Chapter 75 Fina

"So, you activated a magical wall and it cut the training grounds in half?" repeated Curt for the third time.

"Curt, you are starting to get annoying," warned Josephine as she shoveled food into her face as fast as she could.

"Starting?" muttered Aella, grabbing another chunk of rabbit.

"I'm curious to see how everyone is doing at the church, honestly," said Alfred.

"I plan to drop all of you off at the church, and then see how far I can get to the tower where Josephine's daughter is," said Aella, biting the meat off the leg of rabbit. It was seasoned just right. Craning her neck to see if she could find another rabbit on the table, Frederick saw her and passed the platter that had another.

"That sounds fair. Everyone will recognize us and listen to us, unless the church leaders have already claimed we're traitors. In which case, there could be a lot of fighting," said Alfred.

"Good thing we got some good sleep last night. I assume you found Bridgette? How's she doing?" asked Josephine.

"She's doing well. I couldn't pull her away from her books, but you know how she is," laughed Alfred.

"What are we planning to do when we get there?" asked Curt, spooning some more gravy on his biscuits.

"We're going to kill, or take prisoner, all of the guards of the church, and reserve judgement on the others," said Alfred.

"I don't plan to bring any of them back to the palace, unless I need to throw some into the dungeon for interrogation by my people," said Aella. "You can start up a town right there, for the humans trapped on this side, or I can teleport the ones we don't want to the other side."

"Are you going to have any of the military start moving?" asked Seifer, taking a sip of his drink.

"General Brimsey no longer needs to remain in the north, now that I don't have to worry about monsters attacking from there. I was going to have him start patrolling the lands along the wall, to clear up any human troops that might still be causing trouble."

"Couldn't the human's still send troops into the mountains and go around the wall?" asked Frederick.

"Yes, but it's a lot easier to patrol those two areas, instead of the entire open border," pointed out Aella, setting a bone down on her plate and leaning back in her chair.

"Best take me first," said Alfred, wiping his mouth and standing up. "I can react faster if someone tries to attack us when we arrive."

Aella just shook her head. He still didn't know how it worked for her. "I teleported both Josephine and Curt last time, so I think I'm getting better. Let me try teleporting all of you."

Josephine nodded, taking a last drink before standing and joining Alfred. Curt sighed before shoving his biscuit into his mouth, and jumping up from his chair to join them.

"Your Majesty," called Firion, stepping into the room.

"Yes, Firion?" she asked, realizing she never found him last night to talk.

"Will you be back this evening?" he asked, noting that she was preparing to leave with three more humans.

"I plan to be, yes. Shall I find you and discuss things then?" she asked.

"If it pleases you to do so, I would appreciate it," he said, bowing.

Raising an eyebrow at his sudden change in behavior, she grabbed everyone by a sleeve or collar, and thought about the location where she had seen the wall. The sight appeared in her mind, and she could see people running around, hammering the wall, and others milling about as if not sure what to do. Choosing a clear spot, she teleported all of them without any issues. She didn't even feel the strain, like she had the other day.

"That seemed much easier on you," said Josephine, glancing around.

"I thought I was getting better," she responded with a smile, as the people around them turned to see who had just appeared. Catching the peculiar look Alfred was giving her, she turned to ask him what was wrong, but he moved past her to start talking to a church elder who had suddenly appeared.

"Aella, I think it's time you were on your way," said Josephine softly. "Find my daughter and bring her back to me. Please!"

Aella had intended to come back for Josephine at least, when she got to the tower, to make sure she grabbed the right little girl, but she decided that something must be going on, and nodded. How many little girls could there be in the tower? Surely it wouldn't be that hard to find the tower?

Teleporting away, high into the sky, over the church grounds, she watched through the wall as the heroes moved among the people and started doing their thing. She could only hope they would stay on her side, and not jump sides now. Given everything she had learned about them, she didn't think that likely, but she hadn't expected her father to be a spy either.

Turning to the north east, she found flying wasn't that hard. It was nothing like the struggle she had just last night with Frederick.

"You have unlocked the Flight ability. Congratulations!" came the voice she remembered from when she had been crowned.

With a laugh, she pushed herself, watching the road below her speed by, and keeping an eye for the tower Alfred had told her about last night before they had finally fallen asleep. Bridgette had read to them from one of her books, but Aella wasn't sure the Sage had ever gone to sleep. When they woke the next morning, she was up high, on the very top level of the library, deeply engrossed in a book about something called a world tree.

Hours went by, and in the distance a tower appeared. Movement below her, caught her attention. Two men on horseback, riding hard, were racing towards the tower. A sick feeling in her gut made her glance back to the tower, and teleport instead of trying to outrace them. Where would they keep a prisoner in a tower? Flying to the top, she began peeking in the windows.

The first window had an empty room with a few scattered toys. The second one had a child's bedroom. Seeing a small tumble of hair, laying on the pillow, she tapped on the window. While she could have teleported into the room, Aella didn't want to scare the girl half to death.

Before the girl could raise her head to see her, the door to her room burst open, and Aella watched as a big burly man, wearing highly ornate clothing rushed in. Grabbing the little girl by her arm, he went to throw her over his shoulder, and Aella reacted. The wind burst the window open, and she stepped into the room. The man stared at her, dumbfounded, as the wind swirled around her, and she walked towards him on the air.

"What… what are you?" he stammered, forgetting the little girl, as she slipped from his grasp.

"I am your doom, and her savior," she said in a commanding voice, trying to be as impressive as possible.

"My… my… my doom?" he stuttered, backing up, away from her, as she pulled out her black sword.

"For following a false church, your punishment is death!" she declared, raising her arm to strike him.

"No!" cried the little girl, rushing in front of her and throwing herself at the man's legs. "Don't hurt Fah-ter Rice! He's a good guy!"

Aella paused, wondering if the little girl was trying to protect someone who had shown her kindness, out of naivete.

"She's right! I don't follow the church!" he cried quickly, tearing at his ornate gown, and revealing the plain black underclothing. "I only wear it to keep the other church people from looking down on me! I've been in charge of taking care of Fina since they brought her here! Honest!"

Hearing shouting coming from down below, and a resounding crash, that made the man turn towards the door in panic, she decided that maybe he was telling the truth.

"You will be put to the test, and judged. I pray your words are true!" Jumping forward, she grabbed the girl and his sleeve and teleported them back to her palace, barely managing to visualize the throne room, before she was there with the both of them. That was much faster than she thought it should have been, but wasn't going to complain.

Frederick and Seifer looked up at her, as she realized her mistake. They were seeing people at the moment, and she had just teleported into the middle of them holding court, with a man wearing the torn remains of a church outfit, and a little human child.

Standing up straight, she repositioned the girl in her arms, to a more comfortable position, and then grabbed the man by the arm and approached the thrones. Seifer and Frederick were both standing, completely confused, as she approached them.

"Regents, I bring before you a man to be judged. He claims to be the guardian of this child, and not actually a member of the human church. I present him to you, for judgement, and leave this child for you to watch until the King can return to decide her fate."

They both caught on quickly, and both nodded, directing some of the guards positioned along the wall, to grab the man. His face was drained of all color, as he found himself surrounded by giant demons, in a place he probably never imagined he would be. Aella kind of felt sorry for him.