Chapter 114 Can We Build It?

"When I'm done building this wall, will you let me see my son?" he asked, looking over the new section of wall he had just made.

"Yes, but he believes you're dead," Aella said as she spotted the giant dinosaurs moving in the distance.

"He does?" asked the earth hero, turning to her in shock and surprise.

"The church told him that you died and he was the new hero. He just thought his powers hadn't come in yet, or were dormant."

"I always hated the church," he grumbled, turning back to the wall and pushing his sleeves up again. "So many rules to follow and you never knew if they were telling you the truth or not."

"That's funny, because most of the other heroes have the same feelings. They hate the church," she said, watching the dinosaurs inspect the edge of the wall and move on.

"Well, there we are. The walls are complete, you have your castle, let's go see my son," said the old man.

Aella turned her attention back to the city walls and saw that they were indeed finished. She could start bringing all the humans here. Nodding, she teleported the two of them to the dining hall. Several demons were sitting at the table, eating the midday meal.

"Have Brian brought over for lunch," she said to Ernun as he stood in surprise at her appearance.

"Shall I bring you a plate?" asked Edgar as she headed for her seat.

"Yes, and prepare two for the humans as well," she said, then turned to the old man. "What is your name?"

"You may call me Rupert," he said, climbing into the tall chair.

Some of the demons that were eating when she arrived, finished their meals quickly and bowed as they left. She recognized some of them as servants of the palace. Zack, one of the Master Builders came in just then with one of his assistants and another of the Master Builders, Isaac.

"Zack, so good of you to show up at this moment," Aella called.

The demon paused as his name was called out, as he realized she was in the room, and almost seemed to debate making a run for it, before approaching her.

"Your Majesty?" he said bowing.

"I fully intend to start taking workers back to the build site after lunch. How are the supplies coming?"

"It's difficult to find workers who are willing to go after the incident last night," he said, trying to pick and choose his words carefully.

"I don't care what they are willing to do. How are the supplies?"

"The supplies are coming along slowly. We have several shipments of lumber that should be arriving within the hour, but we are short on rock for foundations."

"That won't be a problem," said Rupert, sniffing the soup Edgar set before him.

"Yes, well," he acknowledged then cleared his throat and said, "I will have the workers ready within an hour, Your Majesty."

Aella watched him bow and leave quickly, wondering if he was going to skip his meal or take it elsewhere, because he obviously wasn't intending to meet her there.

"This stew is delicious!" exclaimed Rupert, taking a careful bite and chewing it enthusiastically.

"It's my father's recipe," she said with a smile.

"Will I get to meet him some day?"

"Perhaps. There is a lot that needs to be done."

"This place we are in, is it the Demon Palace?" asked Rupert, looking around curiously.

"It is."

He was silent for a while, and she enjoyed the stew until Brian arrived with Ernun.

"Brian, I have found your father," Aella said, expecting the man to be happy.

"That isn't my father," said Brian with a shake of his head.

"That's not my son," said Rupert.

"Really?" she said, looking back and forth between the two of them.

"My father is dead," said Brian, looking at the old man with a frown.

"This appears to be my sister's son."

"How interesting," said Aella, looking back and forth at the two.

"You're my uncle?" said Brian.

"Your name is Brian? She must have named you after my boy when the church sent you up. My wife and son must be dead then," Rupert said, putting his spoon down slowly.

"And here I was, thinking I had a happy ending. What a mess!" muttered Aella, shaking her head at the revelation.

"Thank you for trying," sighed the old man, wiping his face and picking up the spoon again.

"May I return to my wife?" asked Brian, still looking unhappy with everything.

"Yes, you may," said Aella, waving her hand at him.

"He certainly acts like my Brian. Oh well. I will go back with your workers and work on the foundations of the buildings they will be building. I've not had this much fun using my abilities in a long time."

"I greatly appreciate your cooperation," said Aella, grateful for her luck with all of the heroes.

"I will insist on getting to stay in your castle and eating at your table, though I think a more comfortable chair is in order."

"You don't want to stay in the human city, with the other heroes?" she asked, surprised.

"I might go visit, but honestly, I like the idea of being a guest of the Demon King."

She looked at him thoughtfully and nodded. "Fair enough."

Once they had finished their meal, she took him down to the front hall to look over the materials that had been brought in. The stack was pitiful.

"Why is there so little material here?" she asked one of the workers.

"Most of the lumber was used on the warehouses," he responded.

Aella nodded. That made sense.

"Grab your hammers, everyone," she called out, getting all of the worker's attentions. "Head down to the warehouses and take them apart. I want boards stacked, ready for me to take over to the build site. The quicker you get it done, the sooner you can get to work building the shelter you will be sleeping in tonight."

There were some quiet murmurs, but she chose to ignore them. Turning to the old man beside her, she held out a hand, and teleported him with what she could of the materials.

"Shall I wait here, then?" he asked, looking around.

"Might as well. You're out of the way, and safe from attack."

He nodded and formed himself a chair to recline on. Shaking her head in amusement, Aella teleported back. The small pile in the front hall was soon moved and she headed over to the warehouses to check them out. An argument was going on between some of the workers and some people who were apparently trying to live in them.

"We were told to stay here until something else could open up!" howled the demoness, clutching a child to her that looked terrified.

"The king has ordered we dismantle these buildings," contended the worker, flushed and angry.

"He's right," said Aella, moving up to the woman. "Is that your only child?"

"No! The king had my other two taken to the orphanage, because I didn't have a place to stay!" she growled, obviously not realizing who she was talking to.

"What job do you have right now?" continued Aella, wondering if the demoness would figure out who she was talking to, or even cared.

"Job? Do I look like I have a job?! I have a baby on my hip and my husband is probably dead somewhere on some god-forsaken battle field, and you ask if I have a job?!"

Aella nodded, turning to the worker who had stepped back and was staring intently at the ground, "Take this child to the orphanage, until his mother can work off her debt to the crown."

"What?!" screamed the enraged demoness, clinging to her child.

"For acting in an abhorrent manner to the king, your child is being taken from you and you have been relegated to hard labor," said Ernun, walking up to them as fast as he could.

"The King?!" gulped the demoness, her grip on her child lessening in her horror enough the worker was able to snatch it away.

"Grab a hammer," growled Aella, forming a black sword, "Or I will leave all of your children as true orphans."

"When will I get them back?" whispered the demoness, watching her baby disappear in the crowd on its way to the orphanage.

"When I declare your work to the crown finished. Now move!" declared Aella.

Stumbling as a hammer was shoved into her hand, she was pushed over to the workers who were busily trying not to draw attention to themselves.

"Ernun, wonderful timing. What could possibly have brought you to my side?" she asked, watching the workers dismantle the warehouses.

"Your Majesty, people are pouring into the city faster than we can place them. What do you want us to do?"

"Hand them tools and tell them to get to work. Since we don't have the materials to take over ready, we're going to start dismantling this city, and take it over, piece by piece."

As the wall of the warehouse came loose in one large piece, Aella touched it and teleported it over. Why build it over when it was already complete?