with the nobles, and anyone in the city who wishes to have an audience with you. Make sure it is understood that you will see anyone who feels they need to speak with you, but only between the two meals. Once it is lunch time, tell whoever is left, they must wait for the next day.

"After lunch, meet with the Advisors. They are to report to you, just as they would to me. If they do not, I will find them, and they will be replaced. I want a scribe to be with you at all times, to write down whatever I may need to know, so that nothing is missing when I meet with you each evening. When you are done with the Advisors, meet with the tutors. Learn what they have to teach you. You may need to teach me some of that stuff later. If anything happens to me, I name the two of you as kings in my place. Keep in mind, I don't intend to have anything happen to me. But as the kings, you will need to know how to run a kingdom. This is your chance to learn all that political crap we don't know. And if nothing happens, and I return with the war finished, you two shall be my top aids, assistants, whatever you want to call yourselves."

They both nodded, then bowed.

Turning to Firion, she said, "You will patrol the city streets, as I have already stated, but you will also find these assassins, that are being trained here in the castle, and take over their training. Take advantage of whatever they are being taught to better yourself, but as the Royal Assassin, I expect you to be the best. Teach the boy to be your assistant, and take all of those assassins and keep my city safe. Get rid of those who would break my laws and rules. I want to meet with you each evening as well, in case I want anyone killed."

He bowed and left without a word.

"I'll see to it that the people are notified," said Ernun, and he bowed and left as well.

"Varnin, tell me about the patrols along the border."

"Your Majesty?" she asked, obviously not sure what she meant.

"Why would our troops be told not to fight the monsters along the borders?" Aella asked, looking the demoness in the eyes.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean. We have troops there, specifically to stop the monsters that get through our troops along the mountains, along with stopping any humans that try to get through. They're spread so thin, though, that they're not doing a very good job."

Aella looked at the military advisor for a while, trying to decide if she was telling the truth or not, then turned to the map.

"If our troops were doing their jobs, instead of trying to push the Heroes further into the kingdom, the Heroes would not make our troops look so foolish, by taking their time to kill every monster they find."

"How…"began Varnin, before stopping herself and straightening up with a sigh. "I am not sure why our troops are not killing the monsters, but I assure you I will look into this."

"Don't bother. I will look into it personally. I want you to work with my Regents while I am gone, and get the city in order. I expect daily updates while I am busy with this other business."

Varnin nodded, stepping back from the table to leave.

"In fact, all of you Advisors will report to me each evening. I want updates on the city improvements and anything you have heard during the day on anything and everything."

They all nodded and left the room quietly. As soon as they were gone, she turned to the wall and said, "Frank, Louie?"

The two snakes popped out of a hole in the ceiling. "Yes?"

"Which of those demons that just left this room, do I need to worry about the most?"

"One had a lot of murderous thoughts," said one snake head.

"That's the Royal Assassin," said the other.

"She said which one did she need to worry about, and that seems like something to worry about."

"She knows he thinks about murder, that's why she made him the Royal Assassin."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense."

"Of course, it makes sense."

"Guys, I meant after the Royal Assassin," said Aella with a smile.

"Oh, well then it would be that pink guy. He really wants to go to bed with you."

"Yeah, his thoughts don't line up to well with you being king," said the other.

Aella sighed and said, "Okay, thank you. That's all I need for now."

They both nodded and left quickly. Frederik and Seifer looked at each other before turning back to her.

"You don't seriously want us to use those guys to spy for us, do you?" asked Seifer.

"They seem less then reliable," added Frederik.

"No, don't bother them. They have their own duties. I was just trying to see if I could use them to spy, and I don't think that's what they're good for."

"Why do I feel like we're babysitting your spot, so you can go traveling over the kingdom?" asked Frederik.

"Because that is exactly what you are doing. I need there to be someone here willing to do what I can't, while I'm gone. The things I have started, need to be continued. What I am entrusting you guys with is far more important than any of the other guys. If they die on the road, that stuff will still get done. If you guys die, the Advisors get to go right back to catering to the nobles, and whoever is running things. I still haven't figured out who is pulling the strings, but I have faith you will manage to keep things running while I am busy finishing up this Hero nonsense."

They both nodded and bowed unhappily, before leaving her alone to look over the map. It wasn't lunch time, but she decided it was high time to see what happened to the heroes in her absence.

Stepping out of the alley next to her old house, she walked across the street to Bob's bar, the Drowned Mermaid. Inside, she saw that it was pretty empty. No one sat at any of the tables. Bob looked up at her and sighed.

"You still owe me for the other day. Don't think I've forgotten about that," he said setting down his towel.

"I wouldn't dream of cheating you, Bob. Will you charge me to ask where the heroes have gone?"

"Not if you pay up your debt right now."

She nodded and counted out the coins, setting them on the counter under his watchful eye.

As he nodded with the last coin, his hand waved over them, and they all disappeared.

"If you jump to the spot where you killed the undead drake, you'll find them just north of there."

"Thank you, Bob," she said with a grin, envisioning the marsh, and teleporting away.

The sun was just reaching the highest part of the sky, when she spotted the heroes ahead of her. She stood on a hilltop admiring the sight of the open lands around her, and enjoying the feeling of the wind in her hair. The group appeared to have stopped to grab a bite to eat, and were having a lively conversation on which direction they should be heading.

"I think we should head towards the castle, like we're supposed to," shouted the Fire Hero, Robert, veins popping out of his forehead and neck.

"I think we should track down these landworms before they lay their eggs. If those eggs hatch, we'll have a mess on our hands," said the hero of light calmly. Alfred's hair was blowing gently in the breeze as he turned his eyes on her.

"I knew you would catch up," he added with a smile.