Chapter 110 Terrible Tempest

"Why did Stella send me to that spot, if those creatures run right through the middle of it?" she wondered.

Aella was perched on a cliffside, overlooking a peaceful meadow next to a river. In the distance she could see water glinting off a waterfall in the moonlight. This would be a perfect place to build a small town, but not a giant city like she wanted. It was probably near dawn back at the palace and she knew she was going to have to return soon but her problem still wasn't solved. The only place she had found so far, that would work for her city, was the fields Stella had taken her to.

"Maybe I need to understand the creatures better. I bet Stella would have just killed them, instead of letting them trample the people. If I kill them, though, that doesn't mean my people would be safe from the strong storm that rushed through last night."

With a sigh, she stood up and brushed the dirt off her butt. She needed to head back and deal with the trouble she caused. There must be something she was missing.

Pausing before teleporting back to the palace, a thought occurred to her. What if the creatures had been more afraid of the storm than of her? How bad was that storm, for them to ignore her wind wall?

Teleporting back to the trees, where they had settled down to sleep, she was immediately pummeled by lashing rain. The winds howled around her fiercely, drowning out any noises she might have heard. Ducking against one of the trees, she spotted the creatures further back, huddled against the cliff wall. Channeling the winds around her into a spiral, she was able to step out from behind the tree. The spiral was difficult to maintain, as the winds around her tried to force their way to her, but she persevered. The rain was deflected away from her as well, by the spiral, and she was able to look out across the fields before her.

With nothing stopping the winds, they rushed through the area she wished to claim as her own, battering anything that dared to stand in its way. She could feel its anger at her being able to withstand its force, and tried to send calming thoughts at it in case it was similar to the storm monster she had encountered before. Intent on its rush across the fields, it lost interest in her and soon she didn't have to struggle so much to maintain the spiral. The rain hit at her with a little less force, and she was able to walk easier across the ground.

Despite the downpour of rain, the ground didn't seem to be flooding anywhere, which was good news for her. Reaching the site of her failed city, she started to think about what went wrong. She had tried to make her people build a city that was similar to the one she had on the other lands. They didn't have high winds there, like they did here. Maybe if she had her workers build tall stone walls to stop the wind, the creatures would see those walls and would run around them?

It would take a lot of work for her workers to haul the rock from the nearby mountains, and even if she spent the time teleporting it back and forth, it would still take forever to accomplish. There had to be another way! If only Brian, the Earth Hero, could use his abilities…

Aella stopped in her tracks. If she could find a ring for controlling the air, then maybe there would be a ring for controlling the earth. There wasn't a ring for elemental command for earth, but there might be another type that did something similar. If she could find one, would it unlock Brian's abilities? She could have him out here moving the dirt and rock for her!

Without hesitation, she teleported to the treasury and headed straight for the chest with the magical items.

"What brings you here, Your Majesty?" asked the mimic, raising up from the spot he had been in the very first time she entered the room.

"Why are you out here, instead of in the chest with your chickens?" she asked.

"They decided they didn't want me around, so I decided to give them a couple generations without me. I'll go back, cull a whole bunch of them, and probably level the entire civilization."

She looked at him, so comfortable with his decision, and shook her head. She didn't care at the moment.

"I'm looking for a ring similar to a type of earth control. Do you know if there is one?"

"You've not become the Hero of Earth, too, have you?" he asked, confused.

"No, but he can't use his powers, so I thought I would try the ring, to kind of give him a boost."

The mimic shrugged and stepped into the chest, quickly returning before she could join him, with a ring. It was an ugly brown color, with swirls of grey throughout it.

"If he's not the Hero of Earth, this won't do anything."

"One of the realm portals called him the Hero of Earth," she said, taking the ring.

"Well, good luck."

Nodding her thanks, she teleported to the throne room, shocked to find a crowd of people, all angry and waiting for her to return. Both of her regents and all of the advisors were there, looking very uncomfortable.

Going to slip the ring into her pouch, she was startled when it disappeared. She knew the ring was in the pouch, but she wasn't sure how, since the pouch was gone. Remembering that the pouch was one of the magical items that had been absorbed, she wondered if it was another ability she had gained.

As the crowd noticed her and started to scream and shout at her, she decided to worry about the pouch later. Forming the black blade into a short sword, and pulling the other sword out from wherever everything was contained within her, she smiled at the screaming people and swung the swords around.

The noise in the room died down drastically when they remembered who she was, and what she had done in the past.

"I'm ready to kill every one of you, if you like," she said clearly in the suddenly silent room. When no one seemed eager to rush her any longer, she nodded and stood up but left the swords in her hands.

"I have just returned from the site of the incident. I understand you may all be upset with me at the moment, but I am determined to continue forward with my plan."

Some of the shouting started up again, and she threw the black blade at a demon with a deep red skin. He gasped as it hit him in the chest, stabbing the demon behind him before disappearing and reappearing back in her hand. He fell to the ground gargling and gasping, while the demon behind him, an old female with bright pink skin, started screaming, clutching her breast where the sword had stabbed her.

"Shut her up, or get her out of here," said Aella, moving to her throne, but not sitting just yet. "Anyone else have a problem they would like to voice? I can assure you death will solve any and all problems you think you have."

They shuffled their feet as the demoness was rushed out of the room. A young green demon stepped forward and kneeled on the floor.

"Your Majesty?" he asked.

"You may speak," she said, pleased that someone would show her the respect she deserved.

"What do you plan for us?" he asked, his voice trembling as he remained kneeling with his eyes on the floor.

Judging from his clothes, he was a young noble, probably sent to complain about her orders from the night before.

"I intend to send every demon in my kingdom to a new land," she said, putting up the vorpal sword and shrinking the black blade to a dagger. "This land has too much conflict over it to remain here. The humans will forever want to fight us over it, whereas the land I will move us all over to, is many times larger than here, and untouched. I found sites of great beauty that my people will be able to build small scattered villages without the worry of humans coming to steal their food or murder them in their sleep."

"This new land sounds good, but we have lost so many!" cried a demoness in the back. Her eyes were puffy from crying.

"You think we won't lose people?" asked Aella.

The demoness was probably related to one of the workers who had died, and was informed when Aella brought everyone back.

"We may have lost 20 people last night, when we have lost hundreds and thousands to the fights with the humans. I'm not saying this move will be easy. Many more will probably die before we are done. But when we are done, our children and their children, will never have to worry about war with the humans. They will not have to worry about spies speaking back and forth with the enemy, or children being snatched and forced to fight to the death."

None of them could meet her angry gaze. Her words had been more growls near the end.