Chapter 111 The Truth of the Matter

"I have business to attend to. If you need to speak with me about something important you may stay, but if you came here to complain I'm giving you 30 seconds to get out of my throne room."

Half the room emptied in the blink of an eye. Aella gritted her teeth as they poured out the doorway, running for their lives. She considered having them killed, to make a point, but decided enough people had died recently.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" asked Frederick, once things calmed down in the room.

"A storm spooked a herd of very large creatures right into the middle of the construction site. The buildings that were started, were completely destroyed, and those who were unable to get out of the way were killed," she explained, sitting down and absorbing her dagger.

"How do you plan to keep this from happening in the future?" asked Seifer.

"A really big wall," she said, turning to the people still in the room. "Advisors, do you have anything to report?"

"Your Majesty," said Varnin, stepping forward and bowing. "Runners have been sent to every corner of the kingdom to inform people of the mandatory trek to the city, for relocation to our new home. I have also seen to it that every general was notified to pull back to the city, and to enforce the mandated trek along their routes.

"The two empty noble estates have been handed over to the incoming families, for them to stay in until you are ready for their transfer to the new city. All of the noble families have been interested in knowing what will be expected of them, as you had mentioned they would be moving today?"

Aella nodded and looked over those who were in the room.

"I assume that's what all of you are here for?"

They all nodded, looking somewhat unsure of their decision to remain. She recognized her master builders in the crowd, along with some of the workers. There was one person, she didn't recognize, who seemed to be unsure about being there.

"You, there in the back, with the yellow hair. Why are you here?" Aella called out, pointing at the demoness as the crowd parted to allow her to step forward.

She reached the area before Aella and bowed, standing back up uncertainly and said, "Your Majesty, I was sent by my mother. We only just arrived two days ago, from our family farm to the west. My father died two months ago, and the flooding killed my little brother."

"Why were you sent here?" asked Aella, wondering why the girl was telling her about their hardships. She couldn't bring them back from the dead.

"My mother is concerned about the strange lights that come from the topmost tower of your palace, Your Majesty. She is scared that those light might have something to do with evil magic and wanted me to come ask. She is an old demon, Your Majesty, and would not let me be until I came to you."

The realization that she still had not gone to check on the Spell Spire disturbed her. Why had she not thought of it?

"I should probably check on that," Aella mused, "What do you and your mother do for a living?"

"My parents used to raise animals, Your Majesty. Our herds have been sold off since my father's death. We weren't able to keep up with all of the work without my dad. I have been able to keep us alive by cleaning the streets."

"And your name is?" asked Aella, impressed by the demoness's ability to work so hard and to come forward to ask such a silly question. She might be able to use her in the future for something.

"My name is Gwen, Your Majesty."

"Gwen, are you any good at cooking for large crowds?" asked Aella.

"I would help my mom cook for the people during roundup. We would make huge batches of soups and bread. Lots of bread," she said.

"I may have a job for you and your mother that would take you off the dangerous streets, but it will be a couple of days before you will need to return, alright?"

Gwen nodded, swallowing in fear.

"Yes, Your Majesty," she managed to whisper.

"You may go. I will see to these lights. Tell your mother they are nothing to concern her about. Any magic inside this palace that is evil, will be dealt with by me," said Aella standing up. "I will be back in a few moments and deal with the rest of your questions."

Teleporting far outside one of the windows to the Spell Spire, Aella could see Jozef beating against the walls of the spell circle that contained him, cursing.

"Aella? Stay back! This entire tower is trapped with magical runes! If you get too close, you'll be trapped here!" he cried, seeing her outside the window.

"Is it really you?" she called, wondering if it were another trick of his brother. She had forgotten to get those goggles back from Alfred, and there was no telling where Alfred would be along the wall.

"Yes, look, I found where the Hero of Earth is! You had said you found him to the north, but that was just the child of the hero! He's in the south! Quick! Dodge down!"

She dropped several feet, and teleported to the other window.

"It's too dangerous right now! Come back in a couple days, and I'll see if I can get some of these traps gone!"

She nodded as he started waving his hands around as if moving the air inside in a swirl. Teleporting to the throne room, she glanced over the room thoughtfully. If Brian's father wasn't actually dead, that would explain why he couldn't use his abilities. Based on his mental state, she could understand the church not wanting him to have his powers unlocked, but how did they convince him that his father was dead?

"Is everything all right?" asked Frederick, looking at her face.

"No, all of the work from our new city was destroyed, and when I left the site before coming here, it was raining so hard, I could hardly see my hand in front of my face. I need a table brought forward so we can plan out this city that we are building."

Several of the workers rushed out of the room to inform someone to bring a table. Within half an hour they had a large table set up in the middle of the throne room. Aella had drawn a rough circle with a quill. As the Master Builders gathered around with their assistants, she began to explain her idea.

"There are six noble houses left, House Lweizor, House Millspus, House Colenazzo, House Hablex, House Llorek and House Destov. I want the new city to be shaped in a rough circle, with each house getting a section of the circle. My castle will be in the middle, and they will oversee a section of the city and report to me any issues," said Aella, drawing a smaller circle in the middle of the larger one, to represent her castle, and then drawing lines outward for each of the noble houses.

"Each of these lines, cutting the sections apart, is to be a large road leading straight to the castle in the middle. I am going to see about finding a way to get the outer walls built while the nobles gather for a meeting to determine who will be in charge of which section. They will be responsible for all upkeep in their section, along with keeping the laws I enact and collecting taxes. We will work out any issues that come up as we go, but I want you, my Master Builders, to get the supplies we need gathered. I'm sure a large number of the things I took over already will still be usable. Once the outer walls are up, the workers can go to town building structures and getting the sewers in place."

"What about a source of water? This city has the river to help with water needs and flushing away waste. Will the new site have that?" asked Zack, the Head Builder.

"I do recall seeing a river, and will check it out when I have the walls built. I see no reason not to utilize it for that purpose," said Aella.

"When do you want the nobles to gather to discuss the city?" asked one of the demons there from a noble. "They are very busy trying to get everything in order for the move and would hate to waste your time being late."

"Let's plan on a light supper, nothing quite as formal as last night," she said, thinking about the feast. "I should be done with the walls by then."

There were glances back and forth between some of the people, but no one said anything. She hadn't informed anyone that she had the Hero of Earth for word to get out, other than to her Advisors, but it was entirely likely people knew she had the other heroes working for her, so they probably just assumed she had the Hero of Earth as well. All she had to do, was make sure the real Hero of Earth was obtainable and get him to do the work she needed. Hopefully he wouldn't be too old, or Brian might be acquiring his powers after all. If worst came to worst, she had Felix, too.