Chapter 100 Stella’s Warning

"Fear is only as deep as the mind allows," said the voice behind her when she teleported into the room where Jozef had been staying.

Aella turned around to see the king, restored to his youthful appearance. His wings spread out and he craned his neck to stretch out the muscles.

"I've been waiting for you to return. Has that Sage found a way to let me out of here yet? I'm ready to reclaim my throne. From what you've been saying I need to start fresh and kill off a lot of these despicable idiots who have ruined things."

Aella held her tongue as she moved out of the center of the room. If this was Jozef, he was acting very different. She wondered if there were any magical lines connecting him to the Spell Spire, but she didn't have her magical viewing goggles. Alfred still had those.

"Can you not leave on your own?" she asked.

"No, but you managed to. How did you do it? The runes should have kept you in."

Now she knew what had happened. How it happened, she wasn't sure, but Aella was certain that the person she was speaking to, was the demon in the spire, not the Jozef she knew. Had he done a mind swap? Or was it a full-on physical swap?

"The Sage is having trouble understanding the runes. She doesn't understand them all. Whenever she tries to read a lot of the books, the language swaps over to one she doesn't understand. It's slowing her progress."

Aella was telling the truth, but she wasn't going to let the demon before her know that she knew what had happened. Maybe she could get some information out of him, before she escaped in the same way she had before. If this creature tried to go along, she was sure Bob and whoever he feared, could deal with him.

"That blasted Hero! He must have done this!" raged the demon, lashing out in his anger, striking the wall.

Aella expected to see cracks and maybe a hole, from the force of his hit, but the runes glowed, stopping him from actually hitting the wall.

"What could a hero do? The ones I have encountered have been weak!"

"The Hero of my day was powerful. He must have placed a spell on the library to keep too much knowledge from being discovered. You'll have to kill him and steal his abilities to figure out how to unlock the spell. I cannot take over my throne and fix this kingdom from this pitiful room!"

Aella nodded, having no intentions of doing any such thing. There was no way in hell she was going to give up her throne for this mad creature to 'fix' things.

"Which hero? There's plenty of them, you know."

"The Hero of Shadows, of course. They are known for hiding things. Every time you think they're telling the truth; they're actually hiding it. That's part of the Hero of Shadow abilities, to make those you speak to believe your lies."

"I've not heard of a Hero of Shadows," she said, scrunching her brow. "Do you mean the Hero of Light?"

"No! Why would I want you to kill him? He's too easy to manipulate! Just give him a poor soul to save and he's off killing every monster that dares to make an appearance. With him, there's no need for an army patrolling. If I could just give him your teleport ability, he could travel faster."

She shook her head and laughed. "I'm not handing that over."

"You'll do as your told, child! Or I will kill you and take your child as my own to raise with your powers as my personal servant."

Aella glared at the demon, mentally trying to calm herself. The magic of the room protected him, so there was no way for her to kill or harm him. Her original reason for visiting was gone. She would have to ask Bridgette if she knew about it. There was no reason to ever return to this room. Let him remain here forever.

"I will work on trying to get the runes figured out, My Lord. I am sure the Sage can be persuaded to figure it out," she said, feigning her allegiance to calm him down.

As he nodded, his eyes watching her as she bowed to him, Aella tried to bring any place to mind, to escape the room. The moment the runes began to glow, she immediately thought of Bob's bar. It was quicker this time, as Bob showed up in her mind with an exasperated sigh.

"Aella!" he went to chastise her, but she teleported as the demon lunged at her.

Arriving in Bob's bar, she glanced around wildly, to make sure the demon hadn't managed to grab her, but he hadn't. With a sigh, she held up her hand towards Bob.

"I know I'm not supposed to be here, but I have a few important questions, and then you can send me back as you did last time. What has happened to my eyes and hand, how do I deal with the demon in the Spell Spire, and the old King, and how do I control the moon thing?"

Bob's eyes glowed for a moment, as he sighed and looked down, grabbing the cloth he had been using to wipe the counter with. "You owe me a new store location, already. This will cost you another two. I want a store in the gnome kingdom as well, as well as one in your new city when it's built."

"Deal," she said, without hesitation.

Nodding, he said, "Alright, you are stained with the black magic you pulled from your demon side. I would strongly recommend you not use it again, as it will make your demon side become stronger, rather than the gargoyle, that is dominant right now. Release the fairy in the Spell Spire, when you are ready to move to the new city, and it will negate all of the magic in the entire palace. I would make sure everyone was out of the entire kingdom when you did that, because the palace will probably explode. There's a lot of things in there I don't want to go into, and as for the moon thing, I would recommend a nice cup of hot chocolate."

"Aella? Didn't I already take you home once?" said the woman from before, stepping into the bar. "You really need to stop showing up like this. There's only so many times we can keep the realms from breaking out into war over you. Our realm may decide to keep you one of these times."

"She's needing a lift home, Stella," said Bob, holding out a reddish orange drink to the woman. "She's been using my bar to break through a magical barrier that keeps trying to trap her."

"Ah, why don't we just break that barrier then?" asked Stella.

"It would cause a lot of damage to a lot of things, if you did. Plus, it would cause strain on your baby world tree that you just planted there."

"Ah, then let's not do that. Don't go near that barrier again, Aella."

Aella nodded, feeling the urge to cower before this woman as she reached out and grabbed her arm. Stella's hand wasn't cold or hot, but her fingers were strong as steel. Aella couldn't have broken free if she had tried. They were suddenly standing in the clearing of the other continent in the blink of an eye.

"Try staying in your own realm," she said, before letting go and disappearing again.

Rubbing her arm, she saw the bruises that were trying to form, already fading away. That woman was scary! Smelling the faint wisp of blood oranges, she wondered if this Stella was the same Stella as in Bridgette's book, but decided it didn't matter. Time to jump to the library.

"Bridgette!" she cried, looking around the library. Books were piled everywhere, and the entire center of the main floor was empty.

"Is it time to head over to the church library?" she asked, looking up from the bowl of soup she had been eating.

"No, not yet. I need to know how to remove the stain of black magic."

"You cast black magic?!" she shrieked, jumping up from her seat and rushing over to look at Aella's hand.

"I ripped the life force out of one person and used it to heal a bunch of others," explained Aella.

"I would imagine it did far more than just heal them! Life force is horribly powerful! That's why so many people try to use it for evil purposes, when they don't mind killing people to get what they want. Only demons can do this, but I thought you were more gargoyle than demon. Hold on, there's a book…"

She dropped Aella's hand and rushed over to the partially blocked stairs, struggling past them and hurrying up the stairs.

"Have you talked to a mimic lately?" asked Felix, looking up from his stuffed toy.

"I know a mimic, yes," she said, eyeing the toy.

"You should ask it about Frank and Louie. I don't think you can move them before the palace is destroyed without talking to him first."

Aella stared at the boy, wondering if he even knew what he was talking about. She hadn't thought about Frank and Louie, or the mimic, when she started thinking about moving the kingdom. If they were tied to the palace, did that mean she was condemning them to death?

"I found it!" cried Bridgette. "It says the more you use the black magic, the more it will manifest on you physically. The only way to reverse the change, is to use white magic. I don't have a clue what that is, but there may be some books that talk about it in the church library?"