Chapter 73 Magical Wall

"That's so neat!" exclaimed Alfred, taking the plate from her. "What powers it? Does it have a limit? Maybe this could help with the food problems of your people, Aella?"

"Maybe," said Aella, moving over to read the runes that were carved into the box.

"I doubt it," laughed Bridgette, picking up her book. "The spell I used to make it said it was supposed to be ten times that size. I think the magic necessary isn't sufficient."

"What does that mean?" asked Aella.

"There's not enough magic around for big spells like that. If we start making a ton of food with it, it's bound to run out of magic and stop working. I'm not sure where all the magic went, but most of what's left is incorporated into the palace itself."

Aella and Alfred looked at each other.

"Do you think those crystals have sucked up all the magic in the land?" asked Alfred.

"Maybe. If we activated the wall, and it uses the magic, do you think it would release the stored magic back for people to be able to use?"

"I wonder if it would. Do you know where the wall is going to be?" asked Bridgette. "How far from the palace is it going to be? Will it cut any of your towns in half? What about people who are standing in the way when you activate it?"

"As soon as I find the activation station, I should be able to figure some of that out. I was going to take Frederick with me, to fly over the land and see if I could find traces of the magic that are supposed to mark where the wall is going to be."

"Frederick? Is that the demon that escorted us to our room?" asked Alfred, taking a bite of the sandwich.

"Yes, he's one of my regents. I was thinking of taking him with us when we head south after rescuing Josephine's daughter."

Bridgette nodded. "It would be good to have more demons with you when you travel in your own lands. Your people will get suspicious of you only traveling with humans. Are you going to take Josephine's daughter with you? She's awfully young."

"I haven't decided yet. I don't think Josephine would appreciate us leaving her daughter anywhere," mused Aella.

"We'll have to see after we get the girl. I'm hoping she's still alright. I would hate to see how Josephine handles it if anything has happened to the girl," said Alfred.

"Not every child the church takes, is treated like your sister was," said Bridgette softly. "It was a fluke."

"It wasn't a fluke! It was negligence! Every other person in the town had the same parasite, and they didn't bother to check and see if she did!" fumed Alfred, standing up and walking away.

Bridgette sighed, and turned back to her sandwich. Aella watched him as he walked along one of the book shelves, not really reading the titles. It wasn't her place to bother him.

"I'm going to go speak with Frederick about that wall. Are you okay, staying here until I get back, Alfred?" she asked.

"Yeah, go ahead. I'm going to talk to Bridgette about those crystals." He turned to head back towards Bridgette and his unfinished sandwich, so Aella teleported back to the throne room.

"I told you it was a bad idea, not that we had to do anything about it!" shouted Seifer, throwing his hands into the air.

"But it's our job, as her regents, to tell her what we think. If we don't, we're not doing our jobs!" argued Frederick.

She stood in the dim corner, watched as the two were obviously in the middle of an argument. Should she let them know she was there? If they noticed her, it would be awkward. As the king, she shouldn't have to hide to learn things from her people, she didn't think.

"What's the problem?" she asked, making up her mind as she walked out from the corner.

Seifer and Frederick both jumped in shock at her appearance, and the looks on their faces gave away their embarrassment at being interrupted.

"Well…" started Frederick, glancing at Seifer as if he hoped he would jump in. Seifer sighed and turned to her.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to be bringing humans into the palace. We are still having assassins on a daily basis, trying to kill us, and I don't think the magic of the palace will protect them like it is protecting us. They would be like sitting ducks to those assassins!"

Aella smiled. "Is that all?"

Seifer's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

"I know they would be sitting ducks. How do you entice your enemy to make mistakes?"

"I don't know? Bait them?"

"Exactly! We have plenty of bait, for them to mess up. Why should we go to so much trouble trying to find them, when they are the ones we want to make a mistake?"

"So, let them go for the humans? Aren't you afraid of them being killed?" asked Frederick.

"Why should I be afraid of that?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I thought you brought them here to keep them safe," Seifer said with a confused frown.

"I did, but no where is safe in this world. There will always be someone, or something capable of causing you harm. If I worry about every little thing, I would have no room in my head to focus on what needs done."

