Chapter 101 An Insane Idea

"I have a bunch of kids to deal with, before we can go to the church library, Bridgette," Aella said, wondering how to get hot chocolate out of the wall-box.

"What are you doing with a bunch of kids? Did they start up the pits again?" asked Bridgette, making her careful way back down the stairs.

"The person in charge of the orphanage was doing a horrible job of caring for them. I don't even know how many died under her 'care' but now I have a bunch of kids with no place to go, and no one to take care of them."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, you are great at coming up with ideas no one else considers."

Aella watched Bridgette touch the panel next to the wall-box in different spots and retrieve a steaming cup of some dark fluid. It smelled good, so she did the same.

"Whenever you are ready to head to the church library, I'll be here. Is there anything else you wanted?"

Blowing on the rich smelling beverage, Aella went to take a drink, only to spit it out immediately. It was bitter!

"Aella! Why did you get a coffee if you don't like it?!" complained Bridgette, wiping up the mess on the floor.

"How did it go bad so fast? It smelled good when I pulled it out of the wall-box."

"It didn't go bad, silly. That's how coffee tastes. You could put some cream or sugar in it, to make it taste less bitter, but I like mine black."

"No, thank you. Can that thing make hot chocolate?"

"Sure! Let me get it for you."

Eyeing the steaming cup, Aella took it carefully and sniffed it. The smell was amazing! Taking a small sip, she closed her eyes to savor the flavor. It was so much better than the coffee. Teleporting back to the throne room, she eyed the children who were munching happily on the food Edgar had provided for them. They were chatting softly to each other and the babies were cooing and babbling in glee. Josephine was still watching over them, and her daughters were there, as well as Father Rice. Seeing them move among the children gave her an idea.

"Josephine, I have a job for you," said Aella.

"Aella! You're back! Are you feeling better?" she asked, looking at Aella hesitantly.

"I will be fine. I want you to go with Destov to the noble estates I have sitting empty. Choose one of the three to convert into the new orphanage, and then tell me how many workers you would need to help you tend to these children."

Josephine's mouth hung open as she stared at Aella. "You want me to oversee your orphans? Aella… that's a huge undertaking!"

"Your Majesty, are you sure you want a human hero tending to our orphans? Aren't you worried she will corrupt the minds of our children?" asked Edgar.

Aella looked at the demon for a moment, then decided he wasn't trying to cause trouble, but was honestly curious.

"No, Edgar, I don't believe these humans will corrupt the children. These children were on the verge of death when a demon cared for them, so I fail to see a human doing any worse."

"Aella, this is a huge honor, but are you sure? I'm a hero, not a… nanny?"

Josephine was struggling with her words as she picked up her daughter and hugged her tight.

"Josephine, you may be a hero, but you are no fighter. I've seen you on the battlefield against many different monsters. You care for your daughter far more than you do fighting. I have three other human children you have been tending to as well, and as far as I can see, you have done a good job of it.

"You will go to the three estates, and decide which one you want to use. Then you will get a week to fill it with whatever you may need, furniture, food, clothing, whatever. Let me know what workers you will need, and at the end of the week all of these children, along with your two daughters and those three boys will all move to the estate. I think I want Brian and Rose to go there, too."

"Yes, Your Majesty," said Josephine, bowing slightly before setting her daughter down and nodding to Destov who turned to go with her out the door.

Sipping her hot chocolate, Aella sat in her throne and watched the children play. The ones with wings were trying to get them to work, managing to get a few feet off the ground, before falling back to the ground with loud laughs and squeals.

When the doors opened, and Frederick and Seifer appeared, Aella started laughing. She had forgotten she had sent them to work in the sewers. Both of them looked exhausted, which was impressive, considering the fighting they were used to in the pits. Aella wondered what they would have to say.

"Frederick! Seifer! How many people did you kill today?" she asked, in a really good mood for some reason. Maybe she needed to stay away from that hot chocolate.

