Chapter 72 Power Crystals

"The next time you mention if we know something, you should be more specific," said Alfred as they walked along the corridors in the palace. He held his hand up with a light ball, so they could see where they were going.

The stone floor was uneven, and water had collected in some of the low spots.

"I was thinking about something else," she admitted, walking over a puddle of water, using her air walk so she didn't get her feet wet.

Alfred sighed as he stepped into the water, and it shot up over the top of his boots. Lifting his foot and giving it a shake, he glanced at Aella as if it were her fault.

"You really seem to like Bridgette. How did the two of you meet?" she asked, trying to hide her grin.

"I would sneak away from my training, and hide in the library. She found me and didn't rat me out when she found out I couldn't read. Whenever I could escape without being caught, she would teach me how. How did you learn to read being in the pits?"

She leaned down to dry his foot and boot with heated air. "My dad taught me before he left. He knew my chances of surviving went up if I could read and fight after he left."

"Why did he leave? I mean, I understand he's a general and can't really ignore commands, but why didn't he leave you somewhere safer?"

"I think he wanted to, but it wasn't possible. At least, that's what I want to believe."

"Fair enough," he nodded, checking his boot after she was done, and putting it back on. "My parents died when I was little. My dad was killed by the demon king, and my mom killed herself when I got his powers."

"Ouch, that's rough," she winced.

"Yea, well, the church rushed me into training so fast, I didn't really notice my mom being gone. I was too tired each night, to miss her. There was a war going on, and they needed me to end it, or so I believed."

"So, your powers are stronger than your dad's?" she asked, surprised.

"So, the way I learned it, was that each Hero gained a portion of the same powers, but only some of them can actually use all of them. There's a lot of confusion swirling around why, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with the amount of faith we have in the church, like we're taught."

"Ha! I would say not! If that were the case, I couldn't do anything!"

"But, if you are the Hero of Air, then why didn't you use your powers to escape?"

"My powers didn't unlock until I was crowned king. I don't know why."

"Weird. I've heard of that happening, but never really experienced it."

"So, did you know my mom?" asked Aella, softly. They reached a branch and she turned left without thinking about it. It seemed like they were getting close.

"I did. She was always very gentle with us kids. They had her training us in evasion. She was supposed to fling stones at us with her air powers, so we had to dodge them. But, she kept getting in trouble because she wouldn't throw the stones very hard. We were pretty young still."

"Do you know why she ran away?"

"I think it was because they were going to marry her to someone, so she would have kids. The Church demands it of all Heroes, by the time they reach a certain age, so they have the next hero in case the hero dies."

"Are you…?" she asked, glancing over at him, as she paused outside a worn-out wooden door that was so warped from the moisture, she wasn't sure it would open.

"It's easier to ignore their demands if you're never there. I always made sure to be away, fighting monsters, when they tried to order me to marry, and then I would avoid the leaders when they demanded to see me. I'm sure they're kicking themselves over the fact they let my sister die. It's easer to rape a hero that's female, then one who's male."

"No wonder my mom left," she said with a shake of her head, as she turned to try the door. While the question of what happened to his sister bugged her, she wasn't about to ruin the relationship she had developed with him by asking. If he ever felt like sharing, she was sure he would tell her.

Pushing on the door, it didn't budge. Putting her shoulder into it, Aella shoved with all her might, but there wasn't even the hint of movement. Looking over it, there weren't any handles or levers in sight. She was tempted to burn it, but that would release a lot of smoke, and the air was already kind of stale.

"Here, let me take a look," Alfred offered, moving past her to examine the edges of the door carefully. "There's a sizable gap at the bottom, but I'm not sure there's a way to open the door without breaking it."

Aella put her hands on her hips as she thought about the problem. If she had seen inside the room, she could just teleport inside, but there wasn't a key hole to peek through. Maybe if she tried to look under the door?

"Put the light down here at the bottom," she said, getting down and trying to look under the door, through the gap.

As the light entered, she jerked back and covered her eyes for a moment, activating the heal.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?" he asked, dimming his light at her reaction.

"There's something over there that took your light and magnified it when I looked. Give me a minute." She tried to run through her mind what she had seen before the light blinded her eye, and was gratified when a picture of the room popped into her head. Standing up, she grabbed his sleeve and teleported them inside the room.

Alfred dimmed his light even more, as the crystals inside grabbed the light and reflected it all over the room in beams of rainbows.

"I've never seen power stones this big before," he whispered, looking around.

Aella managed to open her eyes after a moment of healing, and squinted as her eye seemed to remember the pain. The room was easily 20 feet square, and every inch, except where they stood, was taken up with crystals. Each one was about three feet tall, from the floor, and had 'baby' crystals covering them.

"There's supposed to be a power station, where the stones are put into the thing that makes the magical wall activate, somewhere nearby. Now that we've found the stones, we need to find the activation station."

"Cute name," he muttered, turning back to the door. It was secured from the inside, with huge bolts and metal bars. "Well, no one was going to get through that, easily. Wonder how the person who secured the door, got out?"

"They didn't," said Aella, pointing in the corner.

Almost completely covered in crystals, a skeleton was perched in the corner of the room. The clothing had deteriorated to almost dust, but the parchment the person had been holding was still intact.

"Magic must have preserved it," said Alfred, reaching for the scroll.

"Wait," said Aella, pulling out her goggles. Why hadn't she thought of these before? Slipping them on, she confirmed that the stones were blinding in their power levels. So much magic was stuffed into them, it was a wonder there were any magic left in the whole world. Covering the side of her face with her hand, so the only thing she could see was the parchment, she studied the magic that clung to it.

"Well?" asked Alfred, raising an eyebrow impatiently.

"It's only got the preservation magic. You can get it. Just try not to touch those crystals. They're chock full of magic!"

"Of course, they are!" he laughed, carefully taking the scroll as the hand that held it fell away in a puff of dust. Unrolling it, he shook his head. "I can't read Elven. Best take this to Bridgette."

"Should we do that before we find the activation station?" she asked, enjoying the way the rhyme rolled off her tongue.

"You just enjoy saying that, don't you?" he asked.

"Actually, yes. Yes, I do."

Shaking his head, Alfred held out his hand. "Let's go see Bridgette. If this thing says something important about the activation station, then we need to know it before finding the thing."

With a grin, she took his hand and teleported them back to the library.

"What's up guys?" asked Bridgette, looking up from the book she held in her lap. A plate with a huge sandwich was on the desk before her, and she was taking bites between turning pages.

"That looks delicious," said Alfred, taking a piece of it.

"Here, I'll get you your own," said Bridgette, setting her book down and going over to a square box set into the wall. Alfred and Aella craned their necks to watch as she seemed to push several buttons. After a soft hum, a small chime sounded from it, and Bridgette opened the door. Another sandwich, identical to the one she had, was inside.