Chapter 76 A Puppy?

"What exactly is the human charged with?" asked Seifer, confusion apparent on his scrunched brow.

"Holding captive, the daughter of a hero, and conspiring with the church that we are at war with," said Aella.

"Oh, Fina isn't Josephine's daughter," corrected the man, Father Rice, hurriedly turning away from the demons to look at her.

"Not Josephine's daughter?" cried Aella, looking at the little girl in horror.

"No! That's Pearl," said the child with wide eyes.

The demons in the court watched as Aella hung her head, then handed the little girl to Seifer, who held her out at arm's reach, unsure what to do with her.

"I'll be back," she sighed, leaving everyone very confused as to what in the world was going on. She almost grinned at the thought, but the sound of a little girl screaming in pain and fear snapped her out of it after teleporting to Fina's room.

Smashing through the door, she heard the child pause to suck in more air, then start screaming again on the other side of a door to her right. She didn't hesitate, almost ripping the door off its hinges as she tried to hurry.

There, with her tiny legs sticking out from under the bed, was a tiny version of Josephine. Without thinking, Aella grabbed the bed and threw it up into the air. As it went flying, her eyes widened in surprise.

The little girl, Pearl, was trying to reach a small ball that had rolled under the bed, but her hair had gotten caught on the underside of the bed, so when Aella threw the bed up and away, it took some of her hair with it.

Before the shock and surprise could disappear from the little girl's face, Aella was reaching down and using her healing ability to stop the blood that was pouring from Pearl's scalp. Except, instead of it just healing the wound enough to stop the bleeding, Aella watched in surprise as it completely healed it, including having the hair regrow to cover the bald spot. There was still blood on her dress, but you couldn't see where it had come from. How had her heal ability upgraded so fast? She hadn't used it that many times.

With a little whimper, Pearl rubbed her head, where the hair had been ripped off.

"I'm sorry," said Aella, pulling herself away from her thoughts. "I heard you screaming and was afraid a monster was attacking you under the bed. I had no idea your hair was stuck!"

"Where's Fat-er Rice?" asked the girl, with the same lisp as Fina.

"He's with Fina, would you like for me to take you to them?"

She nodded, holding her hands up to be picked up.

Had she been as friendly when she was three? The young were so naïve and trusting! Maybe she could use that in the future?

Picking up the tiny child, she teleported back to the throne room, and took the girl from Seifer, who was still holding her out, as if she were contagious.

"Your Majesty?" asked Frederick, motioning towards the two children she held. "I'm afraid I don't understand what is going on."

Glancing at the nobles that had gathered to be heard by the regents, she said, "The children are taught by their elders, to believe whatever their elders want, yes?"

Setting the two girls down, they rushed over to Father Rice, who held them both with great relief.

"That is the way of it, yes," said Frederick, as Seifer nodded as well.

"I have prevented the human church from interfering with my court ever again, yet their children will grow up believing I am the bad guy, because that is what they will be taught."

The nobles were glancing back and forth at each other, not sure what was going on.

"If I acquire the children and teach them otherwise, then they won't believe I am the bad guy when they reach adulthood. The thing I am wondering, is if I need to only do this to the humans, or if I need to do this to the demons as well?"

Dead silence reigned in the throne room for only a moment, before the nobles broke out in shouts and cries of outrage. With a smile on her face, she turned her back on them and watched the two children hiding in the arms of the man they trusted. There was fear on their faces, as they watched the demons shout in anger and frustration. She had been taken from her father, and she hated the people who had done it. If she caused trouble like this for the kingdom, there would only be hatred amongst her people.

"I shall let these children decide," she said, pointing to the two girls.

The incredulity of her statement made everyone doubt her, she was sure, but the noise died down, as they watched to see what she would do.

"Pearl, Fina, what would you like?"

Fina answered immediately with, "A puppy!"

Pearl was much quieter, hiding her face in Rice's shirt.

"Pearl, the lady here asked you a question," said Rice, pulling her away from him. "You best answer, or I'll be punished again."

The immediate look of horror that flashed over her face made it clear she knew exactly what kind of punishment he was talking about, and piqued Aella's interest. Is that how the church controlled these children that were so small?

"I want my mommy!" she finally declared, immediately turning back to Rice, to make sure he was alright.

Aella started laughing, having to wipe a tear away. It was exactly what she was expecting. Turning back to the crowd, she raised an eyebrow.

"What do you nobles want today?"

"Well, Your Majesty…" began the first demon, stepping forward, then pausing as a scream erupted behind them.

Aella turned to see both little girls scrambling back away from Rice. His eyes were bleeding and he was clawing at them frantically, screaming in pain.

"No!" cried Pearl, shaking her head. "I answered! No punish! No!"

Pulling out her goggles, Aella slipped them on, and watched captivated as magic swirled around the man, poking slivers into his eyes. Following the trail of magic, she saw it flowed to her, and that the magic was swirling around her. Reaching out to touch it, it had a smooth, soft feel to it, as if she squeezed too hard, it would break. The magic trailed off, out of the room, through the ceiling.

Striding forward, she grabbed at the strands of magic, pulling them away from the man, who fell to the ground, breathing hard in relief, and they began attacking her arms and hands. Trails of blood began to flow down her arms as she pulled and gathered the strands up. Flying to the ceiling, she teleported up to the top floor, and gathered all the loose magic to her.

The demon was glaring at her, anger simmering in his very posture as she gathered the last of the magic and then yanked it away from him. He howled in pain, blood pouring from his own eyes for a moment. Aella watched as the magic dissipated into the normal magic that swirled around her, once she had cut the cord connecting it to the demon.

"How did you know I was the one controlling the magic?" he seethed, swaying back and forth, as if wishing he could pace in the cramped space.

"You told me that all magic came back to you. I really don't appreciate you attacking me, though. For that you will be punished."

He laughed. "How exactly do you intend to punish me?"

Aella understood now, that as long as she could see the magic around her, she could manipulate it. Pulling on the goggles, she watched the many strands of magic that filled the tower room.

"How many of these strands are causing someone pain? I don't think, as the King of this kingdom, that I like you causing people pain in my kingdom."

He watched, with wide eyes as she began gathering up the many strings and pulled them apart. It was like tearing fabric. Some were softer, and easier to manage, while others were thick and tough. His screams and howls were ignored, as she continued, moving about the room as needed. The more she tore up and cut, the louder his screams. With only a handful left, Aella glanced back at the demon. Strangely enough, he seemed diminished, and older. Could she actually be harming him by doing this? Good.

Breaking the last of the strings of magic, she looked around, feeling good about the clear air. There was still plenty of magic in the air, but it was no longer being directed by the demon.

"It took me centuries to get that set up," he wheezed, hoarse from all of his screeching.

"I don't intend to give you centuries to get it back up and running. As soon as I figure out how to kill you without getting trapped in your little circle, I assure you, you will die."

He stopped glaring at her, and stood up straight. "You can see that this circle will trap you? How can that be? It can only trap…"

She tilted her head to the side, curious about his change of mood and tone. There was something that he knew, that he didn't want her to know.

"Good luck, Demon King. You're going to need it," he said with an evil grin.