"Aella, we killed a lot of idiots today," said Seifer, throwing himself down onto the floor and leaning against his throne.

"Once they all figured out who we were, and that we were allowed to kill the ones who ticked us off, they left us alone and started working harder," said Frederick, looking around with dull eyes at all of the children.

A young boy with wings similar to Frederick's came up to him.

"Can you fly really good with those?" he asked.

"If I wasn't so worn-out, I would show you," he said, managing to give the boy a tired smile.

"The King gave us back our wings!" said the boy happily, turning to show him his wings and flapping them.

"Gave you back your wings?" Frederick asked, turning to look questioningly at Aella.

"Oh, yes! The Madam had cut our wings off, but the King killed her and regrew our wings!" pipped in a young girl not too far away.

"How'd you do that?" asked Seifer, tilting his head to look at Aella easier.

"A king ability I would rather not try and explain. How's the sewers going?"

They both grimaced at her question. Frederick pulled up a chair from the table to sit on.

"The workers are working as slowly as they can, to make sure they get paid for as long as they can. If they were paid based on how much work they got done, rather than just for showing up and working, I think it would get done a lot faster. No one's really overseeing them. There's a few people who walk around, watching them, but they're spread out over so far, that a lot of them will work only when the watcher guy is there, and then will sit down and talk once he's left."

Seifer nodded at Frederick's words, and added, "They were doing the same thing while we were there, until they realized who we were. They thought we were just more people who had showed up to get paid, and tried to start fights with us, so we didn't give away what they were doing by working way more than they were."

"That explains the issues with Jogug," said Aella thoughtfully. "This is a problem. Unless those sewers get fixed before the spring thaw, our city is going to flood horribly."

"With so many people pouring into the city, and the sewers not working, the streets are really starting to get nasty. We're going to have people start getting sick soon, if something isn't done," said Frederick.

"Then I'll have to do something about it," said Aella, "I assume there aren't any workers left then? If they weren't working, you were to send them home…"

"Not really," they both said together.

Standing up, she headed for the door, waving for them to follow. "Margaretta, have the advisors that return come to the map room. I will be waiting for them there."

The girl nodded quickly, rubbing her hands. They had to be aching, with all of the discussion that had been going on that day. Aella hoped she wasn't trying to keep up with the chatter of the children.

They ran into the seamstress and tailor in the hall. They both quickly bowed to her when they realized it was her.

"Go see to new clothing for the children in my throne room. Each child is to get three pair. Just send me a bill, when you have the cost figured up. There will probably be more clothing needed in the future. We have a long winter ahead of us," said Aella, motioning at the throne room and turning with her regents to leave.

"Why are we going to the map room?" asked Seifer.

"I want to explain my ideas for the future of our kingdom. I know you two are tired, but I have a lot to do tonight, and I want to work out any problems you might see in it."

They walked in silence, until they arrived at the map room. She looked over the map, wondering what the size difference in the new continent was. Stella had said it was roughly the same size as this one, so she was going to use it as a base.

"I want to build a new kingdom, in a far land. The problem is that the only way to get everyone there, is with me teleporting them one or two at a time."

"That's going to take you forever!" gaped Frederick.

"Why would you do that?" asked Seifer.

"The humans are going to always cause us problems, unless we move so far away from them, they can't bother us. It's going to be very difficult to trade with the elves and such, but we're not trading right now, so there won't be much difference. The land is not yet suffering from the same winter we are, so we will have more time to build over there before the time to plant crops and such comes. I want to try and get as much done as possible before spring."

"Aella, I don't know how you're going to do this. There's just not enough time." Frederick rubbed his face before looking at the map again.

"Assuming I started taking people over there tomorrow, and put them to work, and then only paid them if they did the work assigned, I think I can."

"This is insane!" said Seifer, shaking his head. "Who is going to watch over the workers you send over there?"

"I was thinking of sending Jogug, and half of the assassin army."

Seifer raised a finger, as if to say something, then lowered it with a nod. "That might actually work."