Chapter 71 Arcane Magic

"…speak now, or forever hold your…" The mimic paused to look up at her.

Aella stood frozen in place at the scene before her. The two chickens were standing before the mimic, who had a strange hat perched on top of its head. Behind the chickens were several eggs, laid out in a line.

"Um, don't let me interrupt…" she mumbled, confused at the sight of a chicken in a wedding dress, and another in a tux. Where did the mimic get these clothes? Why were there even clothes capable of fitting a chicken here??

Stepping over to the chest with the miscellaneous items, she quickly jumped inside. There was nothing about the scene she just left that made her want to linger.

Perusing through the various magical goggles, she finally found the one that the king must have been talking about. They were better looking than the goggles of night seeing, but not as nice as the far-seeing ones. None of them were as ugly as the basilisk goggles, that could give her a petrifying gaze. She may have been tempted by them, had they not incorporated huge stone feathers that could have a chance of turning her into a giant lizard chicken creature the longer she wore it. Holding the Goggles of Hidden Magic, she made sure it didn't have anything as dangerous as the basilisk goggles, before teleporting to the hall outside her bedroom.

Giggles told her which room held the three boys, and she smiled to know they were settling in well. There was laughter behind her bedroom door, and she steered clear of there. Nothing made her interested in what they were laughing about. Spying Alfred as he opened his door, she headed for him.

"Aella? What are you doing?" he asked, looking up and down the hall.

"I was actually looking for you. Is everything okay?" she asked, glancing Josephine and Curt in the room behind him before he shut the door.

"I don't think I want to sleep in the same room as those two. Josephine has really taken a liking to Curt," said Alfred with a shake of his head.

"I can find you one, if you would like?" she asked, wondering if it was normal for humans to move so fast when they were looking for a relationship. Hopefully it wouldn't harm their plans if something broke their relationship. Aella had seen some of the fighters in the pits go into rages and have to be reprimanded by the guards when they broke their relationships.

"I was actually wondering if you could take me to the library? It would be nice to see Bridgette again," he said, with a small smile. "But what were you looking for me for?"

"I have something I want you to look at with me, but it can wait. I'll take you by the library first and deal with some other things now," she said, turning around for him to follow her, then pausing. "I just remembered; I locked the door. I'll just teleport you instead."

Taking his hand, she teleported to the library. Felix was asleep in the bedroll she had brought down, and as they watched, the bedroll was inching him closer and closer to the desk.

"Huh, that makes more sense now," she muttered to herself, turning to look up at the many levels of the library. "Bridgette?" she called.

"One minute," came the muffled response, from somewhere on the second floor. Before too long, Bridgette came tromping down the stairs, holding a stack of books that she slammed down on the table before turning to look at them.

"Bridgette!" said Alfred with a smile. "We were worried about you, when you ran off so suddenly."

"Oh, well, you know me. Books have to be read," she said with a wide grin. "What's up?"

"I'm going to leave you two here for a bit to catch back up, while I deal with something else," said Aella, preparing to teleport before thinking of something. "Have you found anything that mentioned a magic wall?"

"Magic wall? Not that I recall. Is there one?" asked Bridgette.

"Never mind then. I'll tell you more about it when I get back," said Aella, teleporting to the Spell Spire.

"I'm surprised you came back," said the demon with a smile. His grin made her want to grit her teeth in anger, but she swallowed the feeling and smiled back.

"I'm surprised you told me as much as you did. You could have lied about everything, and yet, you didn't."

The grin disappeared from his lips and he cocked his head to the side. "Do you think you're smarter than me?"

"No, I'm just a kid, remember?" she said, sitting down on the floor by the window. The breeze felt wonderful, and she could almost pretend it had moisture to it. The view wasn't that bad either, though she couldn't see much in the dark.

"Why are you here?" he growled.

"It seems to annoy you. Plus, I would hate for you to get lonely."

"Are you trying to get me to tell you about the next attack? Because I won't!"

"That's alright. I think I'm going to leave the throne to someone else and just leave. Being king is way more work than I thought it would be."

"You're lying," he sneered. "I can see how much being king means to you. You'll never give it up."

"Maybe you're right. That church is sure annoying though. Why do they care so much what happens over here? They could have taken over a long time ago."

He was silent, staring at her, and she gazed out the window, enjoying the feeling of the breeze. If he wanted to talk, he could, and maybe she might learn something from him. If not, she didn't care either. She was taking a moment to enjoy the breeze.

"You have something up your sleeve," he accused.

"Maybe," she said, glancing down at the goggles she had hanging from her belt. What could she see with them on in here?

"What is that? Goggles? Is the wind too strong for you, Hero of Air?" he snarled as she put them on and looked around.

The view took her breath away. There were magical lines floating everywhere. Specks floated on the breeze, free and carefree of any consequence. The lines danced in place, following paths set in place by some mage countless years ago. Is this what mages saw?

"They look hideous on you. What magic do they have? I can't tell for some reason," his nasty voice faded as he seemed to be focusing on her.

Aella could see a stream of magic fighting against some current, black and twisted, working its way towards her. It was nothing to direct her wind to push it back to the demon. He panted in exertion, fighting against her, but finally he gave up, and the black magic retreated to the swirling mess around him.

The demon's true form could be seen, rather than the small twisted form he held now, and to Aella's surprise he appeared to look just like Jozef. Could this demon be the first king's brother?

She ignored his next couple of questions as she stepped closer, taking care to avoid the magical traps that were placed on the floor. The magic that was swirling around him was very dangerous. If she were to barely even touch it, she would trade places with him, and he would be free, while she would be trapped. It was a wonder none of his followers had been convinced to do just that.

The more she studied the magic, the more she understood it. Between the goggles, letting her see the magic, and the king's crown letting her understand what she could see, Aella became more and more afraid. A feeling she hadn't felt since she encountered Bob.

Swallowing the panic that rose in her, she glanced down to see a tendril of magic bringing the negative emotions out, and she snapped it quickly with a tight blast of fire.

"Fire and wind?" whispered the demon, grabbing her attention. Backing away, floating above the floor to avoid the magic traps, Aella took off her goggles, and looked at the smaller form before her. "How did you get his powers?" hissed the demon. "No one has ever managed to get more than one! HOW? HOW DID YOU DO IT?!!"

Without another word, Aella teleported to the library. Alfred and Bridgette looked up at her at the same time, and they both rushed to her side.

"Are you alright?" asked Alfred.

"You look like you've seen a ghost!" exclaimed Bridgette at the same time.

"Bridgette, I need to know everything you've managed to find out, about the first king's brother. Our entire kingdom may rely on it. Alfred, we need to go."

"Okay…" said Bridgette, turning to think about where to look.

"What's going on?" asked Alfred.

"The first king told me that there is a magical barrier he had designed, that could form a magical wall between the two kingdoms. We're going to see if we can find it."

"All right," he said, scrunching his brow in thought. "Is it the same wall that takes powerstones?"

"I don't know, why?" she asked, turning back to him.

"Because I have a ton of those back at the training fields, in my room. I collected them while I was traveling all over the place, killing the monsters the church sent me to kill."

"Where did you find them?" she asked, confused.

"A lot of the monsters were carrying them, so when I killed them, I got them. No one seemed to want them, so I just collected them. Bridgette told me about the wall a long time ago, after she read a book about the war in the Church library."

"That was a good book, by the way," she called from behind a stack of books.

"We're going to see if it's the same thing. The king seemed to think it was something the church wouldn't know about. Let's hope it works."

"If it does, that would be awesome. The church has no way to combat the wall anymore," said Bridgette.