They both nodded thoughtfully, and Aella silently thanked the earrings that whispered in her ears. She was still learning this stuff herself, and it definitely helped make her appear wiser to everyone around her. Though, she didn't really care what they thought. She had fought to be king so she didn't have to worry about what anyone thought.

"What did you come here about?" asked Frederick, moving on from their conversation.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go with me on a little foray?" she asked. "I need your wings to fly us over the countryside. I have magical goggles that will let me see something on the ground, but I need to be high in the air to find it."

"Of course," he said, with a grin. "I've been dying to stretch my wings and fly around. I haven't really had a lot of time to do that and I miss it."

"Then I will teleport us closer to the location I think it might be, and we can start looking," she said, holding out her hand.

Frederick didn't waste any time, and she teleported them to the roof of one of the buildings in her home town. Bob's bar was right down the street, and she was half tempted to go visit him. Responsibility called, and she didn't want to have to explain to him why she hadn't headed off to see the dwarves yet, though she had a feeling he already knew that.

"I'm looking for the ancient magical markers, that say where the border was between the human and demon kingdoms," she explained, pulling the goggles on.

"Ah, that explains why we need to look for it from the air," he said with a nod.

"I can fly myself, but not very well, which is why you are here. I may get tired, or my magic may stop working. While I might be able to teleport away, I would rather not risk it."

"Then let's get going," he said, jumping into the sky with big, powerful flaps of his wings.

Aella used her hero abilities to jump into the sky, and quickly realized she didn't know how to fly exactly. She could run on the air, but it wasn't as fast as he was. Practicing several different ways, she finally figured out that if she used the air as a type of slide, she could keep up with him, but it was exhausting.

Staring down at the ground, through the goggles, Bob's bar shined like a beacon. The magic around it, kind of outshone every other minor magical thing. Not seeing the line that marked the wall location, she headed further east, towards the human lands. Frederick flew beside her, amused by her method of running and sliding.

As a pounding headache threatened, from using her air abilities for so long, Aella gave in, and let Frederick carry her for a while. She found she could focus on the magic on the ground far better. When she finally spied the line, the location was both shocking and horribly amusing. She couldn't wait to tell Alfred where it was. When Frederick asked her why she was giggling, because it worried him, she waved him off and told him she was going to teleport them back to the palace.

He landed gently in the throne room, and she slid out of his arms with a big grin still on her face.

"I take it, you enjoyed the ride?" asked Seifer with a sour look of jealousy.

"What? Oh, yes it was fun, but not the reason I'm so amused," she said.

"What?" they both asked, confused.

"I'm going to make a magical wall, that is going to separate our kingdom from the human kingdom. It's going to keep them from harming our harvest, and causing trouble with our people. The thing that amuses me so, is where it's going to be."

"But I thought you said it was an ancient line?" said Frederick. "Does that mean you can't control where the wall will be?"

"Wouldn't you want the wall to be on the border?" asked Seifer.

"Oh, it's going to be on the border, all right. Just not the current one. It's going to form on the original line that was decided when the humans and demons separated the valley we live in."

"Oh?" asked Seifer.

"Does that mean it's going to form in the middle of that town we had been flying over when you started giggling?"

"Yep, and it's going to infuriate the church. I have things to discuss with the Hero of Light. Good night," she said, teleporting away.

Alfred looked up when she appeared, and waved her over. "We found a book that talks about that wall you are wanting to activate. It sounds amazing!"

"The wall has special properties, more than just a normal barrier. If two lovers are separated, they will be able to cross the barrier in order to reunite. If someone touches it out of curiosity, they will find a smooth solid barrier. If someone hits it, out of malice, the force they exert will be dealt back to them. It will be translucent, yet, the particles of magic will be seen by everyone. As long as fuel is provided, none can shut it off. Not even flying creatures will be able to cross it. It will extend below the ground, further than any can survive to go," said Bridgette, looking excited. "I'm pretty sure you could still teleport through it, too, unless you planned to cause harm on the other side."

"That's great! Listen to where I found the magical lines for where the wall will be. The church has taken way more of the land, than any of my Advisors or tutors realize. In fact, the church training grounds will be cut in half."