Chapter 96 Just Chuck Them In

There was silence in the room for several minutes, as Josephine slowly realized something was up. She glanced around at the downcast and shamefaced expressions on every one's faces, then back at Aella.

"I take it they told you about Firion?" Josephine said, raising an eyebrow at Aella's unreadable look. "No? Then maybe about the orc?"

"What about Firion?" Aella asked, turning to look at her regents and Alfred.

Alfred sighed and stepped forward. "He left shortly after you did. He told us that he was done watching the humans, that since we were here, we could tend to them. He only took orders from you, and you weren't there. No one knows where he went, but he said something about putting his assassins to work?"

Aella turned away from them all and stared at the wall for a moment. She was listening for anyone to move, but no one did. Taking a few breaths to keep from screaming, she finally turned back around. It was time to act.

"Everyone thinks I am nothing more than a monster, so let's keep that thought going. Maybe someday that thought will change. In order for my people to survive, I am going to have to resort to the savage I was in the pits. Let the fear of what I will do tomorrow, and each coming day, fill the heads of my people and motivate their dreams."

She paused as she finished getting her thoughts together. Her advisors looked at her with fear on their faces. She didn't bother to look at the regents.

"Alfred, I want you to head to the wall and see about rounding up all the humans along the entire kingdom border and organize them. If they want to travel to the other side of the wall, to be with the other humans, then see to sending them north, where General Brimsey is building the fort. The human army to the south may still be active. If you encounter any who are hostile, you have permission to kill them. I want you back in a month."

"A month!" he cried, looking at her with shock. "It would take me a year, or longer. to do what you have asked!"

"Then find someone who can finish what you have started," she said, looking at him with narrowed eyes. "I want you back in a month. I plan to head south to the mountains, to see the elves and the dwarves, and you will be with me."

He closed his mouth as he realized this was the punishment she was giving him for doing such a bad job while she was gone. Aella had hoped he would be a help with keeping things going, but obviously he wasn't king material. Bowing at her, he left the room. She waited until the door was shut before she turned to Josephine.

"I want to know how the humans in my palace are doing."

"They're fine. Brian barely leaves his room, and Rose hides whenever I go visit. The children are fine, playing together often. Father Rice watches over them all wonderfully."

"Then you should return to tending to them. I will summon you if I have need of you, Water Hero."

Josephine stood there, shocked at the formal dismissal. After looking around again, in confusion, she nodded and left. Aella was too mad to be friendly at the moment. It would be best if the woman was with her precious child. Turning to the two regents she glared at them, but didn't say anything. At least she still had a kingdom to return to. Turning away from them, she focused on her advisors.

"Orolon, I want all of those in charge of the orphans to be brought before me, as well as every single orphan in the city. Before today is over, Orolon."

He bowed and all but ran from the room. No one dared to speak up about her request. She wasn't in the mood to hear any nonsense about how many there would be.

"Xathtak, I want the Master Builders to be brought before me. Before mid-day, Xathtak."

She bowed and ran, not even trying to pretend. Both her shoes slipped off and she picked them up and ran barefoot.

"Destov, I want those who have no jobs, to be notified they have two days to find one, or they will be assigned some. Once they have a job, they will have a week to move into a house in the city. If there's no houses, there are warehouses. Either way, they will be out of my palace in a week and two days."

Destov nodded, bowed, and left. He didn't run, but his steps were quick.

"Ernun, I want all those who were placed in charge of food storage in the city. They are to be brought here immediately. And have Jogug brought to me as well."

Ernun went to say something, but snapped his mouth shut, nodded, and left, remembering to bow half-way out of the room, before hurrying the rest of the way.

Varnin stared at the floor hard. She was probably wondering what Aella was going to send her to do, and couldn't manage to meet her eyes.

"Varnin, I want 50 people gathered together. They are going north to the source of our ore, so make sure they understand this is not an easy assignment. There will be hard work in opening up the mines, and whatever else is needed to get ore back into the city. Be sure they have the necessary supplies to sustain them on their trip, and for however long it may take for them to get it up and running. If there are no survivors, as is quite likely, they will be expected to remain there, and to build a town, or fort, or whatever. If they have family, they may take them with them, but I want them leaving in 3 days. Once they arrive, and have gauged the situation, I want a report sent back immediately."

"Do you care which 50 are chosen?" asked Varnin.

"I don't want weaklings who can't do the hard labor needed if a rock slide has occurred," Aella pointed out.

Varnin nodded, bowed and left, as Destov had.

"Aella," began Frederick, but Aella snapped her head to look at him with a scathing look, and he shut up.

"Don't even try," she hissed. "I had to leave because I couldn't control something that is apparently normal for our kind. Not once did anyone think to check on the nobles. I was gone for a month, and my kingdom is all but dead. I guess I should be grateful the palace is still here."

Seifer and Frederick glanced at each other out of the corners of their eyes, before returning their looks to the floor. She sucked in a breath, and let it out slowly. Raising her chin, she knew what she was going to do.

"The two of you are going to go to the sewer work sites and any workers you see not working are to be sent home. They will not be allowed to return either. Let them find other jobs. I want workers who will work on fixing the problem, instead of complaining and causing trouble. Report back in to me at the end of the day."

They gaped at her for a moment, as the implications of her words sunk in. It would be particularly hard on Frederick with his wings, but she wasn't in the mood for pity. As soon as they had left, she looked over at the girl sitting in the corner.

"Scribe girl, you can leave. Don't come back until you've eaten lunch."

"She has a name, Your Majesty," said a voice behind her.

"I know, Firion, but I never learned it," said Aella, rubbing her brow as a slight headache was trying to overcome her healing ability.

"It's Margaretta Brandy Wine," said Firion with a chuckle.

"Really?" Aella glanced at the girl who was frozen in her chair. Her face was growing brighter by the moment. "And how would you know that?"

Aella turned around and crossed her arms. The assassin was lounging in her chair with one leg thrown over an arm, calmly cutting what looked like a red fruit into strips and eating them.

"She's my girlfriend," he said, cutting another slice, and popped it into his mouth.

"Girlfriend?" choked Aella. That was the last thing she would have guessed. Looking back at the girl, she tilted her head to the side. "Is she one of your students?"




"So, where are the rest of the assassins?" she asked, turning back to him, and ignoring the girl.

"They're still around. I have them doing a variety of tasks that should make them better for whatever you need. It's been really boring with you gone, you know."

"You've probably killed tons of people while I've been gone, though. Otherwise you wouldn't seem so calm."

"You're right. It's been easy finding people to kill, with so many in the city. There's no limit to thieves and murderers."

"What are you doing with the bodies?" she asked curiously.

"There's this hole I found, that leads to the underground grotto that those snake guys live in. I just chuck the bodies in there, and they eat them for me."