Chapter 109 Failure

"You're doing what? Start from the beginning, please," said Bridgette, sitting down at the desk with her quill and book ready.

Aella sighed. She should have known this was going to happen, but it wouldn't hurt to have a history of her side of things written, for when people started spreading rumors about how evil she was.

"The humans are a threat to our people," said Aella, trying to get her thoughts in order. "And because of the month I had to spend away from everyone, I thought it would be a good idea to check out that section of land, where the map ended."

"Did it continue?" asked Bridgette.

Aella thought about telling her it did, then remembered that Stella didn't want people going there.

"Not really," Aella answered. "I found a place that I think will be much better, far across the waters."

"How were you able to get across the waters?" asked Bridgette writing furiously. The scratch of her quill almost drowning her words out.

"A little bit of my air control, and teleporting," lied Aella, feeling sick as she did so, for some reason.

Bridgette didn't notice.

"But the land I found over there will be perfect for all of us to build a new city. There's mountains to look for ore and large grasslands for farms," she said, thinking about her brief periods over there so far. "There's a lot of land over there I haven't explored yet, and that will give some of the people who don't like living close to others something to do."

"That's brilliant!" murmured Bridgette. Aella couldn't help but smile.

"Any other prophesies from Felix?" Aella asked, spying him asleep in a corner.

"No, he's pretty exhausted for days after one of those spells. I'm worried about him though. It seems to take more energy out of him each time he gives one."

"Have you read any books about it? Maybe there's something we can do to help him out?" asked Aella.

"The only thing I could find in any of the books was one section talking about the amount of magic in an area. If this place isn't magical enough, I don't know where is."

"I have more stuff to do, so I'll probably see you tomorrow," said Aella.

"Wait! You haven't told me why you've decided to move the entire kingdom, yet!"

"But you already know why. I'm not going to waste everyone's time repeating it all over again," grumbled Aella, teleporting back to the throne room.

It was empty, as all of the kids had been moved, and everyone was off doing things or in bed. She paced back and forth for a moment, thinking of what she could be doing, and then stopped. There might be more materials she could use, or the people at the new site might need her for something.

Teleporting to the front hall, the only person there was a young demon sweeping the floor. The debris from all of the workers had mostly been cleaned away, she noted, but that reminded her that she had wanted everyone out of her palace who were leaching off of her. Even if she had offered it for them to stay in, it had only ever been intended for a temporary stay. They should not have still been in her palace a month later. She would have to check on that, and maybe start sending more people over in the morning.

Teleporting over to the new build site, she flew up high to oversee the area. People were working all over the place, erecting walls and roofs on buildings in one area, and digging sewer lines in another. The sun had yet to set here, so she had plenty of light to see everything.

Movement in the distance drew her attention, that she probably wouldn't be able to notice from the ground. Large shapes were heading this way, that intrigued her. Were they mammoth's like had been killed before? If so, they would be a wonderful source of food.

Flying down towards one of the assassins, she motioned for his attention.

"I've seen something in the distance, and am going to check it out. I want you to let the others know that it could be a threat, but I'm not sure yet."

He nodded to her and turned slightly, waving his hand at an assassin she just then noticed. These guys were wonderful to have around!

Flying back up and spotting the figures again, Aella teleported closer. These were not mammoths. These things were huge, with long legs, long necks, and a long tail. Their heads were so tiny, she couldn't imagine how they ate enough to fill their bellies. She could see trees in the distance, that might be the food these things ate, but for some reason they were almost running in the direction of her people.

Flying in front of the giant beasts, she tried to spook them, and turn them to one side or another, but they didn't seem to hardly notice her. As they drew closer and all of her attempts failed, panic started to well up. Gritting her teeth, she flew ahead of the herd and landed. Taking a deep breath, she erected as large a wall of air as she could, to force them to turn and go around.

The sounds of shouts and screaming behind her meant her people had noticed the giants heading towards them, but she stayed focused on the wall before her. There was just enough dirt and grass in it, to make it be visible, and yet the things still plowed right into it. Pain flared up so suddenly, as they connected with the wall, Aella was blown backwards, rolling in the dirt. Confused, she looked around trying to get her thoughts to line up with what she was seeing.

The giant creatures had plowed right through her wall as if it wasn't there, and was proceeding to run right through the middle of her people. Some stepped into the holes, breaking their legs and falling, while others ran through the half-constructed buildings. People were running and screaming in fear and panic, while others were stepped on and killed. It was utter chaos.

Aella shook her head after a moment and with a frown jumped up. Teleporting around as fast as she could, she tried to rescue the people she could, but there was only so much she could do. Half an hour later, all that was left were the ruins of an attempt, a quarter of her people dead, and the dust cloud following a herd of giant creatures that were unstoppable, and unfazeable.

"Your Majesty," whispered Zack, appearing beside her, "What do we do?"

She wiped the dust and blood off of her face, and looked around. People were looking around at the destruction, some even holding broken tools.

"I will take you all back to the palace, and I will find a better place," she said. Anger, disappointment and disbelief, all wared in her stomach, threatening to erupt, but she pushed it all away, focusing on teleporting people back to the palace. They were given rooms to sleep in at the palace, as well as the options to eat the plentiful leftovers from her supper with the nobles. The demons she was able to heal, she did so, but the ones that she couldn't she left to the elements. Even a shovel wouldn't have helped her pick up some of the bodies.

Looking over the materials that remained, she decided they could stay there as well. The moon was high in the sky when she finally finished. Exhausted mentally, she paused to reflect on what had happened.

Everyone would be laughing at her tomorrow, when they found out what had happened. How was she supposed to know those things would do that? She still felt that moving her people here would be the best thing for everyone, but perhaps she could find somewhere better.

Flying up, she followed the path of destruction the beasts had made, finding them resting under massive trees that were pushed up against the cliffs of a towering mountain. A sound behind her drew her attention, and she saw in the distance a building black mass in the sky. Lightning flashed among the towering clouds, giving away what the mass was. A chill wind blew through the grasses, almost knocking her to the ground. Redirecting the wild winds, she found a feeling in them she hadn't felt anywhere else. It was anticipation.

Being the Hero of Air meant she wasn't overly alarmed at the excitement the wind seemed to carry, but concern over what it meant for the building site made her realize this area might not have been the best to build on after all. The mountain chains on either side of these grassy plains channeled the storm right into it.

Aella flew up along the mountain side, torn between watching the storm and exploring more of these new lands to find the perfect spot before returning back to the palace. With a sigh, she turned her back on the storm and flow over the mountain. Once her people were moved and safe, she could enjoy the wild storms and displays of nature as much as she wanted. People would be saddened and angry that so many had died. All because she had been trying to rush things.