Chapter 112 Visions of a City Realized

Aella watched the nobles and Master Builders file out of the room, chatting to each other about things they needed and problems that might occur.

"Aella?" asked Frederick, stepping up next to her with a worried look on his face. "You look troubled. Is something wrong?"

"There's a ton of things wrong. I have pressing business before this evening's meal. Is there anything urgent that I need to deal with right this moment?"

The Advisors looked at each other, and then shook their heads.

"There is nothing that you need to deal with personally, Your Majesty," said Destov.

"Good. Be sure Edgar knows the evening meal is to be finger foods so we can get up and move around. I want the nobles to look at this map and discuss where they think things need to be in each section."

She looked at the table for a moment then teleported to the library. Bridgette was hidden behind a mountain of books and Felix was reading a book.

"Aunt Aella! How are you doing?" asked Felix. "I read what I had said for the last prophecy and was wondering if you had heard it? Bridgette thinks its nothing, but I'm worried. If the moon is going to come back and the babies born are going to be safe, what about all the pregnant demonesses now?"

"I thought about that, but aren't prophecies kind of hit and miss? Like, sometimes they are talking about past things, rather than future things? So, couldn't the moon reference be the past moon?" she asked, not sure if it was true or not.

"I suppose. But what if it's not?"

"Then we deal with it," she said with a shrug.

"Aella?" said Bridgette, her head popping up over the top of the books. What are you doing here?"

"I had a question about a creature I saw at the new city site."

"Go ahead," said Bridgette.

"It had four legs, that were tall as trees, a long neck and a long tail."

"Oh! I've heard of that before! Let me see… ah! Here!" she grabbed a book and started flipping through it. "They're called dinosaurs. The ones that you described are plant eaters, though because of their small heads, they're very stupid. I would stay away from them, just on the safe side. It says here that one is likely to step on you without even noticing."

"What other kinds of dinosaurs are there?" asked Aella, not liking that there were a lot of different kinds. Would she find them when she went back and looked more? She didn't remember seeing them.

"Here," said Bridgette, climbing out from behind the books and coming over to the desk to set the book down. Aella leaned over her shoulder to look at the book with her. Whoever had written this book had taken the time to draw pictures of the many different dinosaurs he had seen, along with a small written description of what he knew about each kind.

"There are so many," said Aella, wondering if she should just give up on her whole idea. Some of these looked deadly.

"There's more plant eaters than meat eaters," said Bridgette, turning the pages slowly. "Besides, anything that's dangerous here, isn't more dangerous than you are. Don't you have an army of assassins?"

Nodding, Aella backed away. "I have to find the Hero of Earth. I have a source that said he's to the south, and I'm pretty sure I know where."

"The Hero of Earth? I thought you already had him?" Bridgette said, confused.

"Brian is the child of the hero. His father is still alive apparently."

"Then why did the portal claim he was the hero?" Bridgette asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it recognized that he was the next hero in line. Either way, finding his father is important for the future of the new city. I need walls built far too quickly to have my workers do it."

"Good luck," said Bridgette, closing the book. "I'll leave this here in case you want to look at it again."

Nodding, Aella teleported as far south as she remembered, appearing over the ruins of the town where she had found Jogug. Looking down at the rubble, she wondered how Jogug was doing. Were the city guards getting tired of him? Was he even still alive? Deciding to worry about it later, she looked towards the south, picking out a landmark, and proceeded to teleport further and further south. Bypassing the many people, she saw making their way to the city, she finally came to the mountains. The barricade her army had tried to make was still there, but abandoned.

The path into the mountains was very clearly marked. Flying higher, so random arrows from hidden enemies wouldn't reach her, she continued south. These mountains were much higher and craggy than the ones in the north. There were more shadows and niches for things to hide in. When she finally found the portal, she had assumed was here, she was surprised to see it was built into the roof of an ornamental gate. The path continued south, to the elves and dwarves.

For a moment she was tempted to continue south, but she gave herself a shake. If she was going to find this man and get back in time, she needed to stay focused.

Scouring the walls, she looked for the same signs of a tunnel as were in the north, and she soon found one. It was partially closed, but nothing she couldn't force open with a well-placed kick. The man who was just inside, shielded his face from the pelt of crumbled rock. His grey beard was so long, it dragged on the ground.

"Are you Brian's father?" she asked, wondering if it would be safe to land on the ground.

"Who are you?" he asked in a raspy voice.

"I am the Hero of Air, sent for the Hero of Earth, since the portals have stopped working, you are to be relocated and used for a different project," she said, trying to make herself sound as if she came from the church.

"You are not from the church, they would never work with a half-demon," he said, not falling for her trick.

"How dare you insult the church by assuming to know what they would or would not do," she said, annoyed that he saw through her so quickly.

"If you are truly from the church, then tell me what happened to Father Sebastian," he said, narrowing his eyes.

She nodded. "He was going to retreat to his personal estate, and wait for the plague along the coast to resolve itself, before enacting a new search for new hero-possibles. He never made it, as he ran into a demon assassin from the Demon King."

"That can't be true," he whispered in horror, dropping his arms to his sides.

"I am sent to have you build walls for a new city that will house refugees. Only the true Hero of Earth can erect the walls quickly enough to stave off future ruin. With the winter bearing down on us, we don't have a lot of time."

"What has happened to my Brian?" he asked, stepping out of the hole he had been hiding in.

"He is awaiting future orders while the city is prepared. I believe he is quite happy with the woman he has now. He already has one son, but the woman who birthed the boy died while the child was very young. Your grandson's name is Felix."

"I would very much like to meet him," said the man. "This Felix. Is Brian still…"

"Odd? Yes. I am not sure you will be allowed to meet Felix. He has been identified as a seer."

"Oh," said the man sadly, his shoulders slumping. "If he has been identified as a seer, I don't imagine he will be allowed to be seen by anyone. Do you even know where they have him at the moment?"

"I can inquire once our work on the wall is done," said Aella, holding out a hand to the man.

He hesitated, looking at her chocolate brown skin, then laid his wrinkled hand into hers. Teleporting them to the new land, Aella looked around to make sure there weren't any dinosaurs around. The fields were barren, if still wet from the recent storm.

"That's a fascinating ability, is it from your Hero of Air?" he asked, looking at her in surprise.

"No. It is a magical item that was given to me in order to complete my duties quicker."

Nodding he pulled his sleeves up and looked around. "How big do you want the walls?"

Aella paused. She hadn't thought that far ahead. "Thirty feet tall?" she asked, wondering if that would be too tall.

"For that tall of a wall, it would have to be very thick to keep from falling over in high winds."

"Then make it ten feet thick. Will that work?" she asked.

"Do you want rooms and passages within the wall?"

"Yes, that would be best. Troops can be positioned inside the walls, in case of any attacks."

He nodded again, and turned his back on her, stomping the ground and raising his arms slowly. The ground began to shake and she watched in excitement as the wall rose before her.

Stopping when it hit 30 feet, he turned back and looked at her. "How far do you want this wall?"

"The city will be round, and will encompass miles," she said, flying him to the top of the wall. "There will need to be a castle built in the middle, surrounded by another wall."

He looked out over the land for a moment, then sighed. "Alright. Time to stretch some muscles."