Chapter 97 Hempire of Clucktopia

"Why did you send Alfred away first?" asked Firion, finishing his fruit.

"He's a hero, not a regent or king. He may be good at fighting monsters and saving people from things, but he's not one to sit through boring meetings and listening to politics. I wanted him gone so I didn't yell at him too much. I need someone who's human to keep close, so I have a hand on keeping the human's content. There's always going to be trouble between us and them, so he's important."

"So, you're using him to keep them under control?" he asked, giving her a smile, as if he was proud of her. She wasn't sure what to think of that.

"I need something. There's not much I have in that area to relate to the humans."

"You do know what nobles are for, right?" he asked, climbing out of her throne and walking a few feet away before turning to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Stealing money and controlling things for their own benefits?" she grumbled, throwing herself into the vacated seat. "I'm thinking about just getting rid of the lot of them!"

"They're supposed to be in charge of the things you don't have time to deal with," he said, flipping his dagger out and twirling it in the air. "All this mess that you're struggling to keep on top of, that your Advisors are trying to micromanage, should be handled by nobles assigned to the tasks."

"Wait, how do you know that?" she asked, shaking her head in confusion. "You came from the pits, just like I did."

"My dad threw me in the pits only a year or so ago. I wasn't in there nearly as long as the rest of you."

"What? Who's your dad?" she asked, wondering if it was someone she knew.


Aella looked at him, as he calmly flipped the dagger over and over. Was he the one who killed his father? Was his father the reason he enjoyed killing? It didn't matter.

"Do you know who all the nobles are?" she asked, wondering if she could use him to get information. "If they're supposed to be in charge of things, it would be easier to assign them stuff, if I knew what they were involved in already."

"I could find out," he said with a nod. "When do you want the information?"

"Would tomorrow be too soon? I'm going to be pretty busy with everyone who's already going to be coming for a visit today."

Firion laughed out loud and put his knife away with a flick of his wrist. "I'll see you after breakfast in the morning."

His form faded as the door opened, and she watched as he slipped out while a group of demons were escorted in by the guards and Ernun. She studied the demons as they were brought forward to her throne. The main things she noticed where how fat they were and the poor condition of their clothing. As they kneeled before her, the stench of old rot, sweat and uncleaned bodies hit her nose.

"You were brought before me, because it was your job to handle the care of food for the city. Not only did you not care for it, but it seems you can't even care for yourselves. I've seen fighters in the pits who are cleaner than you are. My people starve and face sickness because of your disgusting mistakes. What do you have to say to this?" she asked, leaning forward to watch their faces as they looked up at her.

"Your Majesty, I don't know about my partner, but I struggle with health issues. I barely have the energy to get the soups going every day, much less everything else that needs done in the day. I'm so overwhelmed with everything that is to be done, it just never seems to happen."

She watched as the other demon gaped at him in surprise, then anger erupted and in a matter of moments, they were rolling on her floor, punching and hitting each other. Standing and forming a black blade from her right hand, she approached the roiling mass of purple flesh as meaty thuds sounded in the room. A quick slice of her sword and both their heads rolled across the floor.

"Ernun, find me some new people to run the soup kitchens. I will fetch fresh food while this mess is getting cleaned up. Where are my magical bags?"

Ernun bowed to her, being careful to avoid the spreading blood, and said, "They are in the library, I've been told. What do you wish for me to do with the spoiled food?"

"See if there are animals that can eat it. I don't want it going to waste. There may be people willing to still eat it, and if so, let them have it. We have a long winter still ahead of us."

"Yes, Your Majesty," he said, bowing again and leaving the room as the former nobles, who were now servants, arrived to clean up.

Without a blink of an eye, she teleported to the library. Felix was in a corner, giggling with his stuffed toy. Remembering the magic of it, she watched it warily as he played with it, seemingly whispering in its ears and then listening to it, as if it were responding. For all she knew, it was.

"Bridgette?" she called, spying the woman as she poked her head up over a pile of books in the back.

"What's up, Aella? It's not night yet?" she asked, tilting her head to the side as if she was expecting to see out a window.

"No, I'm only here to get the empty magical bags I had put food into," said Aella, noticing that Bridgette had already moved several shelves worth of books.

"Oh, they're behind the desk."

Grabbing them, Aella teleported to the treasury, and looked around. Was there a faint layer of dust on everything? Was the mimic not keeping it clean? Pausing before she opened the chest leading to the chicken world, Aella noticed a trail of blood behind the chest containing the cursed items. It was spreading out slowly, now that she had noticed it. Scrunching her brow, she stepped around the chicken chest to get a better look. The blood seemed to be a deep red, like her own would be, and it was seeping from the chest itself.

Shaking her head, she made a mental note to let the mimic know. She didn't need the whole treasury sticky with cursed blood. Throwing open the chicken chest, she stepped inside and looked around.

If it wasn't for the chickens moving about, tending to their day to day tasks, she would have thought she was standing in the middle of a city. The chickens were carrying papers or books, as they moved along streets surrounded by tall buildings that stretched high into the sky. Making her way slowly, so as not to accidentally kick any of them, Aella moved down the street marveling at the pace they had built up. Noting a gathering throng at the end of one street, she turned to see what was going on.

A chicken, wearing a suit, was standing on the edge of the roof, clucking softly to itself. The chickens on the street were looking up at it, clucking to themselves. Aella looked around at them, wondering what was going on. Surely if it jumped, it would just fly? This was ridiculous, and she didn't have time for it. Reaching up, she grabbed the chicken's legs and yanked it down, causing it to squawk and flap its wings crazily. Every chicken on the street turned to look at her, puffing their feathers out in anger. Letting go of the chicken, Aella flew straight up into the sky, to avoid the onslaught of crazed chickens that flew at the spot she had been standing in.

Landing on the tallest building, she looked out over the city the chickens had built and shook her head. This was beyond crazy. What happened to the farm? Where were the fields? How did the mimic feed all of them? Where was the mimic? Scanning the city, she saw one of the buildings move slightly. That had to be it.

"Mimic!" she called, landing on the roof of the building next to it.

A face appeared on the ledge of the building, and it smiled at her.

"Your Majesty! It's been a long time! How are things going?"

"You've let things go too far, mimic. The treasury looks filthy, and this is not what we had agreed to. Didn't I tell you not to let their population get too big?"

"No, you just said they couldn't leave the chest. I've followed the rules you gave me carefully!"

"Why are you the size of a building?" She tilted her head to the side, gazing at the street far below them.

"I discovered the chickens were willing to let me end them when they got old. They didn't like the aches and pains of old age, so when I offered them a respite, they took it."

"Wait. They were wanting an end to their pain and just let you eat them?" she asked, not believing it for a moment.

"Well, they don't know that I'm going to eat them, exactly. I tell them to come into the building for respite, and then I eat them when they do."

Aella had to admit, the mimic was genius for thinking it up, but she didn't think the chickens would appreciate finding out the truth.

"I am here for my tax," she said, choosing to ignore the situation. It would be interesting to see what happened the next time she came.

"If you go to the giant corn shaped building, you'll find stairs that will take you down to the store rooms. Take as much as you want. There's plenty."

With a nod, Aella spotted the building he was talking about and headed over. The stairs were a little difficult to maneuver because they were sized for the chickens, but she managed. When she reached the store rooms, she had to just stand there and marvel for a few minutes. The sheer quantity of food that was down here was breathtaking.